Installing the Administration Server

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Appendix B: Changing the Administrator Password

This section describes how to change the ALES administrator password.



Perform the following steps to change the default password for the ALES administrator:

  1. In the Entitlements Management Tool’s left pane, expand the Identity node and select the asi directory.
  2. In the right pane, select the Users tab. Then select the user named system and click Modify User at the bottom of the pane.
  3. On the Modify User window, enter the current and new passwords and click OK. Then save your changes.
  4. If WebLogic is the servlet container:
    • open in .../ales30-admin/asiDomain/servers/asiAdminServer/security/ and replace the encrypted password with the new password value.
    • run asipassword utility in .../ales30-shared/bin to encrypt and save the password.
    • Example: asipassword system ../keys/password.xml ../keys/password.key

      For further details, see information about the asipassword utility.

  5. Restart the Administration Server.

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