User Guide

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Introduction to AquaLogic Service Bus

Document Scope and Audience

Document Organization

Modeling Message Flow in AquaLogic Service Bus

About AquaLogic Service Bus Message Flow

Building a Message Flow

Message Execution


Branching in Message Flows

Operational Branching

Conditional Branching

Performing Transformations

Transformations and Publish Actions

Transformations and Route Nodes

Configuring Single and Multiple Stages in Pipelines


Flow Control

Message Processing


Using Multiple Stages

Constructing Service Callout Messages

SOAP Document Style Services

SOAP RPC Style Services

XML Services

Messaging Services

Handling Errors

Handling Errors

Generating the Error Message, Reporting, and Replying

Example of Action Configuration in Error Handlers

Selecting a Service Type

Using a WSDL to Define a Service

SOAP Document Wrapped Web Services

SOAP Document Style Web Services

SOAP RPC Web Services

Binding a Service to a WSDL Port Instead of to a Binding

Using Any SOAP or Any XML Service Types

Using the Messaging Service Type

Viewing Resource Details

Using Dynamic Routing

Sample XML File

Creating an XQuery Resource From the Sample XML

Creating and Configuring the Proxy Service to Implement Dynamic Routing

Accessing Databases Using XQuery

Understanding Message Context

Message Context Components

Guidelines for Viewing and Altering Message Context

Copying JMS Properties From Inbound to Outbound

Working with Variable Structures

Using the Inline XQuery Expression Editor

Using Variable Structures

Creating Variable Structure Mappings

Sample WSDL

Creating the Resources You Need for the Examples

Save the WSDL as a Resource

Create a Proxy Service That Uses the Sample WSDL

Build a Message Flow for the Sample Proxy Service

Create a Business Service That Uses the Sample WSDL

Example 1: Selecting a Predefined Variable Structure

Example 2: Creating a Variable Structure That Maps a Variable to a Type

Example 3: Creating a Variable Structure that Maps a Variable to an Element

Example 4: Creating a Variable Structure That Maps a Variable to a Child Element

Quality of Service

Delivery Guarantees

Overriding the Default Element Attribute

Delivery Guarantee Rules

Threading Model

Splitting Proxy Services

Outbound Message Retries

Content Types, JMS Type, and Encoding

Throttling Pattern

WS-I Compliance

WS-I Compliance Checks

Converting Between SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2

Message Context

The Message Context Model

Predefined Context Variables

Message-Related Variables

Header Variable

Body Variable

Attachments Variable

Binary Content in the body and attachments Variables

Java Content in the body Variable

Inbound and Outbound Variables

Sub-Elements of the inbound and outbound Variables




Operation Variable

Fault Variable

Initializing Context Variables

Initializing the attachments Context Variable

Initializing the header and body Context Variables

SOAP Services

XML Services (Non SOAP)

Messaging Services

Performing Operations on Context Variables

Constructing Messages to Dispatch

SOAP Services

XML Services (Non SOAP)

Messaging Services

About Sending Binary Content in Email Messages

Message Context Schema

Using the Test Console



Testing Proxy Services

Direct Calls

Indirect Calls

HTTP Requests

Testing Business Services

Transport Security

Recommended Approaches to Testing Proxy and Business Services

Tracing Proxy Services Using the Test Console

Example: Testing and Tracing a Proxy Service

Testing Resources




Performing In-line XQuery Testing

Testing Services With Web Service Security

Test Console Transport Settings

About Security and Transports

Understanding How the Run Time Uses the Transport Settings in the Test Console


Overview of BEA AquaLogic Service Bus and UDDI

Basic Concepts of the UDDI Specification

Benefits of Using a UDDI Registry with AquaLogic Service Bus

Introduction to UDDI Entities




What is the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry?

Sample Business Scenario for AquaLogic Service Bus and UDDI

Basic Proxy Service Communication with a UDDI Registry

Cross-Domain Deployment in AquaLogic Service Bus

Using AquaLogic Service Bus and UDDI

UDDI Workflow

Configuring a Registry

Publishing a Proxy Service to a UDDI Registry

Using Auto-Publish

Importing a Service from a Registry

Using Auto-Import

Auto-Synchronization of Services With UDDI

Mapping AquaLogic Service Bus Proxy Services to UDDI Entities

UDDI Mapping Details for an AquaLogic Service Bus Proxy Service

Transport Attributes

Service Type Attributes

Canonical tModels Supporting AquaLogic Service Bus Services


EJB Transport


Invoking EJBs from AquaLogic Service Bus

Register a JNDI Provider Resource

Adding a JNDI Provider

Register an EJB Client JAR Resource

Adding a Client or Converter JAR

Create a Service Account (Optional)

Locate an EJB in the JNDI Tree

Create an EJB Business Service

General Configuration

EJB Transport-Specific Configuration

EJB Business Service Interface Configuration

Invoking EJB Business Services

Exposing EJBs as Web Services

Advanced Topics

Transaction Processing, Retries, and Errors Handling


Retries and Failover

Error Handling

Supported Types and Converter Class

Converter Classes




Configuring Proxy Services using E-mail Transport Protocol

Configuring Business Services using E-mail Transport Protocol



Configuring Proxy Services using File Transport Protocol

Configuring Business Services using File Transport Protocol


Configuring Proxy Services using FTP Transport Protocol

Configuring Business Services using FTP Transport Protocol


Configuring Proxy Services using HTTP Transport Protocol

Configuring Business Services using HTTP Transport Protocol


Configuring Proxy Services using HTTP(S) Transport Protocol

Configuring Business Services using HTTP(S) Transport Protocol


Configuring Proxy Services using JMS Transport Protocol

Configuring Business Services using JMS Transport Protocol



Data Services Platform (DSP)

Local Transport


Features and Characteristics of Local Transport Proxy Services

Usage of Local Transport Proxy Services


Extensibility Using Java Callouts and POJOs

Usage Guidelines

Best Practices

XQuery Implementation

Supported Function Extensions from AquaLogic Data Services Platform

Function Extensions from AquaLogic Service Bus


fn-bea: uuid()


Example 1: Retrieving the URI from a Database for Dynamic Routing

Example 2: Getting XMLType Data from a Database


XQuery-SQL Mapping Reference


Microsoft SQL Server

Oracle 8.1.x

Oracle 9.x, 10.x

Sybase 12.5.2 (and higher)

Pointbase 4.4 (and higher)

Base (Generic) RDBMS Data Type Mapping

Related Topics

Tuning AquaLogic Service Bus

Debugging AquaLogic Service Bus

AquaLogic Service Bus APIs

Resource Update and Customization

Management and Monitoring


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