
Interface Summary
Headers This class is used for managing headers (specifically RFC822-style headers).
Headers.Header Represents an RFC822 header.
SingleUseSource Primarily a marker interface indicating that a type of Source that can only be consumed once.
Source An instance of this interface represents source content in some form.
Transformer The Transformer interface Instances of this class are used to transform one type of Source to another.

Class Summary
AttachmentsSource Source representing a set of attachments.
ByteArraySource A byte-stream Source whose content comes from a byte array.
DOMSource Document Object Model (DOM) Source

A Source whose content comes from a DOM node.

MessageContextSource Source that represents all message content.
MFLSource This class represents MFL content.
MimeSource Source representing arbitrary content with headers.
SAAJSource An implementation of Source that is backed by a SAAJ SOAPMessage object.
StreamSource A byte-stream Source whose content comes from an InputStream.
StringSource A Source that is backed by a single String.
TransformOptions Class used to represent a set of transformation options.
XmlObjectSource Apache XBean Source Source content is represented as an Apache XBean.

Exception Summary
TransformException Represents a Transformation error TODO: probably need error code/details parts