SSM Installation and Configuration Guide

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Configuring the Oracle SSM

The Oracle SSM makes use of a feature in Oracle 10g called Fine Grained Access Control (FGAC). FGAC allows an Oracle customer to define access policies to restrict access to database tables for DML operations.

FGAC is used to intercept DML queries on protected tables and filter the result sets based on user entitlements stored in ALES. The Web Service SSM Client Library is used to invoke Authorization queries.

This section describes how to configure and run the Oracle SSM.




Steps to Create and Configure the Oracle SSM

  1. Make sure all Administration Server and WebService SSM services have been started.
  2. If the enrollment process has not been performed for the BEA_HOME that this SSM belongs to, then:
    1. Run the enroll tool, as described in Enrollment. You can use demo mode.
    2. Include the password for system in the encrypted password.xml by running the following in the ales30-shared/bin directory:
    3. asipassword.bat|sh system ../keys/password.xml ../keys/password.key

  3. Create an Oracle SSM instance that matches what is listed in ALES30_SSM/oracle-ssm/examples/OracleSSM/
  4. To do this, use ALES30_SSM/oracle-ssm/adm/instancewizard.cmd|sh.

  5. Open a shell window and change directory to ORACLE_SSM_INSTANCE/bin.
  6. If required, update JAVA_HOME in ORACLE_SSM_INSTANCE/bin/set-env.bat|sh.
  7. Execute ORACLE_SSM_INSTANCE/bin/setupOracleSSM.bat|sh in the shell window. Substitute your actual values for each field.
  8.         setupOracleSSM.bat|sh 
            -jdbc_url <JDBC_URL> 
            -oracle_home <c:/oracle/products/10.2.0/db2>
            -db_sys_user <system> 
            -db_sys_password <password> 
            -ales_ssm_home <c:/bea/ales30-ssm>
            -ws_ssm_instance_dir <c:/bea/ales30-ssm/webservice-ssm/instance/ssmws>
            -db_user <ales_ora_user>  
            -db_password <password>
            -load_example_table <true>
    Note: If a password is not provided, the tool prompts for one. The password entry does not echo.
Note: Default values are assigned for keys/properties when values are unspecified.
  1. Open a shell window and change the directory to ales30-ssm/oracle-ssm/examples/OracleSSM.
  2. Update and then execute set-env.bat|sh.
  3. Run ant dist config load.
  4. In ALES Administration Console, perform the following steps:
    1. Go to SSM Configuration of the Web Service SSM and click on Authentication -> FGACIdentityAsserter.
    2. On the Details tab page enter the Key value which is the value of secret property defined inside ORACLE_HOME\ssm-properties\
    3. Click Apply.

    4. Go to Deployment. On Configuration tab page, distribute configuration.
    5. Restart Web Service SSM instance.
  5. Update ales30-ssm/oracle-ssm/examples/OracleSSM/ to reflect your {jdbcUrl,schemaName,queryType,query} settings
  6. Run run.bat|sh to execute client.

Sample Oracle Client Run-Result

Listing 6-1 shows a sample test result for a queryType of select, update, and delete.

Listing 6-1 Sample Oracle Client Run Result
	Properties loaded from file : ./
	Database URL : jdbc:oracle:thin:@
	User Name : smysore3
	User Password : password
	User (of database connection) : SMYSORE3
	ClientIdentifier : smysore3
	Query Type [select/update/delete] : select
	Query : select * from cust_payment_info
	Executing SELECT query...
	Last Name, First Name : White,Chris
	Properties loaded from file : ./
	Database URL : jdbc:oracle:thin:@
	User Name : smysore3
	User Password : password
	User (of database connection) : SMYSORE3
	ClientIdentifier : smysore3
	Query Type [select/update/delete] : update
	Query : UPDATE cust_payment_info set first_name = 'Test' where first_name='Alan'
	Executing UPDATE query...
	0 rows updated
	Properties loaded from file : ./
	Database URL : jdbc:oracle:thin:@
	User Name : smysore3
	User Password : password
	User (of database connection) : SMYSORE3
	ClientIdentifier : smysore3
	Query Type [select/update/delete] : delete
	Query : DELETE from cust_payment_info where first_name='Alan'
	Executing DELETE query...
	0 rows deleted

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