Interface ResourceProviderListener

public interface ResourceProviderListener

Resource provider may choose to implement this interface to perform additional operations in react to ALSB change notifications.

Method Summary
 void beginChangeNotification(String session, Map scratchPadForChangeNotifications)
          Signals the listener that a set of notifications are about to be sent.
 void changesCommitted(String session, Map scratchPadForChangeNotifications)
          Signals that the changes have been committed (made persistent, and activated)
 void changesRolledback(String session, Map scratchPadForChangeNotifications)
          Signals that the changes have been rolledback.
 void endChangeNotification(String session, Map scratchPadForChangeNotifications)
          Signals that all change notifications have been sent.
 void onCreate(String session, Ref ref, ResourceInstanceData rid, Map scratchPadForChangeNotifications)
          Signals that a resource has been created.
 void onDelete(String session, Ref ref, ResourceInstanceData rid, Map scratchPadForChangeNotifications)
          Signals that a resource has been deleted.
 void onIdentityChange(String session, Ref oldIdentity, Ref newIdentity, Map scratchPadForChangeNotifications)
          Signals that a resource has been moved and/or renamed, but not modified.
 void onUpdate(String session, Ref ref, ResourceInstanceData oldRid, ResourceInstanceData newRid, Map scratchPadForChangeNotifications)
          Signals that a resource has been updated but not renamed/moved.
 void onUpdateAndIdentityChange(String session, Ref oldIdentity, Ref newIdentity, ResourceInstanceData oldRid, ResourceInstanceData newRid, Map scratchPadForChangeNotifications)
          Signals that a resource has been updated and renamed/moved at the same time.

Method Detail


void beginChangeNotification(String session,
                             Map scratchPadForChangeNotifications)
                             throws Exception
Signals the listener that a set of notifications are about to be sent. The implementations of this method can perform initializations which can then be used in the onXXX methods.

session - the session context - reserved for future use, will always be null now
scratchPadForChangeNotifications - the scratch pad object
Exception - on error


void onCreate(String session,
              Ref ref,
              ResourceInstanceData rid,
              Map scratchPadForChangeNotifications)
              throws Exception
Signals that a resource has been created.

session - the session context - reserved for future use, will always be null now
ref - the object Ref
rid - the ResourceInstanceData object
scratchPadForChangeNotifications - the scratch pad object
Exception - on error


void onDelete(String session,
              Ref ref,
              ResourceInstanceData rid,
              Map scratchPadForChangeNotifications)
              throws Exception
Signals that a resource has been deleted.

session - the session context - reserved for future use, will always be null now
ref - the object Ref
rid - the ResourceInstanceData object
scratchPadForChangeNotifications - the scratch pad object
Exception - on error


void onUpdate(String session,
              Ref ref,
              ResourceInstanceData oldRid,
              ResourceInstanceData newRid,
              Map scratchPadForChangeNotifications)
              throws Exception
Signals that a resource has been updated but not renamed/moved.

session - the session context - reserved for future use, will always be null now
ref - the object Ref
oldRid - old ResourceInstanceData
newRid - new ResourceInstanceData
scratchPadForChangeNotifications - the scratch pad object
Exception - on error


void onIdentityChange(String session,
                      Ref oldIdentity,
                      Ref newIdentity,
                      Map scratchPadForChangeNotifications)
                      throws Exception
Signals that a resource has been moved and/or renamed, but not modified.

session - the session context - reserved for future use, will always be null now
oldIdentity - old identity
newIdentity - new identity
scratchPadForChangeNotifications - the scratch pad object
Exception - on error


void onUpdateAndIdentityChange(String session,
                               Ref oldIdentity,
                               Ref newIdentity,
                               ResourceInstanceData oldRid,
                               ResourceInstanceData newRid,
                               Map scratchPadForChangeNotifications)
                               throws Exception
Signals that a resource has been updated and renamed/moved at the same time.

session - the session context - reserved for future use, will always be null now
oldRid - old ResourceInstanceData
newRid - new ResourceInstanceData
oldIdentity - old identity
newIdentity - new identity
scratchPadForChangeNotifications - the scratch pad object
Exception - on error


void endChangeNotification(String session,
                           Map scratchPadForChangeNotifications)
                           throws Exception
Signals that all change notifications have been sent.

session - the session context - reserved for future use, will always be null now
scratchPadForChangeNotifications - the scratch pad object
Exception - on error


void changesCommitted(String session,
                      Map scratchPadForChangeNotifications)
Signals that the changes have been committed (made persistent, and activated)

session - the session context - reserved for future use, will always be null now
scratchPadForChangeNotifications - the scratch pad object


void changesRolledback(String session,
                       Map scratchPadForChangeNotifications)
Signals that the changes have been rolledback. It is the responsibility of the implementors to undo (rollback) and work that has been performed by the onXXX methods.

session - the session context - reserved for future use, will always be null now
scratchPadForChangeNotifications - the scratch pad object