Interface ImportResult

public interface ImportResult

Provides extra information about the result of an import operation

Method Summary
 Collection<Ref> getDeleted()
          Returns a collection of resources that are deleted during import.
 Map<Ref,Diagnostics> getFailed()
          Returns a map of resources that failed to imported and cause of the failure
 Map<Ref,Diagnostics> getImportDiagnostics()
          Returns a map of diagnostics that are generated during the import process.
 Collection<Ref> getImported()
          Returns a collection of resources that were imported successfully

Method Detail


Collection<Ref> getImported()
Returns a collection of resources that were imported successfully


Map<Ref,Diagnostics> getFailed()
Returns a map of resources that failed to imported and cause of the failure


Map<Ref,Diagnostics> getImportDiagnostics()
Returns a map of diagnostics that are generated during the import process. A diagnostic message may be generated due to actions such as upgrading resources from one version to another. This diagnostic information represents the diagnostics found during import. The validation status may change after the import due to dependencies or other changes made by import. Please use ALSBConfigurationMBean.getDiagnostics(java.util.Collection) method to obtain the full validation information.


Collection<Ref> getDeleted()
Returns a collection of resources that are deleted during import. This method will return non null only for importing a jar file. With importing a zip file, no resource would be deleted.