Interoperability Support Matrix

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Interoperability Matrix

AquaLogic Service Bus is an Enterprise-class Service Bus designed for connecting, mediating and managing interactions between heterogeneous services. AquaLogic Service Bus helps accelerate service configuration, integration and deployment, and simplifies management of shared services across the SOA.

AquaLogic Service Bus supports broad compliance with messaging standards including SOAP 1.1, HTTP, JMS, SMTP/POP/IMAP, FTP, SSL, XML 1.0, XML Schema, WSDL 1.1, WSRP 1.0, and WS-Security.

This section includes information about AquaLogic Service Bus interoperability. It includes the following topics:


Summary of Interoperability

The following table summarizes the versions of the platforms, standards, FTP servers, and so on, that are certified to interoperate with AquaLogic Service Bus.

Table 1-1 AquaLogic Service Bus Interoperability Matrix
AquaLogic Service Bus Interoperates With . . .
Version . . .
For More Information . . .
FTP and Email Servers
  • Microsoft Windows IIS
  • Sol/Apache
Security Providers
  • WebLogic Server 9.x (for providers, except XACML authorization provider)
  • WebLogic Server 9.2 XACML authorization provider
Web Service Standards
  • SOAP 1.1
  • WSDL 1.1
  • WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP4 or later (except security)
  • WS-Security using WebLogic Server 9.x
  • WebLogic Server 9.x WS-Policy
  • WS-I
  • 1.0 and 1.1
  • 1.0
  • 2.0
  • WebLogic Server 9.x JMS
  • IBM WebSphere MQ/JMS 5.3
  • MQ Extended transactional client
  • Tibco Enterprise Messaging Service 4.2
  • Oracle and later patch sets of 9.2.x
  • Oracle and later patch sets of 10.1.x
  • PointBase 5.1 (in development mode, and non cluster environments only)
  • DB2 8.2 FixPak2 (equivalent to 8.1 FixPak 9) and later FixPaks
  • SQL Server 2000 SP3+
  • Sybase 12.5.03 and later patch levels of 12.5.x
. . about databases and drivers, see
Supported Database Configurations in Supported Configurations for AquaLogic Service Bus
Microsoft .NET
  • 1.1
Apache Axis
  • 1.2.1
WebLogic JMS
  • WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP4 or later
WebLogic Platform
  • WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP4 or later
WebLogic Integration
  • WebLogic Integration 8.1.x
IBM WebSphere MQ
  • 6.0
AquaLogic Service Registry
  • 2.1
Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP)
  • 1.0
BEA Tuxedo/WebLogic Tuxedo Connector
  • 8.1/9.0
iWay 5.5 adapters—over Web Services
  • 5.5
Cyclone Interchange—over JMS
  • 5.4
This is a password protected Web site—contact your BEA Sales Representative about the Cyclone Interchange product


FTP and Email Servers

AquaLogic Service Bus is certified against the following FTP and Email servers:


Security Providers

AquaLogic Service Bus is certified against the following security providers:

For more information about managing and configuring AquaLogic Service Bus security, see AquaLogic Service Bus Security Guide.

Note: The defaults for WebLogic Server 9.2 are the XACML Authorization provider and XACML Role Mapping provider.


Web Service Standards

AquaLogic Service Bus is certified against the following Web Service standards:


AquaLogic Service Bus includes WS-I compliance. However, in some cases, AquaLogic Service Bus does not reject SOAP/HTTP messages that are not WS-I compliant. This enables you to build implementations with service endpoints which are not strictly WS-I compliant.

When you configure a proxy service or business service, you can use the AquaLogic Service Bus Console to specify whether you want AquaLogic Service Bus to enforce WS-I compliance for the service. When you configure WS-I compliance for a proxy service, WS-I compliance checks are performed when the proxy service receives a message as a response from an invoked service with a Service Callout, a route node, or on a proxy service.

For information about the types of messages to which the compliance checks are applied and the nature of those checks, see "WS-I Compliance" in Modeling Message Flow in AquaLogic Service Bus in the AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.


HTTP Standards

AquaLogic Service Bus is certified against the following HTTP protocols:


XPath and XQuery

AquaLogic Service Bus is certified against the following protocols:



AquaLogic Service Bus is certified against the following JMS implementations:



For complete information about supported databases and drivers, see Supported Database Configurations in Supported Configurations for AquaLogic Service Bus.


Platform Interoperability

AquaLogic Service Bus is certified to interoperate with the platforms described in the following table.

Table 1-2 AquaLogic Service Bus Platform Interoperability1
WS-* and JMS interoperability with WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP4 or later (except for WS-Security)
For information about AquaLogic Service Bus and JMS interoperability, see AquaLogic Service Bus Interoperability Solutions for JMS and WebSphere MQ.
Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) with BEA WebLogic Portal 8.1 and 9.2
For information about AquaLogic Service Bus and WSRP interoperability, see AquaLogic Service Bus Interoperability Solutions for WSRP.
MQ event generator and control in WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP4 or later
BEA Tuxedo
For information about AquaLogic Service Bus and BEA Tuxedo interoperability, see AquaLogic Service Bus Interoperability Solution for Tuxedo.
Apache Axis 1.2.1
IBM WebSphere MQ 6.0
BEA AquaLogic Service Registry 2.1
To learn about importing and exporting business services from and to UDDI Registries in general, and AquaLogic Service Registry in particular, see UDDI in the AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.
To learn about AquaLogic Service Registry, see the product documentation at the following URL:
Microsoft .NET 1.1
Style-encoding: document-literal, rpc-encoded
  • AquaLogic Service Bus supports document-literal and interoperates with .NET services.
  • AquaLogic Service Bus interoperates with .NET rpc-encoded services in cases of inbound and outbound (routing/publish). In these cases, interoperability is possible regardless of parameter types.
  • AquaLogic Service Bus Service Callouts may fail to interoperate with .NET rpc-encoded services.
Note: DIME attachments is not supported by AquaLogic Service Bus.
.NET 1.1 Security Configurations Limitations
The following security configurations in the .NET 1.1 framework are not interoperable with the AquaLogic Service Bus message-level security:
  • Signing the message body from WebLogic to .NET WSE 2.0 (Webservices Security Extension) is interoperable. However, by default, WSE requires additional headers—for example, WS-Addressing and timestamp. Therefore, to make AquaLogic Service Bus message-level security for .NET Web services interoperable, you must remove all of the message predicate other than the message body from .NET security policy configuration
  • To ensure AquaLogic Service Bus interoperability with .NET, the replay detection attribute, <replayDetection>, must be set to disabled on the .NET side.

1See the BEA AquaLogic Service Bus Release Notes for the latest information about patches or updates that may be required to support your interoperability scenarios.

2AquaLogic Service Bus is not certified to interoperate with WebLogic Platform 7.0.

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