Interoperability Solutions for JMS

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Interoperability with JMS

Overview of JMS Interoperability

Asynchronous Request-Response Messaging

Using SOAP-JMS Transport

Interoperating with BEA WebLogic Server 9.x

Interoperating with BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1

Interoperating with BEA WebLogic Server 8.1

Naming Guidelines for Domains, WebLogic, and JMS Servers

Specifying the JMS Type for Services

WSDL-Defined SOAP Fault Messages

Understanding Message ID and Correlation ID Patterns for JMS Request/Response

Overview of JMS Request-Response and Design Patterns

Patterns for Messaging

JMS Message ID Pattern

JMS Correlation ID Pattern

Comparison of Message ID and Correlation ID Patterns

Interoperating with JAX-RPC over JMS

Invoking a JAX-RPC Web Service Using the JMS Message ID Pattern

Invoking a JMS Request-Response Proxy Service from a JAX-RPC Client

JMS Message ID Pattern Examples

Example 1: An MQ Service Uses a JMS Message ID as a Correlator of the Request-Response Message

Example 2: A JAX-RPC Client with AquaLogic Service Bus Proxy Service

Example 3: AquaLogic Service Bus as a Client of a WebLogic Server JAX-RPC Request/Response Service

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