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Introduction to the BEA AquaLogic Service Bus Tutorials

What is BEA AquaLogic Service Bus?

AquaLogic Service Bus Concepts

Overview of the Tutorials

Focus of the Tutorials

How to Use the Tutorials

Getting Started with the BEA AquaLogic Service Bus Tutorials

About the Scenarios

Setting Up the Tutorials

Step 1: Install AquaLogic Service Bus

Step 2: Change the Configuration Settings

Edit the examples.properties File

To Modify the examples.properties File

Edit and Run the setEnv Script

To Run the setEnv Script

Edit the setDomainEnv.cmd File—Windows 2000 Users Only

Step 3: Start BEA AquaLogic Service Bus

Step 4: Build and Deploy the Business Services

To Build and Deploy the Business Services

Step 5: Log in to the AquaLogic Service Bus Console

Where to Go from Here

Tutorial 1. Routing a Loan Application


Tutorial Objectives

Features Highlighted

Definition of the Scenario

Overview of the Run Time Process in AquaLogic Service Bus

Required Resources

Steps in This Tutorial

Step 1: Prepare the Environment

Step 2: Create a Session and Set up a Project

Create the MortgageBroker Project and File Folders

To Start a Session and Create a Project

To Create a Project Folder

Step 3: Create the WSDL Resources

Create the normalLoan Service WSDL Resource

To Import a WSDL

Create the ManagerApproval Service WSDL Resource

Step 4: Create a Proxy Service

To Create the Proxy Service

Step 5: Create the Business Services

Create the NormalLoan Business Service

Create the managerLoanReviewService Business Service


Step 6: Configure the LoanGateway1 Proxy Service

Configure the Routing Behavior of the Message Flow

Add a Default (Else) Condition to the Routing Table


Step 7: Test Your Loan Application Routing Configuration

Testing the managerLoanReviewService Business Service

Testing the normalLoan Business Service

Tutorial 2. Transforming a Loan Application


Tutorial Objectives

Definition of the Scenario

Overview of the Run Time Process in AquaLogic Service Bus

Required Resources

Steps in This Tutorial

Step 1: Prepare the Environment

Step 2: Create a Session and Set up a Project

Step 3: Create the Resources

Create the WSDL Resources

Create a Proxy Service

Create a Business Service


Step 4: Configure the Routing for the LoanGateway2 Proxy Service

Create a Routing Table

Configure the Routing Expression

Step 5: Configure the Routing Table Request Actions for the LoanGateway2 Proxy Service

Configure the Service Callout Input Parameter

Add a Service Callout Action

Configure the Message Transformation

Rename the Namespace

Insert a New Element in the Message

Step 6: Configure the Routing Table Response Actions for the LoanGateway2 Proxy Service

Delete an Element

Add a Rename Action

Step 7: Add a Default Routing Case

Step 8: Test the Loan Application Routing Configuration

Test the LoanSaleProcessor Business Service

Test the NormalLoan Business Service

Best Practices

Tutorial 3. Validating a Loan Application


Tutorial Objectives

Features Highlighted

Definition of the Scenario

Overview of the Process in AquaLogic Service Bus

Required Resources

Steps in This Tutorial

Step 1: Prepare Your Environment

Step 2: Create a Session and Set up a Project

Step 3: Create the Resources

Create a Proxy Service

Step 4: Configure the LoanGateway3 Proxy Service

Create a Pipeline Pair

Configure the Request Actions for the LoanGateway3 Proxy Service

Configure an Action to Perform Message Validation

Add a Stage Error Handler

Add an If...Then action to the Stage Error Handler

Add a Replace Action to the Stage Error Handler

Add a Report Action to Report the Error

Add an Else Action to the Stage Error Handler

Add a Replace Action Within the Else Action

Add a Log Action Within the Else Action

Add a Reply Action to Reply with a Failure Code

Step 5: Add a Default Routing Case

Configure the Route Node

Step 6: Test the Loan Application Routing Configuration

To Test the Validation Exception

To Test the NormalLoanApprovalService Business Service

Step 7: Using Reporting and Monitoring



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