Permission  Locate

The ermission API is used to query and manage permissions in BEA AquaLogic Service Registry.

Data Structures  Locate

The following structures are used by the Permission API:

permissionDescriptor  Locate

This structure serves as a container for one permission and its actions. The type element contains the type of the permission. The name element contains the permission's name. Optional action elements are used to provide finer granularity to the permission and contain individual actions of this permission.

permissionDescriptors  Locate

This structure holds an optional principal element and zero or more permissionDescriptor structures.

permissionDetail  Locate

This structure is a container for zero or more permissionDescriptors structures.

principal  Locate

This element contains the optional attributeprincipalType, which may be assigned to a user or group. The element's text contains the loginName of the user, or the group name, depending on the principalType value.

principals  Locate

This structure serves as a container for zero or more principal elements.

principalList  Locate

This structure serves as a list principals returned from the operation find_principal.

Operations  Locate
find_principal  Locate

This operation is used to find principals, it replaces the deprecared operation who_hasPermission .

Syntax  Locate
Arguments  Locate
  • permission:authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • permissionDescriptor

  • name - name of the principal

  • findQualifier

Returns  Locate

Upon successful completion, the principalList structure is returned.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires API user or manager permission for org.systinet.uddi.permission.PermissionApi and the action get_permission. The user permission is needed to get permissions for the user himself, the manager permission is required to get permissions for other users.

get_permission  Locate

The get_permission API call is used to get permissions in BEA AquaLogic Service Registry, that have been assigned to users or groups identified by the principal's structure.

Syntax  Locate
Arguments  Locate
  • permission:authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • permission:principals - This mandatory structure contains list of users or groups to be searched.

Returns  Locate

Upon successful completion, the permissionDetail structure is returned.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires API user or manager permission for org.systinet.uddi.permission.PermissionApi and the action get_permission. The user permission is needed to get permissions for the user himself, the manager permission is required to get permissions for other users.

set_permission  Locate

The set_permission API call serves to set permissions in BEA AquaLogic Service Registry. Existing permissions for users or groups referenced in permissionDescriptors are overwritten by this call.

Syntax  Locate
Arguments  Locate
  • permission:authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • permission:permissionDescriptors - This mandatory structure holds permissions to be set.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires API manager permission for org.systinet.uddi.permission.PermissionApi and the action set_permission.

who_hasPermission  Locate

The who_hasPermission operation is deprecated. We recommend to use the operation find_principal instead.

The who_hasPermission API call is used to find out which users or groups have the specified permissions.

Syntax  Locate
Arguments  Locate
  • permission:authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • permission:permissionDescriptor - This argument contains a description of permissions to be searched.

Returns  Locate

Upon successful completion, the principals structure is returned.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires API manager permission for org.systinet.uddi.permission.PermissionApi and the action who_hasPermission.

WSDL  Locate

You can find the WSDL specification in the file permission.wsdl.

API Endpoint  Locate

You can find the Permission API endpoint at http://<host name>:<port>/uddi/permission.

Java  Locate

The Systinet Java API is generated from Permission WSDL. You are encouraged to browse its org.systinet.uddi.permission.PermissionApi and to read and try the Permission demos.