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Format Builder

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Big Endian

Non-XML, format where most significant byte has the lowest address. This format is used on IBM 370 and most RISC designs.

COBOL Copybook Importer

Reads a COBOL Copybook and generates a message format reflecting the data structure of the COBOL Copybook.

Code Page

In the context of this documentation, the character encoding of the field data.


A common piece of source code designed to be copied into many source programs, used mainly in IBM DOS mainframe programming. In mainframe DOS (DOS/VS, DOS/VSE, etc.), the copybook was stored as a "book" in a source library. A library was comprised of "books", prefixed with a letter designating the language, (e.g., for Assembler, for Cobol, etc.), because DOS did not support multiple or private libraries. This term is commonly used by COBOL programmers, but is supported by most mainframe languages. The IBM OS series did not use the term "copybook"; instead it referred to such files as "libraries" implemented as "partitioned data sets" or PDS.

Copybooks are functionally equivalent to C and C++ include files.

Data Transformation

In the context of this documentation, data transformation is the term used to describe the mapping of data in one format to another format. An example would be mapping an instance of a RosettaNet document to an instance of a ebXML document.


A sequence of bytes that denote the end of a field or group of data.

Document Type Definition (DTD)

Defines what content can exist in an XML document. DTDs are part of the W3C XML Specification 1.0.


A sequence of bytes that are interpreted by an application as a unit of data.


A set of fields and/or groups that are to be treated as having a unifying relationship.

Group Choice

A group comprised of fields or other groups that are mutually exclusive in the actual non-XML data.

Little Endian

Non-XML format in which bytes at lower address have lower significance. This format is used on Intel and VAX processors.

Message Format

The description of a non-XML format produced by Format Builder.

Message Format Language (MFL)

An XML language created by BEA that describes the native representation and hierarchy of non-XML data. MFL is an XML description of non-XML data.


Data that is used to describe other data. Message Formats created using Format Builder are the metadata used to parse non-XML data.

MFL Character Encoding

Specifying the character encoding of the non-XML data for each field and defining the format that your MFL document and XML output will take.

Non-XML Data

Any structured data that does not use an XML syntax to represent its format. Format Builder allows you to specify a schema for non-XML documents, much like the XML schema standard allows you to specify a schema for XML documents.


A group or field that relies on a prior definition to determine its name, type, and termination attributes.

XML - Extensible Markup Language

Data format that is easily read and manipulated by both humans and computers; data and metadata are both included in the data, to provide a standard self-describing syntax for representing information. XML is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard.

XML schema

An XML document that defines what can be in an XML document. A XML schema definition is more specific than a DTD and provides much finer-grained control over the content that can exist in an XML document.


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