Interface DeploymentMBean

All Superinterfaces:

public interface DeploymentMBean

This MBean allows clients to obtain/deploy Service Bus configuration information from/to a Service Bus domain. Service Bus configuration is packaged as a simple jar file. The jar file contains Service Bus artifacts, such as proxy services, WSDLs, Business Services etc. The configuration jar file can span multiple projects, and may contain partial configuration information. For example, the user can export just a subset of a project, a whole project, or subsets of resources from many projects. There is no restriction on what the configuration jar file may contain. An end-to-end deployment scenario typically proceeds as follows:

Obtaining DeploymentMBean

The following code sample shows how to obtain DeploymentMBean assuming you already have an MBean Server connection:

 // obtain mbean server connection
 MBeanServerConnection mbconn = ...

 // first obtain the WLS DomainRuntimeServiceMBean
 DomainRuntimeServiceMBean serviceMBean = (DomainRuntimeServiceMBean) MBeanServerInvocationHandler.
     newProxyInstance(mbconn, new ObjectName(DomainRuntimeServiceMBean.OBJECT_NAME));

 // then obtain Service Bus DeploymentMBean
 DeploymentMBean mbean = (DeploymentMBean)
     serviceMBean.findService(DeploymentMBean.NAME, DeploymentMBean.TYPE, null);


Exporting configuration

DeploymentMBean provides two different API, export and exportAll for exporting configuration data. The export method allows the user to export a targeted set of resources, whereas exportAll exports all the resources in a Service Bus domain. Both methods have two versions (with slightly different signatures).

One version returns a byte array that make up the contents of the exported jar file (See export(String[], Ref[], boolean) and exportAll()). The caller of these methods can simply save the byte array in any file, or simply pass it as import data to another Service Bus domain.

The second version (export(File, String[], Ref[], boolean) and exportAll(File)) simply passes a File object as an argument to these methods, so that the contents of the exported jar is saved into the given file. You can use this version only when the client invoking the mbean and the Admin server are on the same physical machine.

Export api always exports the definitions from the core state as opposed to a session. This is the state which the server runs on.

The following example uses the first version to export all the resources in project A, and one addition service outside project A.

 Ref myServiceRef = Ref.makeServiceRef(myProject, "myService");
 byte[] bytes = mbean.export(new String[] {"A"}, new Ref[] {myServiceRef}, true);

Importing Configuration

Similar to Exporting configuration, the import API accept either File or byte array as arguments. Unlike export API, the import API imports configuration into a session, rather than directly into core state. You can open a session, import as many configuration into the session as you want, perform modifications, and then commit the session. The following example shows a simple scenario.

 // first obtain a session
 String session = mbean.openImportSession();

 // then import into session only the resources that are in project A
 mbean.importIntoSession(session, bytes, new String[] {"A"}, null);

 // then replace the substring 'localhost' in the
 // service URIs with string 'productionhost'
 int numReplaced = mbean.findAndReplaceEnvValues(session,

 // finally submit
 if (mbean.isSessionReadyForCommit(session)) {
 } else {
     // notify the user. When this happens the user has to log in to the
     // Service Bus console and see what errors exist with the session
     System.out.println("There are problems with the imported file.");
     System.out.pritln("Session " + session + "cannot be committed.");


Field Summary
static String NAME
static String TYPE
Method Summary
 void commitImportSession(String session)
          Commits the given session, effectively saving the contents of the session to the core state.
 void discardImportSession(String session)
          Discards the given session.
 void export(File jarfile, String[] projects, Ref[] resources, boolean includeDependencies)
          Convenience method for exporting resources to the given jar file.
 byte[] export(String[] projects, Ref[] resources, boolean includeDependencies)
          Exports resources and returns the contents of the jar file.
 byte[] exportAll()
          Exports all resources in the domain the jar file.
 void exportAll(File jarfile)
          Convenience method for exporting all resources in the domain to the given jar file.
 int findAndReplaceEnvValues(String session, String envValueType, String stringToReplace, String replacement)
          changes environment values by finding strings within them and replacing the substrings with the given replacement.
 void importIntoSession(String session, byte[] contentsOfJarFile)
          Imports all resources that are contained in the given jar file into a session
 void importIntoSession(String session, byte[] contentsOfJarFile, String[] projects, Ref[] resources)
          Imports selected resources from the given jar file into a session.
 void importIntoSession(String session, File jarfile)
          Convenience method for importing selected resources that are contained in the given jar file into a session
 void importIntoSession(String session, File jarfile, String[] projects, Ref[] resources)
          Convenience method for importing selected resources from the given jar file into a session.
 boolean isSessionReadyForCommit(String session)
          Returns true if the session has no conflicts and can be committed successfully.
 String openImportSession()
          Opens a session for staging one or more configuration jar files.
Methods inherited from interface
getName, getParentService, getType

Field Detail


static final String NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String TYPE
Method Detail


byte[] export(String[] projects,
              Ref[] resources,
              boolean includeDependencies)
              throws Exception
Exports resources and returns the contents of the jar file. The response can be saved into a jar file verbatim.

projects - projects to export. This is a convenience parameter for exporting all resources in a particular project without having to enumerate the resources. This argument can be null or empty array.
resources - resources to export along with any resources that are exported as a result of exporting projects. This argument can be used to export resources selectively without having to export a whole project
includeDependencies - if true, all resources that are required by the resources explicitly given are also exported.
the byte contents of the jar that is created


byte[] exportAll()
                 throws Exception
Exports all resources in the domain the jar file. The response can be saved into a jar file verbatim.



void exportAll(File jarfile)
               throws Exception
Convenience method for exporting all resources in the domain to the given jar file. This method should only be used if the caller is on the same physical machine as the admin server.

jarfile - the jar file where the exported data will be stored


void export(File jarfile,
            String[] projects,
            Ref[] resources,
            boolean includeDependencies)
            throws Exception
Convenience method for exporting resources to the given jar file. This method should only be used if the caller is on the same physical machine as the admin server. The contents of the jar file is obtained from the jarfile argument on the server.

See Also:
export(String[], com.bea.wli.config.Ref[], boolean)


String openImportSession()
                         throws Exception
Opens a session for staging one or more configuration jar files. One can open multiple sessions and interact with them separately.

the name of the session that is opened. THis session name should be passed to other methods that require a session name


boolean isSessionReadyForCommit(String session)
                                throws Exception
Returns true if the session has no conflicts and can be committed successfully. Returns false otherwise.

session - name of the session


void commitImportSession(String session)
                         throws Exception
Commits the given session, effectively saving the contents of the session to the core state. The session is automatically discarded after the commit finishes, regardless of the success status.

session - name of the session.
Exception - if the commit fails.


void discardImportSession(String session)
                          throws Exception
Discards the given session.

session - name of the session


void importIntoSession(String session,
                       File jarfile,
                       String[] projects,
                       Ref[] resources)
                       throws Exception
Convenience method for importing selected resources from the given jar file into a session.

session - the name of the session to import into
jarfile - the jar file to import
projects - projects whose resources will be imported into session. This is a convenience argument for importing all the resources in a project.
resources - resources that will be imported into the session, in addition to any resources that are already imported via the projects argument.
Exception - if the given projects or resources are not found, or if the import fails due to another reason.


void importIntoSession(String session,
                       File jarfile)
                       throws Exception
Convenience method for importing selected resources that are contained in the given jar file into a session

session - the name of the session to import into.
jarfile - the name of the jar file
Exception - if the import fails.


void importIntoSession(String session,
                       byte[] contentsOfJarFile,
                       String[] projects,
                       Ref[] resources)
                       throws Exception
Imports selected resources from the given jar file into a session.

session - the name of the session to import into
contentsOfJarFile - byte contents of the jar file that is being imported
projects - projects whose resources will be imported into session. This is a convenience argument for importing all the resources in a project.
resources - resources that will be imported into the session, in addition to any resources that are already imported via the projects argument.
Exception - if the given projects or resources are not found, or if the import fails due to another reason.


void importIntoSession(String session,
                       byte[] contentsOfJarFile)
                       throws Exception
Imports all resources that are contained in the given jar file into a session

session - the name of the session to import into.
contentsOfJarFile - byte contents of the jar file that is being imported
Exception - if the import fails.


int findAndReplaceEnvValues(String session,
                            String envValueType,
                            String stringToReplace,
                            String replacement)
                            throws Exception
changes environment values by finding strings within them and replacing the substrings with the given replacement.

session - the name of the session in which to perform substitutions
envValueType - the type of environment values to change.
stringToReplace - substring to replace
replacement - the replacement string.
number of environment value instances that are affected