Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Plug-in for WorkSpace Studio

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Transport Configuration

When you configure a business service or a proxy service, you must configure the transport used by the service. Each transport is configured on its own configuration page.

Protocol-Specific Transport Configuration Pages

Each transport available for business services and proxy services has its own configuration page. Those built into ALSB are:

DSP Transport Configuration page (Business Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a business service using the DSP (BEA AquaLogic Data Services Platform) transport protocol. For more information on accessing AquaLogic Data Services Platform from ALSB, see Accessing Data Services Through AquaLogic Service Bus.

To create or edit...
Debug Level
Specify one of the following
  • 0 - for no debug information
  • 1 - to output information on the request message
  • 3 - to output information on the request and the response message
Service Account
  • Click Browse and select a service account from the list displayed. If no service account is specified, an anonymous subject is used.
Dispatch Policy
Select the instance of WebLogic Server Work Manager that you want to use for the dispatch policy for this endpoint. The default Work Manager is used if no other Work Manager exists.
The Work Manager is used to post the reply message for response processing. For information about Work Managers, see Using Work Managers to Optimize Scheduled Work and Create Work Manager in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.

EJB Transport Configuration page (Business Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a business service using the EJB transport protocol.

To create or edit...
Service Account
  • Click Browse and select a service account from the list displayed. If no service account is specified, an anonymous subject is used.
Supports Transaction
Select this check box to specify transaction support.
Client Jar
Click Browse and select an EJB client JAR resource from the list displayed.
Converter Jar
Click Browse and select an EJB converter class JAR resource from the list displayed. To learn more about EJB client JAR resources and converter classes, see EJB Transport in the AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.
Home Interface
Select the required EJBHome interface from the options populated by the JAR. The JNDI name in this URI sample must be associated with the EJBHome interface you select here. If the EJB is not of the required type or an EJBHome interface is not specified in the client-jar, a warning will be displayed.
Remote Interface
This field is automatically populated depending on the configuration of the Home Interface.
Target Namespace
This field is populated by information picked up from the JAR.
Select Document Wrapped or RPC according to your requirements. If two or more methods of your stateless session EJB have the same number and data type of parameters, and you want the operations to be document-oriented, you must specify that they be document-wrapped.
The style is important because when routing or publishing to the EJB, $body must have content that matches the style. Also when calling out to an EJB, the style affects the parameter contents, especially for document wrapped. Secondly one usage pattern is to define an EJB business service and then create a proxy service with the same WSDL that routes to the EJB. In this case care must be taken on the style of the WSDL because the client tool used to invoke the proxy might have limitations on the style of the WSDL.
Select Encoded or Literal.
Select the required methods (you can select multiple methods). Click + to expand the method and: edit the default parameter values and select a converter if provided (or required).

E-Mail Transport Configuration page (Business Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a business service using the e-mail transport protocol.

To create or edit...
SMTP Server
Select an SMTP server.
This is a required field if you do not select a JNDI name in the Mail Session field.
Mail Session
Select the JNDI name of a configured session.
This is a required field if you do not enter an SMTP server name in the Mail Server address field.
From Name
Enter a display name for the originating e-mail account for this service.
From Address
Enter the originating e-mail account for this service.
Reply To Name
Enter a display name for the reply to e-mail account.
Reply To Address
Enter an e-mail address to reply to.
Connection Timeout
Enter the timeout interval, in seconds, before the connection is dropped. If you enter 0, there is no timeout.
Request Encoding
Accept the default ISO-8859-1 as the character set encoding for requests in e-mail transports, or enter a different character set encoding.

E-Mail Transport Configuration page (Proxy Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a proxy service using the e-mail transport protocol.

To create or edit...
Service Account
Enter a service account name, or click Browse to select service accounts from a browser.
Managed Server
Select the Managed Server for polling in a clustered domain.
This field is available only in a clustered domain.
Polling Interval
Enter a polling interval, in seconds.
E-Mail Protocol
Select POP3 or IMAP as the server type for the e-mail account.
Read Limit
Specify the maximum number of messages to read per polling sweep. Enter 0 to specify no limit.
Pass By Reference
Select this check box to stage the file in the archive directory and pass it as a reference in the headers.
By default when you create a new service, the Pass By Reference option is selected and you must specify the archive directory location.
Pass Attachments by Reference
Select this check box to stage the attachments in the archive directory and pass them as a reference in the headers.
By default, when the Pass By Reference option is selected, the Pass Attachments By Reference option is implicitly true and you must specify the archive directory location.
Post Read Action
Select what happens to a message after it has been read:
  • Archive - The message is archived.
  • Delete - The message is deleted.
  • Move - The message is moved. Move is only available with the IMAP protocol.
Select how attachments are handled:
  • Archive - Attachments are saved to the archive directory.
  • Ignore - Attachments are ignored.
IMAP Move Folder
Enter the folder to which the message is moved if the Post Read Action field is set to Move.
Download Directory
Enter a temporary location for downloading e-mails.
Archive Directory
Specify the path to the archive location if the Post Read Action field is set to Archive.
This field is required if the Pass By Reference or Pass Attachments By Reference option is selected.
Error Directory
Enter the file system directory path to write the message and any attachments if there is a problem.
Request Encoding
Accept the default ISO-8859-1 as the character set encoding for requests in E-mail transports, or enter a different character set encoding.

File Transport Configuration page (Business Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a business service using the file transport protocol.

To create or edit...
Enter a prefix to be prepended to the file name.
Do not enter * in this field. This character causes a run-time exception.
Enter a suffix to be appended to the file name. This is a required field.
Do not enter * in this field. This character causes a run-time exception.
Request Encoding
Accept the default utf-8 as the character set encoding for requests in File transports, or enter a different character set encoding.

File Transport Configuration page (Proxy Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a proxy service using the file transport protocol.

To create or edit...
File Mask
Enter the regular expression for the files to be picked. The default is *.*.
Managed Server
Select the Managed Server for polling in a clustered domain.
This field is available only in a clustered domain.
Polling Interval
Enter a polling interval, in seconds. The default is 60.
Read Limit
Specify the maximum number of messages to read per polling sweep. Enter 0 to specify no limit. The default is 10.
Sort By Arrival
Select this check box to specify that events are delivered in the order of arrival.
Note that when this option is selected for a proxy service that is executed in a clustered environment, messages are always sent to the same server. In other words, load balancing across servers is ignored when this option is selected.
Scan Subdirectories
Select this check box to recursively scan all the directories.
Pass By Reference
Select this check box to stage the file in the archive directory and pass it as a reference in the headers.
Post Read Action
Select what happens to a message after it has been read:
  • Archive - The message is archived.
  • Delete - The message is deleted.
Stage Directory
Enter an intermediate directory to temporarily stage the files while processing them.
Do not put the stage directory inside of the polling directory (the directory identified in the URL of the file transport proxy service; for example, file:///c:/dir1/dir2).
Archive Directory
Specify the path to the archive location if the Post Read Action option is set to Archive. The Archive Directory field is also a required field if you have selected the Pass By Reference field.
Do not put the archive directory inside of the polling directory.
Error Directory
Enter the location where messages and attachments are posted if there is a problem.
Do not put the error directory inside of the polling directory.
Request Encoding
Accept the default UTF-8 as the character set encoding for requests in file transports, or enter a different character set encoding.

FTP Transport Configuration page (Business Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a business service using the ftp transport protocol.

To create or edit...
User Authentication
Select anonymous if the user of the FTP server is anonymous, or select external user if the user of the FTP server is an externally configured account.
Identity (E-mail id)
This field is available only if the User Authentication option is set to anonymous.
Enter the mail ID for the anonymous user.
Service Account
This field is available only if the User Authentication option is set to external user.
Enter the service account for the external user.
Enter the socket timeout interval, in seconds, before the connection is dropped. The default is 60 seconds.
Prefix for destination File Name
Enter a prefix for the file name under which the file is stored on the remote server.
Do not enter * in this field. This character causes a run-time exception.
Suffix for destination File Name
Enter a suffix for the file name under which the file is stored on the remote server.
Do not enter * in this field. This character causes a run-time exception.
Transfer Mode
Select ASCII or binary as the transfer mode.
Request Encoding
Accept the default UTF-8 as the character set encoding for requests in ftp transports, or enter a different character set encoding.

FTP Transport Configuration page (Proxy Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a proxy service using the ftp transport protocol.

To create or edit...
User Authentication
Select anonymous if the user of the FTP server is anonymous, or select external user if the user of the FTP server is an externally configured account.
Identity (E-Mail ID)
This field is available only if the User Authentication option is set to anonymous.
Enter the mail ID for the anonymous user.
Service Account
This field is available only if the User Authentication option is set to external user.
Enter the service account for the user. This is a required field when the User Authentication option is set to external user.
Pass By Reference
Select this check box to stage the file in the archive directory and pass it as a reference in the headers.
Remote Streaming
Select this check box to stream the FTP files directly from the remote server at the time of processing. When you select this option, the archive directory is the remote directory on the remote FTP server machine. Therefore, you should specify the archive directory as relative to the FTP user directory.
File Mask
Enter the regular expression for the files to be picked. The default is *.*.
Managed Server
Select the Managed Server for polling in a clustered domain.
This field is available only in a clustered domain.
Polling Interval
Enter a polling interval, in seconds. The default is 60.
Read Limit
Specify the maximum number of messages to read per polling sweep. Enter 0 to specify no limit. The default is 10.
Post Read Action
Select what happens to a message after it has been read.
  • Archive - The message is archived.
  • Delete - The message is deleted.
Transfer Mode
Select ASCII or binary as the transfer mode.
Archive Directory
Specify the path to the archive location if the Post Read Action option is set to Archive. This field is required if the Pass By Reference option is selected.

Note: The Archive, Download, and Error directories are absolute paths, and they are automatically created. If you specify a relative path, the files are created relative to the Java process that starts the WebLogic Server.

Download Directory
Enter the directory on your local machine where files are downloaded during the file transfer.

Note: The Archive, Download, and Error directories are absolute paths, and they are automatically created. If you specify a relative path, the files are created relative to the Java process that starts the WebLogic Server.

Error Directory
Enter the location where messages are posted if there is a problem.

Note: The Archive, Download, and Error directories are absolute paths, and they are automatically created. If you specify a relative path, the files are created relative to the Java process that starts the WebLogic Server.

Request Encoding
Accept the default UTF-8 as the character set encoding for requests in FTP transports.
Advanced Settings
Scan Subdirectories
Select this check box to recursively scan all directories
Sort By Arrival
Select this check box to deliver events in the order of arrival.
Enter the socket timeout interval, in seconds, before the connection is dropped. If you enter 0, there is no timeout.
Retry Count
Specify the number of retries for FTP connection failures.

HTTP Transport Configuration Page (Business Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a business service using the HTTP transport protocol. The HTTP transport supports both HTTP and HTTPS endpoints.

To create or edit...

Enter the timeout interval, in seconds, before the connection is dropped. If you enter 0, there is no timeout.

HTTP Request Method

Select POST or GET as the HTTP request method header for sending a message.

The GET method can include as part of the request some of its own information that better describes what to get. This information is passed as a sequence of characters appended to the request URL in a query string. The POST method passes all its data, of unlimited length, directly over the socket connection as part of its HTTP request body. The exchange is invisible to the client, and the URL doesn't change at all.

Select one of the following:
  • None - Specifies that authentication is not required to access this service.
  • Basic - Specifies that basic authentication is required to access this service.
  • Basic authentication instructs WebLogic Server to authenticate the client using a user name and password against the authentication providers configured in the security realm, such as a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory service and Windows Active Directory. The client must send its user name and password on the HTTP request header.

    Basic authentication is strongly discouraged over HTTP because the password is sent in clear text. However, it is safe to send passwords over HTTPS because HTTPS provides an encrypted channel.

    Warning: By default, all users (authorized and anonymous) can access a business service. To limit the users who can access a business service, create a transport-level authorization policy. can access a proxy service, create a transport-level authorization policy. See “Editing Transport-Level Access Policiesunder Security Configuration in the Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

    Client Certificate - Specifies encrypted communication and strong client authentication (two-way SSL). To learn more, see Configuring Transport-Level Security in the AquaLogic Service Bus Security Guide.

Service Account
  • Enter a service account. A service account is an alias resource for a user name and password. This is a required field if you selected the Basic Authentication Required field.
Follow HTTP redirects
Select this check box to specify that HTTP redirects (which are requests with a response code 3xx) should be automatically followed. A re-direct occurs when you send an outbound request to the URL of a business service, and that service returns a response code (for example, 302) that says the URL is no longer valid and this request needs to be sent to another URL. If the Follow HTTP Redirects check box is selected, ALSB automatically re-sends the request to the new URL without any action on your part. Deselect this check box if you do not want the HTTP redirects to be automatically followed.
Dispatch Policy
Select the instance of WebLogic Server Work Manager that you want to use for the dispatch policy for this endpoint. The default Work Manager is used if no other Work Manager exists. For information about Work Managers, see Using Work Managers to Optimize Scheduled Work and Create Work Manager in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.
Request Encoding
Accept the default iso-8859-1 as the character set encoding for requests in HTTP transports, or enter a different character set encoding.
Response Encoding
Accept the default iso-8859-1 as the character set encoding for responses in HTTP transports, or enter a different character set encoding.

HTTP Transport Configuration Page (Proxy Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a proxy service using the HTTP transport protocol. The HTTP transport supports both HTTP and HTTPS endpoints.

To create or edit...
HTTPS required
Select this check box for inbound HTTPS endpoints.
To learn more, see Configuring Transport-Level Security in the AquaLogic Service Bus Security Guide.
Select one of the following:
  • None - Specifies that authentication is not required.
  • Basic - Specifies that basic authentication is required to access this service.
  • Basic authentication instructs WebLogic Server to authenticate the client using a user name and password against the authentication providers configured in the security realm, such as a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory service and Windows Active Directory. The client must send its user name and password on the HTTP request header.

    Basic authentication is strongly discouraged over HTTP because the password is sent in clear text. However, it is safe to send passwords over HTTPS because HTTPS provides an encrypted channel.

    Warning: By default, all users (authorized and anonymous) can access a proxy service. To limit the users who can access a proxy service, create a transport-level authorization policy. See “Editing Transport-Level Access Policiesunder Security Configuration in the Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

  • Client Certificate - Specifies encrypted communication and strong client authentication (two-way SSL). To learn more, see Configuring Transport-Level Security in the AquaLogic Service Bus Security Guide.
  • Custom Authentication - Specifies that an authentication token is contained in an HTTP header. The client's identity is established through the use of this client-supplied token. You must configure an Identity Assertion provider that maps the token to an ALSB user.
  • The custom authentication token can be of any active token type supported by a configured WebLogic Server Identity Assertion provider.

Dispatch Policy
Select a dispatch policy for this endpoint. Leave blank to use the default dispatch policy.
Dispatch policy refers to the instance of WLS Work Manager that you want to use for the service endpoint. For information about Work Managers, see Using Work Managers to Optimize Scheduled Work and Create Work Manager in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.
Request Encoding
  • For HTTP inbound transports:
  • If the character set encoding parameter of the Content-Type header is not specified in Client Request, enter a character set encoding parameter. If you do not enter a value, the field defaults to ISO-8859-1.

  • For HTTP outbound transports:
  • If you have not configured a request encoding, the ALSB run time decides the most appropriate encoding while it makes a request to the business service. In the case of a non-passthrough scenario, the default character encoding is UTF-8 at run time. However if it is a passthrough scenario, the run time will pass through the encoding received with the outbound response.

Response Encoding
Accept the default ISO-8859-1 as the character set encoding for responses in HTTP transports, or enter a different character set encoding.
Advanced Settings
Authentication Header
Enter the HTTP header (any except Authorization) from which ALSB is to extract the token. This field is available only if you selected the Custom Authentication check box.
For example, client-xyz-token.
Authentication Token Type
Select an authentication token type. Only the active token types configured for an Identity Assertion provider are available. (See “Configuring Identity Assertion Providers” under Configuring Custom Authentication in the AquaLogic Service Bus Security Guide for more information.) This field is available only if you selected the Custom Authentication check box.

JMS Transport Configuration page (Business Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a business service using the JMS transport protocol. For more information, see the AquaLogic Service Bus Interoperability Solutions for JMS and WebSphere MQ.

To create or edit...
Destination Type
Select a type for the JMS bridge destination:
  • Queue (for point-to-point)
  • Topic (for publish/subscribe)
Message Type
Select one of the following:
  • Bytes (for a stream of uninterpreted bytes)
  • Text (for text messages)
Is Response Required
This option is available only when Queue is selected for the Destination Type.
Select this option to specify that a response is expected after an outbound message is sent.
Response Correlation Pattern
This option is available only when the Is Response Required check box is selected.
Select one of the following:
  • Select JMSMessageID for JAX-RPC services running on WebLogic Server 9.2.
  • Select JMSCorrelationID for all other services. When you select this option, you must also enter a Response URI, below.
Response URI
This option is available only when JMSCorrelationID is selected for the Response Correlation Pattern.
Enter a response URI in the format:
To target multiple servers, use the following format:
Response Connection Factory
This option is available only when JMSMessageID is selected for the Response Correlation Pattern.
Enter enter a response connection factory URI.
If a connection factory is not specified, the connection factory for the request is used for the response.
Response JNDI Names
This option is available only when JMSMessageID is selected for the Response Correlation Pattern.
Enter a list of JNDI destination names
Response Timeout
Enter the amount of time to wait for the response, in seconds. This field is required if you selected Is Response Required.
Request Encoding
Accept the default UTF-8 as the character set encoding for requests in JMS transports, or enter a different character set encoding.
Response Encoding
This option is available only when the Is Response Required check box is selected.
Accept the default UTF-8 as the character set encoding for responses in JMS transports, or enter a different character set encoding.
Dispatch Policy
Select the instance of WebLogic Server Work Manager that you want to use for the dispatch policy for this endpoint. The default Work Manager is used if no other Work Manager exists.
For example, if the business service has a JMS transport protocol, the business service endpoint is an MDB (message-driven bean) JAR file that you can associate with the specific dispatch policy.
Advanced Settings
Select only if the requests are made over a TLS/SSL connection.
TLS/SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) provides secure connections by allowing two applications connecting over a network to authenticate the other's identity and by encrypting the data exchanged between the applications. Authentication allows a server, and optionally a client, to verify the identity of the application on the other end of a network connection. Additionally, if the administrator has restricted access to individual JMS destinations (queues or topics) by setting access control on the JNDI entry for the destination, the Business Service must authenticate when looking up the entry in the JNDI tree with a user name and password.
The time interval in milliseconds after which the message will expire. Default value is 0, which means that the message never expires.
Unit of Order
Enter a message unit-of-order. Message unit-of-order enables message producers to group messages into a single unit with respect to the processing order. This single unit-of-order requires that all messages in that unit be processed sequentially in the order they were created.
JNDI Service Account
Select a service account to use for JNDI lookups. To learn more about service accounts, see “Service Accounts” on page 14-1.
JMS Service Account
Select a service account to use for the JMS resource managed by the JMS server. A service account is an alias resource for a User ID and its associated password.

For more information:

  • “Service Accounts” on page 14-1
  • “Adding Service Accounts” on page 14-4

JMS Transport Configuration page (Proxy Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a proxy service using the JMS transport protocol. For more information, see the AquaLogic Service Bus Interoperability Solutions for JMS and WebSphere MQ.

To create or edit...
Destination Type
Select one of the following:
  • Queue (for a point-to-point destination type)
  • Topic (for a publish/subscribe destination)
Is Response Required
This option is available only when Queue is selected for the Destination Type.
Select this option to specify that a response is expected after an outbound message is sent.
Response Correlation Pattern
This option is available only when the Is Response Required check box is selected.
Select one of the following:
  • Select JMSMessageID for JAX-RPC services running on WebLogic Server 9.2.
  • Select JMSCorrelationID for all other services. When you select this option, you must also enter a Response URI, below.
Response URI
This option is available only when JMSCorrelationID is selected for the Response Correlation Pattern.
Enter a response URI in the format:
To target multiple servers, use the following format:
Response Connection Factory
This option is available only when JMSMessageID is selected for the Response Correlation Pattern.
Enter enter a response connection factory URI.
If a connection factory is not specified, the connection factory for the request is used for the response.
Response Message Type
This option is available only when the Is Response Required check box is selected.
Select one of the following:
  • Bytes (for a stream of uninterpreted bytes)
  • Text (for text messages)
Request Encoding
Accept the default UTF-8 as the character set encoding for requests in JMS transports, or enter a different character set encoding.
Response Encoding
This option is available only when the Is Response Required check box is selected.
Accept the default UTF-8 as the character set encoding for responses in JMS transports, or enter a different character set encoding.
Client Response Timeout
This option is available only when the Is Response Required check box is selected.
Enter the number of seconds to wait for a server response before dropping the connection. This only applies if the client is another proxy service in the same domain.
Dispatch Policy
Select a dispatch policy for this endpoint. Default signifies the default dispatch policy.
Dispatch policy refers to the instance of WLS Work Manager that you want to use for the service endpoint to process the request. For example, if the proxy service has a JMS transport protocol, the proxy service endpoint is an MDB (message-driven bean) JAR file that you can associate with the specific dispatch policy.
Advanced Settings
Select only if the requests are made over a TLS/SSL connection.
TLS/SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) provides secure connections by allowing two applications connecting over a network to authenticate the other's identity and by encrypting the data exchanged between the applications. Authentication allows a server, and optionally a client, to verify the identity of the application on the other end of a network connection. Additionally, if the administrator has restricted access to individual JMS destinations (queues or topics) by setting access control on the JNDI entry for the destination, the Business Service must authenticate when looking up the entry in the JNDI tree with a user name and password.
Message Selector
Enter a message selector expression.
Only messages with properties matching the expression are processed
Durable Subscription
This option is available only if Topic is selected for the Destination Type.
Select this check box if the subscription is durable or leave it blank if the subscription is not durable
Retry Count
Enter the number of delivery retries a message can have before it is moved to the error destination. This field only applies to WebLogic Server JMS destinations.
Retry Interval
Enter the amount of time, in milliseconds, before rolled back or recovered messages are redelivered. This field only applies to WebLogic Server JMS destinations.
Error Destination
Enter the name of the target destination for messages that have reached their redelivery limit. This field only applies to WebLogic Server JMS destinations.
Expiration Policy
Select an Expiration Policy to use when an expired message is encountered on a destination. This field only applies to WebLogic Server JMS destinations.
Is XA Required
Select this check box if your connection factory is XA.
This value is into account when the remote connection factory is unavailable. If your connection factory is available and this value is true, make sure that the connection factory is defined as transactional.
JMS Service Account
Select a service account to use for the JMS resource managed by the JMS server. A service account is an alias resource for a User ID and its associated password. To learn more about service accounts, see “Service Accounts” on page 14-1.

JPD Transport Configuration page (Business Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a business service using the JPD transport protocol. For more information about the JPD transport, see the JPD Transport User Guide.

To create or edit...
System Service Account
Enter the service account for the user, or click Browse to select one from the list displayed.
The system service account specifies the user credentials for the invocation of the WLI stateless session bean that the JPD transport uses to send incoming messages.
If no service account is specified, the inbound request subject is used. If there is no inbound request subject, an anonymous subject is used.
Process Service Account
Enter the service account for the user, or click Browse to select one from the list displayed.
The process service account specifies the user credentials for the invocation of the JPD.
If no service account is specified, the inbound request subject is used. If there is no inbound request subject, an anonymous subject is used
Callback Proxy Location
Enter the location of the proxy service for receiving callbacks from the JPD, specified in the following format:
  • host: (optional) Host name of the ALSB server where the callback proxy service is configured
  • port: (optional) Port number on which ALSB is listening for incoming requests
  • MyFactory: JNDI name of the Queue connection factory
  • MyQueue: JNDI name of the Queue where the ALSB proxy service is waiting for callback requests
In a clustered environment, specify the host name and port numbers of the Managed Servers, separated by a comma (,).
The Callback Proxy Location will be ignored if the JPD being invoked is a synchronous JPD or an asynchronous JPD without callbacks.
Dispatch Policy
Select the default dispatch policy or a configured Work Manager instance for the outbound response. For information about Work Managers, see Using Work Managers to Optimize Scheduled Work and Create Work Manager in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.
Propagate Transaction
Select the check box to propagate the existing transaction within ALSB to the JPD.

MQ Transport Configuration page (Business Services)

Before you use the MQ transport, you must configure a MQ Connection resource. See Working with MQ Connections. For more information about the MQ transport, see the Native MQ Transport User Guide.

Use this page to configure transport settings for a proxy service using the native MQ transport protocol.

To create or edit...
Is Response Required
Select this option to specify that a response is expected after an outbound message is sent.
Polling Interval
This option is available only when the Is Response Required check box is selected.
Enter a polling interval, in milliseconds. The default is 1000.
Response Message Type
This option is available only when the Is Response Required check box is selected.
Select one of the following:
  • Bytes (for a stream of uninterpreted bytes)
  • Text (for text messages)
Response Correlation Pattern
This option is available only when the Is Response Required check box is selected.
Specify whether the response correlation pattern should be based on MessageID or CorrelationID.
Auto-generate Correlation Value
Select this check box to automatically generate a CorrelationID or MessageID.
Response URI
This option is available only when the Is Response Required check box is selected.
The destination to which the response should be published. Enter a response URI in the same format as the endpoint URI: mq://<local-queue-name>?conn=<mq-connection-resource-ref>
For more detailed information, see the Native MQ Transport User Guide.
Response Timeout
This option is available only when the Is Response Required check box is selected.
Enter the number of seconds to wait for a response before dropping the connection.
Dispatch Policy
This option is available only when the Is Response Required check box is selected.
Select a dispatch policy for this endpoint or use the default dispatch policy.
Dispatch policy refers to the instance of WLS Work Manager that you want to use for the service endpoint. For more information, see “Creating a Work Manager” in the Native MQ Transport User Guide.

MQ Transport Configuration page (Proxy Services)

Before you use the MQ transport, you must configure a MQ Connection resource. See Working with MQ Connections. For more information about the MQ transport, see the Native MQ Transport User Guide.

Use this page to configure transport settings for a proxy service using the native MQ transport protocol.

To create or edit...
Polling Interval
Enter a polling interval, in milliseconds. The default is 1000.
Is Response Required
Select this option to specify that a response is expected after an outbound message is sent.
Response Correlation Pattern
This option is available only when the Is Response Required check box is selected.
Specify whether the response correlation pattern should be based on MessageID or CorrelationID.
MQ Response URI
This option is available only when the Is Response Required check box is selected.
The destination to which the response should be published. Enter a response URI in the same format as the endpoint URI: mq://<local-queue-name>?conn=<mq-connection-resource-ref>
For more detailed information, see the Native MQ Transport User Guide.
Response Message Type
This option is available only when the Is Response Required check box is selected.
Select one of the following:
  • Bytes (for a stream of uninterpreted bytes)
  • Text (for text messages)
Client Response Timeout
This option is available only when the Is Response Required check box is selected.
Enter the number of seconds to wait for a response before dropping the connection.
Dispatch Policy
This option is available only when the Is Response Required check box is selected.
Select a dispatch policy for this endpoint or use the default dispatch policy.
Dispatch policy refers to the instance of WLS Work Manager that you want to use for the service endpoint. For more information, see “Creating a Work Manager” in the Native MQ Transport User Guide.

SB Transport Configuration page (Business Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a proxy service using the SB (Service Bus) transport protocol. For more information about the SB transport, see the SB Transport User Guide.

To create or edit...
Dispatch policy
Select the instance of WebLogic Server Work Manager that you want to use for the dispatch policy for this endpoint. The default Work Manager is used if no other Work Manager exists. For information about Work Managers, see Using Work Managers to Optimize Scheduled Work and Create Work Manager in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.
The amount of time in seconds it takes the service to time out.

Note: The timeout will be ignored when the quality of service is Exactly-Once.

Service Account
  • Click Browse and select a service account from the list displayed. If no service account is specified, an anonymous subject is used.

SB Transport Configuration page (Proxy Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a proxy service using the SB (Service Bus) transport protocol. For more information about the SB transport, see the SB Transport User Guide.

To create or edit...
Dispatch Policy
Select a dispatch policy for this endpoint or use the default dispatch policy.
Dispatch policy refers to the instance of WLS Work Manager that you want to use for the service endpoint to process the request. For information about Work Managers, see Using Work Managers to Optimize Scheduled Work and Create Work Manager in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.
When specified, requests must be sent over an SSL connection.
However, unsecured connections are not forbidden. The administrator must close all unsecured protocols on the server (for example, t3 or http) to strictly enforce secured client connections.

SFTP Transport Configuration page (Business Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a proxy service using the sftp transport protocol. For more information about the SFTP transport, see the SFTP Transport User Guide.

To create or edit...
User Authentication
Select one of the following:
  • Username Password Authentication - Specifies that a static service account is associated with this authentication method and the client is authenticated using the provided credentials.
  • Host Based Authentication - Specifies that a user name and service key provider is required to use this authentication method. Any user connecting from a known host is authenticated using the private key of the host.
  • Public Key Authentication - Specifies that a user name and service key provider is required to use this authentication method. Every user has their own private key.
Service Account
Enter the service account for the user, or click Browse to select service accounts from a browser.
Service Key Provider
This option is available only when Host Based or Public Key Authentication is selected.
Enter a service key provider in the Service Key Provider field. You can click Browse to select service key providers from a browser. This is a required field.
This option is available only when Host Based or Public Key Authentication is selected.
Enter the user name.
Enter the socket timeout interval, in seconds, before the connection is dropped. If you enter 0, there is no timeout. The default value is 60.
Prefix for destination File Name
Enter the prefix for the file name under which the file is stored on the remote server.
Suffix for destination File Name
Enter the suffix for the file name under which the file is stored on the remote server.
Request Encoding
Accept the default UTF-8 as the character set encoding for requests in SFTP transports.

SFTP Transport Configuration page (Proxy Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a proxy service using the sftp transport protocol. For more information about the SFTP transport, see the SFTP Transport User Guide.

To create or edit...
User Authentication
Select one of the following:
  • Username Password Authentication - Specifies that a static service account is associated with this authentication method and the client is authenticated using the provided credentials.
  • Host Based Authentication - Specifies that a user name and service key provider is required to use this authentication method. Any user connecting from a known host is authenticated using the private key of the host.
  • Public Key Authentication - Specifies that a user name and service key provider is required to use this authentication method. Every user has their own private key.
Service Account
Enter the service account for the user, or click Browse to select service accounts from a browser.
Service Key Provider
This option is available only when Host Based or Public Key Authentication is selected.
Enter a service key provider in the Service Key Provider field. You can click Browse to select service key providers from a browser. This is a required field.
This option is available only when Host Based or Public Key Authentication is selected.
Enter the user name.
Pass By Reference
Select this check box to stage the file in the archive directory and pass it as a reference in the headers.
Remote Streaming
Select this check box to stream the SFTP files directly from the remote server at the time of processing. When you select this option, the archive directory is the remote directory on the remote SFTP server machine. Therefore, you should specify the archive directory as relative to the SFTP user directory.
File Mask
Enter the regular expression for the files to be picked. The default is *.*.
Managed Server
This field is available only in a clustered domain.
Select the Managed Server to act as the polling server. All of the Managed Servers can process the message, but only one can poll for the message.
Polling Interval
Enter the interval in seconds at which the file is polled from the specified location. The default is 60.
Read Limit
Specify the maximum number of messages to read per polling sweep. Enter 0 to specify no limit. The default is 10.
Post Read Action
Select what happens to a message after it has been read.
  • Archive - The message is archived.
  • Delete - The message is deleted.
Archive Directory
Specify the path to the archive location if the Post Read Action option is set to Archive. This field is required if the Pass By Reference option is selected.

Note: The Archive, Download, and Error directories are absolute paths, and they are automatically created. If you specify a relative path, the files are created relative to the Java process that starts the WebLogic Server.

Download Directory
Enter the directory on your local machine where files are downloaded during the file transfer.

Note: The Archive, Download, and Error directories are absolute paths, and they are automatically created. If you specify a relative path, the files are created relative to the Java process that starts the WebLogic Server.

Error Directory
Enter the location where messages are posted if there is a problem.

Note: The Archive, Download, and Error directories are absolute paths, and they are automatically created. If you specify a relative path, the files are created relative to the Java process that starts the WebLogic Server.

Request Encoding
Accept the default UTF-8 as the character set encoding for requests in SFTP transports.
Advanced Settings
Scan Subdirectories
Select this check box to recursively scan all directories
Sort By Arrival
Select this check box to deliver events in the order of arrival.
Enter the socket timeout interval, in seconds, before the connection is dropped. If you enter 0, there is no timeout. The default value is 60.
Retry Count
Specify the number of retries for SFTP connection failures.

Tuxedo Transport Configuration page (Business Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a proxy service using the Tuxedo transport protocol. For more information about the Tuxedo transport, see AquaLogic Service Bus Interoperability Solution for Tuxedo.

To create or edit...
Field Table Classes
Enter the name of the class or classes describing the FML/FML32 buffer received. These are used for the FML/FML32-to-XML conversion routines to map field names to element names. This is a space separated list of fully qualified class names.
View Classes
Enter the name of the class or classes describing the VIEW/VIEW32 buffer received or sent. These are used for the VIEW-to-XML or VIEW32-to-XML conversion routines to map field names to element names. This is a space separated list of fully qualified class names.
Classes Jar
Select a JAR Resource that contains a JAR file with the FML/FML32 or VIEW/VIEW32 classes necessary for this endpoint operation.
Remote Access Point(s)
Select a remote access point from the drop down list that is associated with the Import. The list contains remote access points configured in WTC. A business service cannot be created if there is no associated remote access point.
If no remote access points exist or to create a new one, select New. Enter the corresponding Access Point Name and Network Address in the adjacent fields. Upon validation of the endpoint, the access point is added to the WTC configuration for each WTC server. If no WTC server exists, one is created.
If more than one URI has been specified, there will be one remote access point field per URI and the URI displays for informative purposes. If more than one URI exists, each requires a different remote access point. If the URI specified already corresponds to an existing WTC resource, the corresponding remote access point displays, but cannot be modified.
Local Access Point(s)
This field appears only when you select New in the Remote Access Point field.
From the drop-down list, select a local access point to be associated with the newly created remote access point. If none exist or to create a new one, select New. Enter the corresponding Local Access Point Name and Local Network Address in the adjacent fields.
Request Buffer Type
Select the type of buffer that the remote Tuxedo service will receive.
Request Buffer Subtype
This option is enabled if the previous Request Buffer Type value is VIEW or VIEW32. Enter the buffer subtype with which to associate the request buffer.
Response Required?
Select this check box to indicate a bidirectional call. If not checked, the underlying tpcall is invoked with TPNOREPLY flag, and a null response is posted asynchronously.
Suspend Transaction?
Select this check box to suspend the transaction, if it exists. This is useful when the remote service does not support transactions.
Dispatch Policy
Select the instance of WebLogic Server Work Manager that you want to use for the dispatch policy for this endpoint. The default Work Manager is used if no other Work Manager exists.
This Work Manager is used to asynchronously post a null reply in the case of a one-way invocation. For information about Work Managers, see Using Work Managers to Optimize Scheduled Work and Create Work Manager in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.
Request Encoding
Specify a character set encoding for requests in Tuxedo transports.
Response Encoding
Specify a character set encoding for responses in Tuxedo transports.
Specify the maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the transport run time waits for replies; an integer value that is greater than or equal to 0. If not specified or set to zero (default), replies will time out at BLOCKTIME, the maximum number of seconds that the local WTC access point allows for a blocking call.
Transformation Style
Select one of the following:
  • None - (default) The order of fields may not be respected.
  • Ordered - The fields are presented with all their occurrences in the correct order.
  • Ordered and Grouped - If the fields are logically structured as records, the fields are ordered by occurrence and grouped by record.

Tuxedo Transport Configuration page (Proxy Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a proxy service using the Tuxedo transport protocol. For more information about the Tuxedo transport, see AquaLogic Service Bus Interoperability Solution for Tuxedo.

To create or edit...
Field Table Classes
Enter the name of the class or classes describing the FML/FML32 buffer received. These are used for the FML/FML32-to-XML conversion routines to map field names to element names. This is a space separated list of fully qualified class names.
View Classes
Enter the name of the class or classes describing the VIEW/VIEW32 buffer received or sent. These are used for the VIEW-to-XML or VIEW32-to-XML conversion routines to map field names to element names. This is a space separated list of fully qualified class names.
X_C_TYPE and X_COMMON Tuxedo buffer types are handled in the same manner as VIEW/VIEW32 buffers.
If an incoming request contains a VIEW, then the corresponding VIEW class should be specified in the ALSB CLASSPATH.
Classes Jar
Select a JAR resource that contains a JAR file with the FML/FML32 or VIEW/VIEW32 classes necessary for this endpoint operation.
Local Access Point
Select a local access point from the drop-down list that is associated with the export. The drop-down list contains local access points configured in WTC. A proxy service cannot be created if there is not an associated local access point.
If no local access points exist or to create a new one, select New. Enter the corresponding Local Access Point Name and Local Network Address in the adjacent fields. Upon validation of the endpoint, the access point is added to the WTC configuration for each WTC server. If no WTC server exists, one is created.
You can enter an existing access point name after selecting the New option. This causes the existing information to be updated with the new parameters. You can change only the host name and port number.
Remote Access Point
This field appears only when you select New in the Local Access Point field.
From the drop-down list, select a remote access point to be associated with the newly created local access point. If none exist or to create a new one, select New. Enter the corresponding Access Point Name and Network Address in the adjacent fields.
You can enter an existing access point name after selecting the New option. This causes the existing information to be updated with the new parameters. You can change only the host name and port number.
The remote access point will also be the authentication principal for the WTC connection for inbound requests. Optionally, you can create a user with the same access point ID in the default security realm to allow incoming calls. To do so, select Yes from the Create User? drop-down list. The password will be randomly generated using a temporary variable to avoid security issues.
Reply Buffer Type
This option is available only if the Response Required? field is selected.
Select the type of buffer that the remote Tuxedo client will receive.
Reply Buffer Subtype
This option is available only when the Response Required? option is selected and the Reply Buffer Type value is VIEW or VIEW32.
Enter the buffer subtype with which to associate the reply buffer.
Response Required?
Select this check box if this service is expected to send a response.
The default status is that this option is selected.
This option is cleared and the unavailable if the service type is Messaging Service and the response message type is None.
Request Encoding
Specify a character set encoding for requests in Tuxedo transports.
Response Encoding
Specify a character set encoding for responses in Tuxedo transports.
Transformation Style
Select one of the following:
  • None - (default) The order of fields may not be respected.
  • Ordered - The fields are presented with all their occurrences in the correct order.
  • Ordered and Grouped - If the fields are logically structured as records, the fields are ordered by occurrence and grouped by record.

WS Transport Configuration page (Business Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a proxy service using the WS transport protocol. For more information about the WS transport, see the WS Transport User Guide.

To create or edit...
Response Timeout
Enter the number of seconds to wait for a response.
Leaving this field blank indicates that there is no response timeout. The business service will wait for the duration of the sequence timeout configured in the RM policy.
If you enter a zero (0) value, there is no timeout; as such, it will never time out.
Service Account
Enter a service account or click Browse to select one from the list displayed.
The service account specifies the credentials to use when there is an HTTP basic authentication policy on this service.
Advanced Settings
Queue Error Messages
Select the check box to enable sending error messages to the configured error queue.
Error Queue URI
This option is available only when the Queue Error Messages check box is selected.
Enter the URI of JMS queue for storing error messages, in the following format:
JMS Error Queue Service Account
This option is available only when the Queue Error Messages check box is selected.
Enter a service account or click Browse to select one from the list displayed.
The service account specifies the credentials to use for JNDI lookups and sending error messages to the error queue.
Use SSL for Error Queue
This option is available only when the Queue Error Messages check box is selected.
Select the check box to use SSL for connecting to the error queue.

WS Transport Configuration page (Proxy Services)

Use this page to configure transport settings for a proxy service using the WS transport protocol. For more information about the WS transport, see the WS Transport User Guide.

To create or edit...
Dispatch Policy
Select a dispatch policy for this endpoint or use the default dispatch policy.
Dispatch policy refers to the instance of WLS Work Manager that you want to use for the service endpoint. For information about Work Managers, see Using Work Managers to Optimize Scheduled Work and Create Work Manager in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.
Advanced Settings
Retry Count
The number of times to retry delivery of a message to the pipeline.
If an unhandled exception occurs in the request pipeline of a proxy service, the incoming WS transport message will be redelivered to the pipeline up to the number of times specified by the retry count. This value is important for reliably processing WS transport messages.
Retry Delay
The number of seconds the system pauses before retrying to send a message to the pipeline after an error.

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