Security Guide

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Using Web Services Policy to Specify Inbound Message-Level Security

To express the inbound message-level security requirements for a proxy service or business service that is a Web service, you use the Web Services Policy (WS-Policy) framework. The following sections describe configuring WS-Policy for proxy services and business services:


About Web Services Policy

Web Services Policy (WS-Policy) is a standards-based framework for defining a Web service's security constraints and requirements. It expresses security constraints and requirements in a collection of XML statements called policies, each of which contains one or more assertions.

In AquaLogic Service Bus, WS-Policy assertions are used to specify a Web service's requirements for digital signatures and encryption, along with the security algorithms and authentication mechanisms that it requires.

Because the WS-Policy specification has not been fully standardized, AquaLogic Service Bus supports a WebLogic Server-proprietary format that is based on the assertions described in the December 18, 2002 version of the Web Services Security Policy Language (WS-SecurityPolicy) specification. This release of AquaLogic Service Bus does not incorporate the latest update of the specification (13 July 2005). While the WS-Policy specification defines both security and reliable messaging assertions, AquaLogic Service Bus supports only security assertions. The syntax and usage of AquaLogic Service Bus security assertions differ from the WS-Policy specification, but the assertions are similar in meaning and are fully compatible with security assertions used in WebLogic Server 9.0 and 9.1 Web services.

WS-Policy policies may be included directly in a WSDL document or included by reference, and a WSDL document may import other WSDL documents that contain or refer to WS-Policy policies. An XML file that contains these policies can be used by multiple proxy services or business services.

Abstract and Concrete WS-Policy Statements

The WebLogic Web Services runtime environment recognizes two types of WS-Policy statements:


AquaLogic Service Bus WS-Policy Statements

AquaLogic Service Bus includes three XML files that contain simple, abstract WS-Policy policies:

The AquaLogic Service Bus policy files are the same policy files that WebLogic Server provides. To see contents of these XML files, see "WebLogic Server WS-Policy Files" in Configuring Security in Programming Web Services for WebLogic Server.

BEA recommends that you use these pre-packaged policies whenever possible. However, you can not use them under the following conditions:

For information on using these policies in your proxy services or business services, see Attaching WS-Policy Statements to WSDL Documents.


Creating and Using Custom WS-Policy Statements

If the AquaLogic Service Bus WS-Policy statements do not meet your security needs, you can write your own WS-Policy statements (custom WS-Policy statements). You cannot modify the AquaLogic Service Bus WS-Policy statements.

You can either write custom WS-Policy statements directly in your Web service's WSDL document or, if you want to reuse your statements in multiple Web services, write them in a separate XML file, import them to AquaLogic Service Bus, and refer to them from the WSDL documents.

Note the following restrictions for WS-Policy statements in AquaLogic Service Bus:


Examples of Custom WS-Policy Statements

The following sections provide examples of custom WS-Policy statements:

Example: Encrypting Part of the SOAP Body and Header

If you need to specify that particular parts of the body of a SOAP message are encrypted or digitally signed, rather than the entire body, you must create a custom WS-Policy file.

Listing 6-1 is an abstract WS-Policy statement that does the following:

This policy cannot be used with a business service because it is abstract: its KeyInfo element does not contain the certificate used for encryption. Instead, when you activate a proxy service that uses this WS-Policy statement, AquaLogic Service Bus binds to the WS-Policy statement the encryption certificate from the proxy service provider that you associate with the proxy service. See Proxy Service Providers in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

Figure 6-1 Binding a Certificate to an Abstract Policy

Binding a Certificate to an Abstract Policy

Also in Listing 6-1:

Example: Encryption Policy for a Business Service

If you want messages to a business service to be encrypted, you must create a custom WS-Policy. The policy must be concrete (it must contain the encryption certificate instead of using a certificate from a proxy service provider) and it must be located directly in a WSDL document instead of being included by reference.

Typically, you would require messages to a business service to be encrypted if the proxy service that sends messages to the business service is a pass-through proxy service. That is, the proxy service that receives messages from a client does not process the SOAP message. Instead, the proxy service routes the message to the business service, and the business service takes on the responsibility of Web Services Security. See Configuring Inbound Message-Level Security.

Listing 6-2 is a WSDL document that contains a concrete policy. Note the following about this example:

Example: Encrypting a Custom SOAP Header

Listing 6-3 is an abstract WS-Policy statement that encrypts a custom header named CreditCardNumber.

Listing 6-3 Encrypting a Custom SOAP Header
     <!-- Require the custom CreditCardNumber header to be encrypted --> 

Example: Signing the Message Body and Headers

Listing 6-4 is a WS-Policy statement that requires a digital signature to access the following in the SOAP message:

Example: Signing a SOAP Body with SAML Holder-of-Key

Listing 6-5 is a WS-Policy statement that requires the SAML asserter to use the holder-of-key method to sign the message body. For information about the SAML holder-of-key method, see Web Services Security SAML Token Profile 1.0, at

Listing 6-5 Signing a SOAP Body with SAML Holder-of-Key Method
       <wssp:DigestAlgorithm URI=""/>
       <wssp:SecurityToken IncludeInMessage="true"

Example: Authenticating, Signing, and Encrypting a SOAP Body with SAML Sender Vouches

Listing 6-5 is a WS-Policy statement that requires the SAML asserter to use the sender-vouches method to sign the message body and headers. For information about the SAML sender-vouches method, see Web Services Security SAML Token Profile 1.0, at

Listing 6-6 Signing a SOAP Body with SAML Sender-Vouches Method


Attaching WS-Policy Statements to WSDL Documents

AquaLogic Service Bus implements the WS-Policy Attachment specification (, which defines the mechanisms for associating WS-Policy statements with Web services.

To attach WS-Policy statements to a WSDL document for a Web service:

  1. If you created a custom WS-Policy in a separate XML file, add the custom WS-Policy file as a resource in the AquaLogic Service Bus domain. See "Adding a Custom WS-Policy" under Custom WS-Policies in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.
  2. In the <definitions> element of the WSDL document, add the following child element:
  3. The wsdl:required="true" attribute ensures that proxy services and business services are capable of processing the policy attachments.

    If you do not add this element, AquaLogic Service Bus ignores any WS-Policy statements in the WSDL.

  4. Within each element in the WSDL document that you want to secure:
    1. Determine the URI of the WS-Policy statements that you want to use. See Determining the URI of a WS-Policy Statement.
    2. Specify the URI in the WSDL document. See Specifying the URI of a WS-Policy Statement in a WSDL Document.

Determining the URI of a WS-Policy Statement

For the AquaLogic Service Bus WS-Policy statements, the URIs are always as follows:

For WS-Policy statements that are located directly in the WSDL document, the URI is as follows:
where policy-ID is the value of the policy's wsu:ID attribute. See Listing 6-8.

For WS-Policy statements that you created in a separate XML file and added as resources to AquaLogic Service Bus, the URI is as follows:
where policy-ID is the value of the policy's wsu:ID attribute (which you specified in the policy's XML file).

You can also use UDDI to attach WS-Policy statements to a WSDL document, in which case the URI is expressed differently. For more information, see the WS-Policy Attachment specification (

Specifying the URI of a WS-Policy Statement in a WSDL Document

Use one of the following techniques to specify the URI in a WSDL document:

Table 6-1 lists the XPath name of WSDL elements and the technique that you use to specify the URI of the WS-Policy statement. The table also indicates the WSDL elements for which AquaLogic Service Bus does not support the attachment of WS-Policy statements.

Table 6-1 WSDL Elements That Can Be Protected in AquaLogic Service Bus
To Attach a Policy to This WSDL Element...
Use This Technique...
Nested <Policy> element
PolicyURIs attribute
PolicyURIs attribute
Nested <Policy> element
PolicyURIs attribute
PolicyURIs attribute
AquaLogic Service Bus does not support attaching WS-Policy statements to this element
Nested <Policy> element
Nested <Policy> element
Nested <Policy> element
Nested <Policy> element
AquaLogic Service Bus does not support attaching WS-Policy statements to this element
AquaLogic Service Bus does not support attaching WS-Policy statements to this element
Nested <Policy> element

Best Practices: Attaching WS-Policy Statements

BEA recommends that you attach WS-Policy statements to any of the following elements or its descendants:

BEA recommends that you do not attach WS-Policy statements to the following elements:

Example: Requiring X.509 Credentials for Identity and Confidentiality

If a WS-Policy statement requires an X.509 token for authentication, it must also require a digital signature. An X.509 token cannot satisfy an identity assertion unless the client also signs some content with the corresponding private key.

To create a proxy service that requires clients to use X.509 certificates for authentication and digital signatures, you can do the following:

  1. In the WSDL document that you will use to create a proxy service, attach the AquaLogic Service Bus policies that are in the Sign.xml and Auth.xml files. See Listing 6-7.
  2. Configure the proxy service to use a proxy service provider that contains an X.509 certificate for digital signatures. See Proxy Service Providers in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

Because the AquaLogic Service Bus Sign.xml and Auth.xml policies are abstract, they will require the client to provide the credentials that are specified in the proxy service provider that is associated with the proxy service.

Listing 6-7 shows a WSDL with references to the AquaLogic Service Bus Sign.xml and Auth.xml policies.

Listing 6-7 WSDL with Policy References to AquaLogic Service Bus WS-Policies
   <portType name="Sample">
      <operation name="doFoo" parameterOrder="data">
         <input message="tns:foo" wsp:PolicyURIs="policy:Sign.xml"/>
         <output message="tns:fooResponse"/>
   <binding name="SampleBinding" type="tns:Sample">
      <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
      <operation name="doFoo">
            <wsp:PolicyReference URI="policy:Sign.xml"/>
            <wsp:PolicyReference URI="policy:Auth.xml"/>

Example: Attaching Custom Inline WS-Policy Statements to a WSDL Document

Listing 6-8 shows a WSDL with two custom WS-Policy policies, wsu:Id="policy1" and wsu:Id="policy2". The policies are located in the WSDL document; therefore the URIs that refer to these polices use XML fragments.

Listing 6-8 WSDL with Policy References to a Custom Inline Policy
<wsp:Policy wsu:Id="policy1">...</wsp:Policy>
<wsp:Policy wsu:Id="policy2">...</wsp:Policy>
   <portType name="Sample">
      <operation name="doFoo" parameterOrder="data">
         <input message="tns:foo" wsp:PolicyURIs="#policy1"/>
         <output message="tns:fooResponse"/>
   <binding name="SampleBinding" type="tns:Sample">
      <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
      <operation name="doFoo">
            <wsp:PolicyReference URI="#policy2"/>
            <soap:body namespace="http://com.bea.samples/sample"
            <soap:body namespace="http://com.bea.samples/sample"


Policy Subjects and Effective Policy

A policy subject is an entity, such as service, endpoint, operation, or message, with which a policy can be associated. You can associate a single WS-Policy statement with multiple policy subjects; conversely, multiple WS-Policy statements can be associated with a single policy subject. A policy scope is the collection of policy subjects to which a policy applies. For example, the policy scope implied by a policy attached to wsd:binding/wsdl:operation/wsdl:input is the input message, the operation, the endpoint, and the service.

The effective policy for a given policy subject is the merge of all policies whose scopes contain that policy subject. For example, the effective policy of the input message of a binding operation is the merge of all policies attached to the following:

The AquaLogic Service Bus Console displays the effective policy (read only) when configuring a business or proxy service with WS-Policy statements, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 6-2 Effective Policy

Effective Policy

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