Account  Locate

Account API is used to query and manage user accounts in BEA AquaLogic Service Registry.

Data Structures  Locate

The following structures are used by the Account API:

userAccount  Locate

The userAccount element is container that holds the attributes of a user account in the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry. The required elements are:

  • loginName

  • email

  • fullName

  • languageCode

All other elements are optional.

loginNamecontains the login name of the user account
passwordcontains the password used to authorize the user
emailholds the user's email address
fullNameholds the user's full name
descriptionuse for describing the user or the user's role
languageCodethe language the user speaks
businessNamename of organization where the user is employed
phonetelephone number used to contact the user
alternatePhonesecond telephone number used to contact the user
expirationmay hold the time when the user account expires
expiresindicates whether the account may expire over time
externala flag indicating whether the user account is external or stored in the UDDI registry
blockeda flag indicating whether the user is blocked
account:propertyan unspecified string; its meaning depends on UserStore type
businessesLimitspecifies how many business entities the user account may save
servicesLimitspecifies maximum number of business services within a single business entity that the user account may own
bindingsLimitspecifies how many bindingTemplates the user account may save within a single businessService
tModelsLimitspecifies the number of tModels the user account may save
assertionsLimitspecifies the number of publisherAssertions the user account may save
subscriptionsLimitspecifies the number of subscriptions the user account may save
lastLoginTimecontains information regarding when the user last logged into the registry

userInfo  Locate

This element serves as a container for short information about single userAccount. It contains the required element loginName, and the optional elements fullName, description, and email.

userInfos  Locate

This element holds one or more userInfo elements.

userList  Locate

This element contains optional listDescription and userInfos elements.

Operations  Locate
find_userAccount  Locate

The find_userAccount API call is used to find user accounts in BEA AquaLogic Service Registry that match given criteria.

Syntax  Locate
Arguments  Locate
  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • name - Name to be searched.

  • account:findQualifier - The collection of findQualifier used to alter default behavior.

Behavior  Locate

The following findQualifiers affect behavior of the call:

  • The findByLoginName findQualifier (default) is used to specify that user accounts shall be searched by loginName.

  • With the findByFullName findQualifier, user accounts are searched by the fullName property.

  • If the exactMatch findQualifier is present, an exact match is required.

  • The default approximateMatch findQualifier enables SQL wildcard queries.

  • If the findBlockedAccount findQualifier is present, only blocked accounts are returned.

  • The sortByNameAsc (default) and sortByNameDesc findQualifiers controls the order in which the data is returned.

Returns  Locate

This API call returns the userList upon success.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API user permission for org.systinet.uddi.account.AccountApi and the action find_userAccount.

get_userAccount  Locate

The get_userAccount API call returns userAccount structure of selected user.

Syntax  Locate
Arguments  Locate
  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • loginName - This required argument uniquely identifies the user account.

Returns  Locate

This API call returns userAccount upon success.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API user permission for org.systinet.uddi.account.AccountApi and the action get_userAccount to get user's own account detail and API manager permission for org.systinet.uddi.account.AccountApi and the action get_userAccount to get other users' accounts.

save_userAccount  Locate

The save_userAccount API call is used to save or update userAccount in BEA AquaLogic Service Registry. Whether public registration is allowed or not depends on the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry configuration. It may be also configured to block registered account until it is enabled by code sent by email.

Syntax  Locate
Arguments  Locate
  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • account:userAccount - The user account to be saved.

Returns  Locate

This API call returns userAccount upon success.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API user permission for org.systinet.uddi.account.AccountApi and the action save_userAccount to save user's own account or register new account and API manager permission for org.systinet.uddi.account.AccountApi and the action save_userAccount to save other users' accounts.

delete_userAccount  Locate

The delete_userAccount API call causes selected user account to be removed from BEA AquaLogic Service Registry.

Syntax  Locate
Arguments  Locate
  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • loginName - This required argument uniquely identifies the user account.

Returns  Locate

This API call returns UserAccount upon success.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API user permission for org.systinet.uddi.account.AccountApi and the action delete_userAccount to delete user's own account and API manager permission for org.systinet.uddi.account.AccountApi and the action delete_userAccount to delete other users' accounts.

enable_userAccount  Locate

The enable_userAccount API call is used to activate user account identified by loginName argument in BEA AquaLogic Service Registry.

Syntax  Locate
Arguments  Locate
  • loginName - This required argument uniquely identifies the user account.

  • account:enableCode - Confirmation string.

WSDL  Locate

You can find the WSDL specification in the file account.wsdl.

API Endpoint  Locate

You can find the Account API endpoint at http://<host name>:<port>/uddi/account .

Java  Locate

The Java API is generated from Account WSDL. You are encouraged to browse org.systinet.uddi.account.AccountApi and to read and try Account demos.