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Introducing BEA AquaLogic Service Bus Examples


What are BEA AquaLogic Service Bus Examples?

The BEA AquaLogic Service Bus examples provide you with a quick and easy way to experience the run-time capability of using BEA AquaLogic Service Bus proxy services in your design environment. The examples are user-driven pre-configured scenarios that use AquaLogic Service Bus to communicate with business services. The examples are based on typical business scenarios that benefit from using the proxy services to communicate between clients and business processes. You can run the examples to see how AquaLogic Service Bus operates in the run-time environment, or you can build the examples in the development environment to get more in-depth knowledge of how to configure the proxy service. For instructions on how to build a solution similar to those presented in the example scenarios, follow the instructions provided in AquaLogic Service Bus Tutorials.


Examples Description

The following examples are bundled with AquaLogic Service Bus:


Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Examples

Prerequisites to Running the Examples

AquaLogic Service Bus must be running in the examples domain.

Running the Examples

The examples are automatically installed as part of the AquaLogic Service Bus installation. They are located in the following directory:


where BEA_HOME represents the name of the BEA home directory.

When you install AquaLogic Service Bus on a Windows system, the installation program automatically creates shortcut files on the Start Menu. Options on the Start Menu vary according to the components you choose to install.

To Run the Examples
  1. Start the examples server in one of the following ways:
    • On Windows, from the Start menu, select:
    • StartArrow symbolProgramsArrow symbolBEA ProductsArrow symbolExamplesArrow symbolAquaLogic Service BusArrow symbolStart Examples Server

    • Run the startWebLogic command, as shown below:
    • On Windows execute:

      On UNIX execute:


      where BEA_HOME represents the name of the BEA home directory.

      This starts the examples server and launches a browser window that displays the AquaLogic Service Bus Examples page, from which you can run the examples. This page contains descriptions of each of the examples, information and link to load all the examples, and links to run each of the three examples. There are also links to additional resources that will help you learn more about AquaLogic Service Bus.

      Note: If your examples server is running, you can launch the page from which to start the examples by entering the following URL in your browser location field:


      where host:port represents the host and port on which your examples server is running. Typically, this is localhost:7021/examplesWebApp/index.jsp.
  2. In the AquaLogic Service Bus Examples page load the examples data in the domain by clicking Load the Examples. If you have previously loaded the examples, the Reload the Examples option is displayed instead. Click Reload the Examples only if you have changed your domain.
  3. Note: As stated in Step 1 of the AquaLogic Service Bus Examples page, you only have to load the examples the first time you use them in a domain. You must reload the examples only if you change your domain.
  4. Click Run the Example for the examples you want to run. A browser is launched with instructions on how to use and test the application.

Running the AquaLogic Service Bus Console

You can start the AquaLogic Service Bus Console in the examples domain.

  1. Start the AquaLogic Service Bus Console in one of the following ways:
    • On Windows, from the Start menu, select:
    • StartArrow symbolProgramsArrow symbolBEA ProductsArrow symbolExamplesArrow symbolAquaLogic Service BusArrow symbolService Bus Console

    • Enter the following URL in your browser location field:


      where host:port represents the host and port on which your server is running. Typically, this is localhost:7021/sbconsole/
  2. Enter the username and password for the example domain: weblogic/weblogic

What the Examples Illustrate

The AquaLogic Service Bus examples are based on a loan application request scenario, in which AquaLogic Service Bus is used to manage message routing in the enterprise environment.

Running the examples introduces the routing, transformation, and validation capabilities of AquaLogic Service Bus. You can see how the proxy service manages the interaction between the client and the business services to route messages, based on the information from the loan application.

Running an example invokes an application that uses the proxy service to communicate with the client and the business services. When you run an example, you are prompted to change the parameter setting, which in turn, changes the behavior of the proxy services defined in AquaLogic Service Bus. The fields that you can change for a given example are highlighted on the examples page. Each page also provides basic instructions for executing the examples successfully.

Related Topics

AquaLogic Service Bus Tutorials

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