Interoperability Solutions for
Web Services Remote Portlets (WSRP)

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WSRP Producers and Consumers

WSRP Architecture

Basic Architecture

Enhanced Architecture with AquaLogic Service Bus

WSRP Design Concepts


WSRP Messages

Configuring AquaLogic Service Bus for WSRP

Getting the Producer WSDL

Routing Messages Between the Consumer and Producer

Monitoring WSRP Applications

Monitoring for Proxy Services

Monitoring for Business Services

Load Balancing and Failover

WSRP Interoperability Example

Example Prerequisites

Example Projects and Folders

Monitoring Example

Step 1: Define WSDL Resources

Step 2: Create Business Services

Step 3: Create the Proxy Services

Step 4: Retrieve the WSDL from the Producer

Step 4.1: Create the Business Service to Retrieve the WSDL

Step 4.2: Create an XQuery Expression to Construct URLs

Step 4.3: Create a No-Op Proxy Service

Step 4.4: Create a Common Proxy Service to Retrieve the WSDL

Step 5: Test the Configuration

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