Installing the Administration Server

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This chapter contains the following sections:


Obtaining the Installation Program

To obtain the installation program:

  1. Open a browser and go to the ALES download site.
  2. Click the AquaLogic Enterprise Security 3.0 link.
  3. On the next page, click the AquaLogic Enterprise Security Administration Application 3.0 link.
  4. On the next page, select the operating system from the OS Platform field and click Select>>.
  5. On the remaining pages, complete as appropriate and download the file.


Installation Steps

To install the ALES Administration Server:

  1. Shut down any ALES processes on the machine and launch the install program using one of the options described below:
  2. Platform
    Start ales300admin_win32.exe
    Sun Solaris
    1. Change the protection on the install file by entering: chmod u+x ales300admin_solaris32.bin
    2. Enter: ./ales300admin_solaris32.bin
    Red Hat
    1. Change the protection on the install file by entering: chmod u+x ales300admin_linux.bin
    2. Enter: ./ales300admin_linux.bin


    • (UNIX, Linux) If there is not enough temporary space, use add –<path>
    • (UNIX, Linux) The installation program loads in GUI mode if the machine supports Java-based GUI. Otherwise, it starts in console mode.
  3. Complete the installation prompts as described in the following table:
  4. Table 4-1 Administration Server Installation 
    In this Window:
    Perform this Action:
    Click Next.
    BEA License Agreement
    Click Yes and then Next.
    Choose BEA Home Directory
    Select the default BEA home or use the Browse button to specify a different one. Then click Next.
    Choose Product Installation Directories
    This window carries forward the BEA home specified on the previous window. Accept this value and click Next.
    NOTE: If an earlier ALES version is detected, a window asks if you want to upgrade. To do so, click Next and see Upgrading from Earlier Versions.
    Choose Service Control Manager Directory
    Accept the provided location and click Next.
    Choose Application Server
    Select the server type from the Web Server Type dropdown list.
    If you select Tomcat, also complete the Web Server Installation Directory field by navigating to and selecting the Tomcat directory. Then click Next
    Warning: The Tomcat directory name cannot contain spaces.
    Choose Network Interfaces
    Select the IP address checkbox used to listen for requests to distribute policy and configuration data and click Next.
    • IPV6 is not supported.
    • For machines with multiple network cards, select an internal address to avoid exposing the SCM through a public address.
    Configure Administration Application
    HTTP Port (7000)—HTTP port for the application server’s (WebLogic or Tomcat) administration console.
    SSL Port (7010)—HTTPS port for the Administration Server.
    WARNING: The port specified must be the first of five consecutive ports reserved for use by ALES. Failure to reserve these ports for ALES will prevent connection between ALES components.
    CA Duration—Years the certificate remains in effect.
    Configure Database Connection
    Database client—Select the type from the dropdown list.
    JDBC URL—Replace the bracketed values. These vary by database type:

    <SERVER>—name/IP address of the database machine

    <PORT>—port number where the database listener is running

    <INSTANCE>—instance name to connect to on <server>

    <SID>—database SID of database

    JDBC driver—Accept the default
    Driver location—If required, browse to and select the directory.
    Login ID—user created using the database setup script described in Database Setup.
    Password—user password.
    Install Database Schema—Accept the default to install the schema unless you are installing the server as a failover server.
    When you click Next, the JDBC connection is tested. If unsuccessful, you are re-prompted for the information.
    Key Protection Password Selection
    Generate Random Password—select to randomly generate key passwords for ALES components.
    Advanced Password Configuration—select this option if you want to specify these passwords. Then supply the passwords as prompted.
    These options are equally secure. The only reason for specifying your own passwords is that they are required to decrypt SCM and SSM cache files, which may be useful for debugging.
    Choose JDK
    The installation auto-selects a JDK. Accept this value or specify a different one.

  5. On the Installation Complete window, click Done. If you selected to install the schema, a script will perform the following actions:
    • Create database tables and ALES objects
    • Load ALES objects for starting the Administration Server.
    • Start the SCM and Administration Server
    • Load the ALES administration policy

When the script completes, you may open the administration tools (see Starting the Administration Tools).

Note: If you did not install the schema and need to do so separately, see Installing the Policy Database Schema.


Upgrading from Earlier Versions

If the installation program detects a previous version of the Administration Server on the machine, a window asks if you want to run the upgrade wizard.

Note: The upgrade wizard launches only when running the installation in GUI mode.

To upgrade, you run the wizard to completion. After the wizard finishes, you must start the Administration Server and execute a script that adds policies to the database.

To perform the upgrade:

  1. When you see the Run Upgrade Wizard checkbox on the installation window, select it and click Done. This launches the wizard.
  2. On the initial window, click Next. A window displays status messages and then closes when the upgrade completes.
  3. Start the Administration Server.
  4. Run upgrade_policies.bat|sh script located in BEA_HOME/ales30-admin/upgrade.

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