Interoperability Solutions for JMS and WebSphere MQ

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Interoperability with WebSphere MQ

The following sections outline how AquaLogic Service Bus connects to WebSphere MQ and presents an overview of some message types used in communication between WebSphere MQ and AquaLogic Service Bus. Tuning guidelines for WebSphere MQ are also provided.


Using WebSphere MQ in AquaLogic Service Bus

AquaLogic Service Bus connects to WebSphere MQ via the WebSphere MQ JMS interface. That is, AquaLogic Service Bus is a WebSphere MQ JMS client.

WebLogic Server's foreign JMS server specifies the initial context factory, connection factory, and queue to the WebSphere MQ server. For details, see Configuring Foreign Server Resources to Access Third-Party JMS Providers in Configuring and Managing WebLogic JMS.

WebSphere MQ JMS supports two transport types:

If the WebSphere MQ JMS client is running on the same physical machine as the queue manager, it is possible to set the transport type to BINDINGS. Otherwise, you can use only the CLIENT type.

WebSphere MQ can interface with AquaLogic Service Bus in two ways:

AquaLogic Service Bus is configured in the AquaLogic Service Bus Console, which is described in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.


Messaging Types

The following sections provide an overview of messaging types:

Non-Persistent Messaging

If you decide to accept an unreliable delivery, such as some missing requests, you can use non-persistent messages where appropriate. WebSphere MQ logging and WebLogic JMS message persistence are only performed for persistent messages; therefore, the use of non-persistent messages eliminates any related I/O activity.

Note: Non-persistent message throughput is usually limited by the processor speed of the machine. However, in case of a shortage of physical memory, the server system may consume CPU cycles on a paging I/O.

Non-XA Persistent Messaging

WebSphere MQ persistent message throughput is usually limited by the queue manager and the I/O latency writing to the log.

XA Messaging

To enable support for transactional (XA) access to queues, use BINDINGS to access the queue manager when AquaLogic Service Bus is co-located with IBM WebSphere MQ and CLIENT when AquaLogic Service Bus and IBM WebSphere MQ are on different machines. However, with "CLIENT", you need a special version of the IBM WebSphere MQ client that supports XA transactions, called the WebSphere MQ Extended Transaction Client.


Tuning WebSphere MQ

The following guidelines help you tune WebSphere MQ when you are working with AquaLogic Service Bus. For detailed WebSphere MQ information, refer to relevant WebSphere MQ documentation.

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