Interface SelfDescribedTransportProvider

All Superinterfaces:

public interface SelfDescribedTransportProvider
extends TransportProvider

Those transport providers that generate service binding type description from a given transport endpoint need to implement this interface. An example is EJB transport provider

Method Summary
 SelfDescribedBindingTypeInfo getBindingInfo(Ref ref)
          Return service binding description for a service with a given ref
 SelfDescribedTransportUIBinding getUIBinding(TransportUIContext context)
          Called at service definition time to get the provider-specific binding object that validates provider-specific properties are present in the UI context.
Methods inherited from interface
activationComplete, createEndPoint, deleteEndPoint, getBusinessServicePropertiesForProxy, getEndPoint, getEndPointConfigurationSchemaType, getEndPoints, getEnvValues, getExternalReferences, getId, getProviderConfiguration, getProviderSpecificConfiguration, getRequestHeadersSchemaType, getRequestMetaDataSchemaType, getResponseHeadersSchemaType, getResponseMetaDataSchemaType, resumeEndPoint, sendMessageAsync, setEnvValues, setExternalReferences, shutdown, suspendEndPoint, updateEndPoint, validateEndPointConfiguration

Method Detail


SelfDescribedBindingTypeInfo getBindingInfo(Ref ref)
                                            throws TransportException
Return service binding description for a service with a given ref



SelfDescribedTransportUIBinding getUIBinding(TransportUIContext context)
                                             throws TransportException
Called at service definition time to get the provider-specific binding object that validates provider-specific properties are present in the UI context. The user interface will pass in a brand new instance of TransportUIContext object for every time the user navigates the wizard. A typical pattern for the provider is create a new instance of the TransportUIBinding object and save the reference to the context and refer to it as needed.

Specified by:
getUIBinding in interface TransportProvider
context - context for UI binding. Providers can use this to extract locale, proxy information, etc.
UI binding object that is used by ALSB console to refer provider-specific parts of the service configuration wizard