SSM Installation and Configuration Guide

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Running an SSM Without an SCM

This section provides information and instructions for running an SSM without an SCM.



An SCM is responsible for storing and maintaining the configuration data for all SSMs running on a machine. An SSM receives its configuration data from the SCM at startup and whenever a configuration change is made and distributed from the Administration Server. The SCM receives and caches the updated information, and provides it to the SSM when it is restarted.

Tip: The term ’configuration’ is used in its restrictive sense here and refers only to the SCM, SSM, and the SSM’s security providers. It does not refer to policy data.

An SSM can run without an SCM by obtaining its configuration information from data that is exported from the ALES database using the PolicyIX tool. This tool allows you to export configuration data to an XML file that is read by the SSM when it is restarted.



Choosing How to Run the SSM

Use the following criteria when deciding whether to use an SCM or exported configuration data:


Installing An SSM Without An SCM

During the SSM installation process, the Centralized Configuration of Security Providers window displays, as shown in Figure 9-1. When you clear the Allow centralized configuration... checkbox, the SSM will not use an SCM.

Figure 9-1 Disabling an SCM


Exporting Configuration Data

Perform the following steps to export an SSM’s configuration data using the PolicyIX tool:

Note: Complete information about PolicyIX commands is provided in the PolicyIX section of the Administration Reference.
  1. In the BEA_HOME/ales30-admin/bin directory, enter the following command:
  2. policyIX.bat <exportID> -exportConfig policyIX_config.xml

    where <exportID> is the name of the SSM configuration to export.

    Two files will be generated in the bin directory: wles.securityrealm.xml and wles.securityrealm.xml.sig.

  3. Copy the two files to the SSM instance’s bin directory.
  4. For example, for an WLS 8.1 SSM instance name of WLS8Domain, copy the files to BEA_HOME/ales30-ssm/wls8/WLS8Domain/bin.

  5. Restart the SSM and ignore the instructions about starting the SCM.
  6. Repeat these steps whenever the SSM’s configuration is updated in the Administration Server.

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