User’s Guide

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UDDI, UDDI Registries, and Web Services

UDDI stands for Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration. The UDDI Project is an industry initiative which aims to enable businesses to quickly, easily, and dynamically find and carry out transactions with one another.

A populated UDDI registry contains cataloged information about businesses; the services that they offer; and communication standards and interfaces they use to conduct transactions. A UDDI registry provides a standards-based foundation infrastructure for locating services, invoking services, and managing metadata about services (security, transport, or quality of service). The UDDI registry can store and provide these metadata using arbitrary categorizations. These categorizations are called taxonomies.

UDDI registries are used in an enterprise to share Web Services. Using UDDI registries helps companies organize and catalog Web Services for sharing and reuse in an enterprise or with trusted external partners. The UDDI version 3.0 specification is available at: UDDI registries are based on this specification, which provides details on how to publish and locate information about Web Services using UDDI. The specification does not define run-time aspects of the services (it is only a directory of the services). UDDI provides a framework in which to classify your business, its services, and the technical details about the services you want to expose.

Publishing a service to a registry requires knowledge of the service type and the data structure representing that service in the registry. A registry entry has certain properties associated with it and these property types are defined when the registry is created. You can publish your service to a registry and make it available for other organizations to discover and use. Proxy services developed in ALSB can be published to a UDDI registry. ALSB can interact with any version 3.0-compliant UDDI registry. BEA provides the AquaLogic Service Registry.

Figure 7-1 illustrates the integration of ALSB with a UDDI registry.

Figure 7-1 ALSB integration with UDDI

ALSB integration with UDDI

The ALSB Web-based interface to AquaLogic Service Registry makes the registry accessible and easy to use. In working with UDDI, ALSB promotes the reuse of standards-based Web Services. In this way, ALSB registry entries can be searched for, discovered, and used by multiple domains. Web Services and UDDI are built on a set of standards, so reuse promotes the use of acceptable, tested Web Services and application development standards across the enterprise. The Web Services and interfaces can be catalogued by type, function, or classification so that they can be discovered and managed more easily.

Basic Concepts of the UDDI Specification

UDDI is based upon several established industry standards, including HTTP, XML, XML Schema Definition (XSD), SOAP, and WSDL. The UDDI specification describes a registry of Web Services and its programmatic interfaces. UDDI itself is a set of Web Services. The UDDI specification defines services that support the description and discovery of:

Benefits of Using a UDDI Registry with ALSB

A UDDI registry stores data and metadata about business services. A UDDI registry offers a standards-based mechanism to classify, catalog, and manage Web Services so that they can be discovered and consumed by other applications. UDDI offers several benefits to IT managers and developers at both design time and run time, including the following:

Introduction to UDDI Entities

UDDI uses a specific data model to represent entities that define organizations and services. Figure 7-2 shows the relationships between different UDDI entities.

Figure 7-2 UDDI Entities Representing Organizations and Services

UDDI Entities Representing Organizations and Services

Table 7-1 provides a high-level overview of UDDI entities.

Table 7-1 High-Level Description of UDDI Entities 
Business Entity
An organization or group of people who own and provide the services. A business entity can be described by a set of names, descriptions, contact details for the service provider, a set of categories that represent the business entity features, unique identifiers, and discovery URLs.
Business Service
Represents functionality or resources provided by a business entity. A business service is described by a name, a description, and a set of categories that represent the function of the service. A business service in a UDDI registry does not necessarily represent a Web Service. The UDDI registry can register arbitrary services, for example EJB, CORBA, and such.
Binding Template
Represents the technical details of how to invoke a business service. A business service can contain one or more binding templates. Binding templates are described by access points representing service endpoints (the endpoint URI and protocol specification), tModel instance information, and categories to reference specific features of the binding template.
Represents a technical specification; typically a specifications pointer, or metadata about a specification document, describing how services must be represented in the UDDI registry. The description of a service includes a name, a description, an overview document (a reference to a document specifying the purpose of the tModel), a category, and an identifier (to uniquely identify the tModel).

For more information on the UDDI data model and entities used in UDDI, see Introduction to BEA AquaLogic Service Registry in BEA AquaLogic Service Registry 3.0 User’s Guide. See also Publishing and Finding Web Services Using UDDI in WebLogic Web Services: Advanced Programming.


Sample Business Scenarios for ALSB and UDDI

The following are two sample business scenarios that highlight the benefit of using UDDI.

Basic Proxy Service Communication with a UDDI Registry

This scenario shows how you can use ALSB to import services from a registry and then publish ALSB proxy services back to the registry. See Figure 7-3.

Figure 7-3 Proxy Service Communication with a UDDI Registry

Proxy Service Communication with a UDDI Registry

ALSB imports business services from a UDDI registry. Proxy services are configured to communicate with the business services in the proxy service message flow. The proxy services can then be published back to the registry and made available for use by other domains.

Cross-Domain Deployment in ALSB

This scenario shows cross-domain deployment using ALSB. In this scenario, an ALSB application in one domain requires access to an ALSB service in another domain at run time. See Figure 7-4.

Figure 7-4 Sample Business Case of Cross-Domain Deployment

Sample Business Case of Cross-Domain Deployment

An instance of ALSB is deployed in each of two domains. The ALSB proxy service (P1) is configured in domain (D1). The ALSB proxy service (P2) in domain (D2) requires access to proxy service (P1). As the domains cannot communicate directly with each other, P2 in D2 cannot use P1 in D1. The ALSB import and export feature does not support run-time discovery of services in different domains, but publishing the service to a UDDI registry allows the discovery and use of a service in any domain. Once P1 is made available in the UDDI registry it can be invoked at run time (for example, get a stock quote) and imported as a business service in another ALSB proxy service.

When importing and exporting from different domains you should have network connectivity. A proxy service might reference schemas located in the repository of a different domain, in which case you need HTTP access to the domain to import it using the URL. In the absence of connectivity an error message is returned.


Using ALSB and UDDI

ALSB works with any UDDI registry that is compliant with the version 3.0 implementation of UDDI. AquaLogic Service Registry 2.1 is a V3.0-compliant UDDI registry and is certified to work with ALSB.

Using the ALSB Console or ALSB Plug-in for WorkSpace Studio, you can:

For detailed procedural information, see the following topics in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console:

A UDDI Workflow

The typical workflow for using a UDDI registry with ALSB is as follows:


Configuring a Registry

You can configure a UDDI registry, make it available in ALSB, and then publish ALSB proxy services to it or import business services from the registry to be used in a proxy service. You must be in an active session in the ALSB Console to configure the registry. For detailed information, see:

When publishing services to AquaLogic Service Registry, you need a valid user name and password for authentication to gain access to the registry. The user name and password combination is implemented as a service account resource in ALSB. You must define service accounts before configuring proxy services. See Specifying Service Accounts in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

You can set up registries with multiple user names and passwords allowing different users to have different permissions based on the associated service accounts. In BEA AquaLogic Service Registry, administrators manage user privileges and create views into the registry, specific to the needs of different users. In ALSB, user permissions govern access to the registries, their content, and available functionality.


Publishing a Proxy Service to a UDDI Registry

You can use the ALSB Console or the ALSB Plug-in for WorkSpace Studio to publish proxy services to the AquaLogic Service Registry. To do this you must have a user account set up in AquaLogic Service Registry. You can publish any proxy service to a UDDI registry. The permitted service types and transports are listed in Table 7-2.

Table 7-2 Service Types and Transports for Proxy Services 
Service Type
HTTP, JMS, Local, SB, WS
HTTP, JMS, Local, SB
E-mail, File, FTP, HTTP, JMS, Local, MQ, SB, SFTP, Tuxedo
E-mail, File, FTP, HTTP, JMS, Local, MQ, SFTP, Tuxedo

Note: Messaging services can have different content for requests and responses, or can have no response at all (one-way messages). E-mail, File, SFTP, and FTP should be one-way.

You can select the Business Entity under which a service is to be published. Business Entity Administration (including creation, removal, update, and deletion of entities) is done using the management console provided by the registry vendor (for example, the Business Service Console of AquaLogic Service Registry). The first time you publish to a registry you must load the tModels to that registry. You do this when you configure the publishing details in the ALSB Console or ALSB Plug-in for WorkSpace Studio. For more information on how to publish to a UDDI registry, see Publishing Proxy Services to a UDDI Registry in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

Note: An error can occur when you attempt to import a service from a UDDI registry if that service was originally published to the registry from an ALSB cluster in which any of the clustered servers uses the localhost address. Specifically, when the service being imported references a resource (WSDL or XSD) which references other resources (WSDL or XSD).
Note: Ensure that before you publish services to a UDDI registry from a clustered domain, none of the servers in the cluster use localhost in the server addresses. Instead, use either the machine name or the IP address.

Publishing Local Proxy Services to UDDI

You can now publish local proxy services to UDDI so you can associate them with ALSB generic proxy services. For example, you might have an any SOAP or any XML generic proxy service that dynamically routes to multiple local transport proxy services with concrete WSDLs. Alternatively, you might have a generic proxy service in Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) 1 that dynamically routes to a generic proxy service in ESB 2 where the business service is attached. From the UDDI registry, you can get the WSDL of the local proxy service and the URL of the any SOAP or any XML generic proxy service. Combining the WSDL and URL creates an effective WSDL for sending messages to the local proxy service through the generic proxy service.


Using Auto-Publish

When you create a proxy service you can configure it to be published automatically to a default UDDI registry. You must first set up a default registry. See Setting Up a Default UDDI Registry in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

To enable the auto-publish feature for individual proxy services, you select the Publish To Registry check box on the Create a Proxy Service-General Configuration page. When you enable the Publish To Registry option, the proxy service is published to the default registry upon session activation. If the UDDI registry is unavailable, the publish action is retried. Any further changes to the proxy service resets the retry attempts. When a proxy service is republished to a UDDI registry, all taxonomies and categorizations, which are defined in UDDI for the proxy service, are preserved.

When you change the default registry, all the proxy services that have auto-publish enabled will be published to the new default registry. Synchronization then takes place with the current default registry. When a proxy service is not synchronized, the ALSB Console displays a Sample Business Case of Cross-Domain Deployment unsynchronized icon.

Note: When you have a default registry and you import a sbconfig.jar, which has a default registry set with the same logical name during the import, it is possible that the default registry will have an incorrect value for the business entity. You might now see errors on the Auto Publish Status page, if there are any auto-published proxy services. You can correct this situation by selecting the default registry again.


Importing a Service from a Registry

You can import services from a registry as ALSB business services. When importing a WSDL-based service, if multiple UDDI binding templates are encountered, ALSB creates a different business service for each binding template.

To establish access to UDDI registries in ALSB you must have ALSB IntegrationAdmin or IntegrationDeployer privileges. See Role-Based Access in AquaLogic Service Bus Console in the AquaLogic Service Bus Security Guide. The registry entries are located on the System Administration > Import from UDDI page in the ALSB Console. When importing, you select from the list of available registries. To discover a service in a registry you must query a specific registry. Entries in registries are unique. The query is performed when you specify what registry you want to use for importing a service.

You can import the following business services types from a UDDI registry into ALSB:

For information on how to use the ALSB Console to import services from a UDDI registry, see:

When a service is updated, you must re-import the service from the registry to get the most recent version, unless you have selected the Enable Auto Import option to auto-synchronize imported services with the UDDI registry. Any service that is imported with this option selected will be kept in synchrony with the UDDI registry. See Auto-Synchronization of Services With UDDI. If there is any failure during auto-synchronization, it will be reported on the Auto-Import Status page where you can update it manually.

Services have documents associated with them and these documents can include a number of other documents (schemas, policies, and so on). On import, the UDDI registry points to the document location based on the inquiry URL of the service. When a document that includes or references other resources is located, all of the referenced information and each included item is added as a separate resource in ALSB.

Business Entity and pattern are the criteria used to search for a service in a registry. For example, you can enter foo%, when searching for a service. Services published by ALSB have specific tmodel keys identifying the services that you use when searching for the service in the registry.

The Business Entity is the highest level of organization in the registry, though you can use other search criteria, such as business, application type, and so on. If you require authentication, then you need a user name and password which you must get from your system administrator.

Related References


Using Auto-Import

You can use the auto-import feature to synchronize the business services, which are imported from the AquaLogic Service Registry, with the corresponding services in the registry. See Using Auto-Import Status in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

Note: Auto-import is available only in the ALSB Console, not in the ALSB Plug-in for WorkSpace Studio.

You can use the Auto Import Status page to do the following:


You can synchronize the services you have imported from the registry. If the services in the registry change, you can synchronize services in the ALSB Console with those in the registry. The following use case illustrates the process of synchronization. If the business service is not detached from the registry, ALSB automatically subscribes to any changes to the service in the registry. If the service changes, a Sample Business Case of Cross-Domain Deployment unsynchronized icon appears in the Resource Browser and Project Explorer indicating that the service needs to be synchronized. In addition, the Auto Import Status page shows this service and provides options for synchronizing the service or detaching it from the registry. Under certain circumstances, synchronizing the service might result in semantic validation errors that show up on the View Conflicts page. You will have to fix these errors before activating the session.

When a service is synchronized, the service is updated only with fields that are obtained from UDDI. Other fields in the service definition will preserve their values if modified since last import.

Consider a scenario where you publish services from Domain1 to a registry (see Figure 7-5). You then import these services from the registry into a domain, Domain2. Then you make changes to the services in Domain1 and update them in the registry. You can update the services in Domain2 by synchronizing them with the registry using the auto-import feature.

Figure 7-5 Sample Business Case of Cross-Domain Deployment

Sample Business Case of Cross-Domain Deployment


Sometimes you do not want the service in the ALSB Console to be synchronized with the corresponding service in the registry. You can avoid synchronization by detaching the service from the registry. See Detaching Services in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.


Auto-Synchronization of Services With UDDI

You can keep the service definitions in ALSB automatically synchronized (both ways) with those in UDDI.

Services can be automatically published to a UDDI registry after they are created or changed within ALSB and business service definitions can be imported from UDDI and automatically updated when the original service is changed in UDDI. Alternatively, you can configure the ALSB Console or the ALSB Plug-in for WorkSpace Studio to prompt you for approval for synchronization when a service changes in the UDDI registry.

When configuring a registry, select the Enable Auto Import option to auto-synchronize imported services with the UDDI registry. Any service that is imported with this option enabled will be kept in synchrony with the UDDI registry automatically. If there is any failure during auto-synchronization, it is reported on the Auto-Import Status page where you can update it manually. See Configuring UDDI Registries in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.


Mapping ALSB Proxy Services to UDDI Entities

ALSB proxy service attributes must be mapped to the data model supported by the UDDI registry to allow a proxy service to be published as a UDDI business entity. The following table shows the service types, message types, and transports relevant to the UDDI registry mapping for an ALSB proxy service.

Table 7-3 Proxy Service Attributes and Service Types
Service Type
Message Content Type
SOAP or XML (with attachment)
HTTP, JMS, Local, SB, WS
Untyped SOAP (with attachment)
HTTP, JMS, Local, SB
Untyped XML (with attachment)
E-mail, File, FTP, HTTP, JMS, Local, MQ, SB, SFTP, Tuxedo
Binary, Text, MFL, XML (schema)
E-mail, File, FTP, HTTP, JMS, Local, MQ, SFTP, Tuxedo

Note: Optional parts are listed in parentheses. Messaging services can have different content for requests and responses, or can have no response at all (one-way messages). E-mail, File, SFTP, and FTP should be one-way.

Proxy services have attributes in common and also attributes that are specifically defined by the transport protocols used by the service and the type of service. Each proxy service can deliver messages of a certain type.

The primary relevant entities in UDDI are:

Figure 7-6 shows how WSDL-based services are mapped to UDDI business entities.

Figure 7-6 WSDL Service to UDDI Mapping

WSDL Service to UDDI Mapping

The technical note on Using WSDL in a UDDI registry, version 2.0.2, at, is used as the basis for publishing WSDL-based proxy services to the UDDI registry. This document is also used as a reference point for publishing non-WSDL based services. The document and the base UDDI specification describe the canonical technical models (tModels) used to describe UDDI entities. To publish ALSB proxy services as entities in the UDDI registry, you must provide additional canonical tModels to support some of the constructs specific to ALSB. Not all attributes of an ALSB proxy service are useful when searching for a service, for example, service type and transport details. These attributes do not categorize the service. tmodels are configuration details of the service once it has been discovered. These configuration details are mapped to the business service binding template tmodelinstanceDetails section. Other attributes specifically identify a service and can be used as the search criteria for the service. These attributes are mapped using keyed references to tModels with values in the categoryBag of the binding template.

An example of how ALSB maps to UDDI is shown in Figure 7-7.

Figure 7-7 ALSB to UDDI Mapping

ALSB to UDDI Mapping

UDDI Mapping Details for an ALSB Proxy Service

ALSB high-level proxy service information maps to the business service as follows:

Listing 7-1 shows a mapping of high-level proxy service information to a business service.

Listing 7-1 Sample Proxy Service to Business Service Mapping
<keyedReferenceGroup tModelKey="">
  <keyedReference  tModelKey=""
    keyName="Service Type"
  <keyedReference  tModelKey=""
    keyName="Service Bus Instance"
Note: The key for the businessService created when a proxy service is published is a publisher assigned key name. It is derived from the ALSB domain name, the path of the proxy service, and the proxy service name. It takes the following form:
Note: For example, AnonESBan, which is a domain in ALSB, contains a project named Proxy, which contains a folder named Accounting, which in turn contains a proxy service called PayoutProxy. When PayoutProxy is published to UDDI, its businessService is created with the following key:

ALSB detailed proxy service information maps into the binding template as follows:

Listing 7-2 shows a detailed information mapping to the binding template.

Listing 7-2 Sample Detailed Mapping to the Binding Template
<bindingTemplate bindingKey="uddi:" serviceKey="uddi:">
  <accessPoint useType="endPoint">file:///c:/temp/in3</accessPoint>
    <tModelInstanceInfo tModelKey="">
      <InstanceParms><ALSBInstanceParms xmlns="">
        <property name="fileMask" value="*.*"/>
        <property name="sortByArrival" value="false"/> </ALSBInstanceParms>
    <tModelInstanceInfo tModelKey="
      <InstanceParms><ALSBInstanceParms xmlns="">
        <property name="requestType" value="XML"/>
        <property name="RequestSchema" value="
        <property name="RequestSchemaElement"
        <property name="responseType" value="None"/></ALSBInstanceParms>

Transport Attributes

Each of the transport types in the * group has a different set of detailed metadata. See Table 7-3. This metadata provides the configuration details of the transport for the proxy service. It is neither useful for characterizing the service nor useful in querying the service. However, after the service has been discovered, this data is needed to access the service. The metadata is represented by an XML string and is located in the instanceParms field in tModelInstanceInfo.

If you are mapping a proxy service that uses the HTTP transport, and as part of the HTTP configuration you need to describe some configuration details, including the required client authorization and the request and response character encoding. Listing 7-3 provides an example of what must appear in the bindingTemplate tModelInstanceDetails.

Listing 7-3 Example of tModelInstanceDetails
  <tModelInstanceInfo tModelKey="">
        <ALSBInstanceParms xmlns="">
          <property name="client-auth" value="basic"/>
          <property name="request-encoding" value="iso-8859-1"/>
          <property name="response-encoding" value="utf-8"/>
          <property name="Scheme" value="http"/>
Note: For each transport, the service endpoint is always stored in the bindingTemplate accessPoint field.

The client-auth property is present in the instanceParms of the HTTP or HTTPS transport attributes whenever authentication is configured. The possible values for client-auth are basic, client-cert, and custom-token. Whenever the value is custom-token, two additional properties are present: token-header and token-type.

Because ALSB business service definitions do not support custom token authentication in this release, if you import a service from UDDI that has a value of custom-token for client-auth, the service is imported as if it does not have any authentication configuration.

Table 7-4 is organized by transport type and lists the tModelKey and instanceParms used by each of the transports.

Table 7-4 Transport Attributes 
  • Attachment Supported [Boolean]
  • Request Encoding
  • File Mask
  • Sort by Arrival [Boolean]
  • Request Encoding
  • File Mask
  • Sort by Arrival [Boolean]
  • Transfer Mode [Text, Binary]
  • Request Encoding
  • Client Authentication [None, Basic, Client Cert (HTTP only), and Custom Token]
  • Request Encoding
  • Response Encoding
  • Destination Type [Queue, Topic]
  • Response Required, Response URI
  • Response Message Type [Bytes, Text]
  • Request Encoding
  • Response Encoding
  • None
  • Response Required
  • Response URI
  • Response Correlation Pattern
The URI scheme is sb when use ssl is false; sbs when use ssl is true.
  • None
  • File Mask
  • Sort by Arrival [Boolean]
  • Request Encoding
  • Authentication Mode
  • Response Required
  • Access Point ID
  • Buffer Type
  • Buffer Subtype
  • Classes Jar
  • Field Table Classes
  • View Classes
WS uses the HTTP tModelKey
  • None

1The accessPoint in the Binding Template for an E-mail transport uses the standard mailto URL format:
This is different from the one configured for the proxy service in ALSB, which is a URL oriented toward reading e-mail. It is not be possible to derive this mailto URL from the proxy service definition as the server name is not known. For example, if the proxy service is defined to read from a POP3 server, it might be defined with a URL such as When publishing such a proxy service, a dummy server is added. In the above example, the published URL will take the form

Service Type Attributes

Table 7-5 provides a high-level description of each of the service types.

Table 7-5 Service Type Attributes

WSDL based proxies map to UDDI based on the Using WSDL in a UDDI Registry, version 2.0.2 technical note at URL:

A simple marker protocol in the tModel in the bindingTemplate tModelInstanceDetails, as well as in the categoryBag, defines the Any Soap attributes.
A simple marker protocol tModel within the bindingTemplate tModelInstanceDetails, as well as in the categoryBag defines the Any XML attributes. This is a new detailed tModel.
Messaging Services
A simple marker protocol tModel in the bindingTemplate tModelInstanceDetails, defines the messaging services attributes. This is a new detailed tModel. Unlike the other service types, messaging services have additional configuration information associated with them, which provides detail about the request and response messages. The configuration details are represented as XML data in the InstanceParms data for the following tModel reference in the tModelInstanceInfo:
  • Input message format (XML, Text, Binary, MFL)
  • URL of input message schema in ALSB (optional, if input message is XML)
  • URL of input message MFL in ALSB (if input message is MFL)
  • Output message format (none, XML, Text, Binary, MFL)
  • URL of output message schema in ALSB (optional, if output message is XML)
  • URL of output message MFL in ALSB (if output message is MFL)


Canonical tModels Supporting ALSB Services

The ALSB-UDDI mapping introduces a number of new canonical tModels that are used to represent ALSB metadata and relationships. These tModels must be registered in the UDDI registry to support this mapping. You can create these tModels in AquaLogic Service Registry under the administrator ID.

Table 7-6 provides a summary of the new tModels.

Table 7-6 ALSB tModels
CategorizationGroup tModel Types
Describes very specific attributes of an ALSB service. In the data model it is used in the business service categoryBag.
Categorization tModel Types
WSDL, SOAP, XML, Messaging Service
Describes the service type of the ALSB service.
URL of ALSB Console
Describes the service instance in ALSB responsible for publishing the service to UDDI.
Transport tModel Types
Describes the type of transport used by the service. A reference to it is found in the accessPoint attribute of the business service binding template.
Describes the type of transport used to invoke the service. A reference to it is found in the accessPoint attribute of the business service binding template.
Protocol tModel Types
Describes the type of protocol used to access the service. It designates services that have a SOAP message but not defined by a WSDL or schema. The message body content is determined dynamically by the application.
Describes the type of protocol used to access the service. It designates services having an XML message but not defined by a WSDL or schema. The message body content is determined dynamically by the application.
Describes the type of protocol used to access the service. It designates services where the request message can be any XML (with or without schema), text, binary, or MFL and whose response messge can be any of the above or none. The message body content is determined dynamically by the application.



Listing 7-4 is an example of the mapping for a Messaging Service, configured with JMS transport, the request being XML with a schema and the response being a text message.

Listing 7-4 Sample Messaging Service Mapping
      <accessPoint useType="endPoint">
        <tModelInstanceInfo tModelKey="">
                <property name="is-queue" value="true"/>
                <property name="request-encoding"
                <property name="response-encoding"
                <property name="response-required"
                <property name="response-URI"
                <property name="response-message-type"
                <property name="Scheme" value="jms"/>
              <ALSBInstanceParms xmlns=
                  <property name="requestType" value="XML"/>
                  <property name="RequestSchema"
                <property name="RequestSchemaElement"
                <property name="responseType" value="Text"/>
  <keyedReferenceGroup tModelKey="">
    <keyedReference tModelKey=""
          keyName="Service Type"
          keyValue="Mixed" />
    <keyedReference tModelKey=""
          keyName="Service Bus Instance"
          keyValue="" />

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