Installation Guide

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Cluster Configuration

This chapter contains general notes about the synchronized configuration of a BEA AquaLogic Service Registry cluster and instructs how to deploy BEA AquaLogic Service Registry to a WebLogic Cluster (WebLogic-Specific Settings).

A BEA AquaLogic Service Registry cluster is a group of registries deployed on multiple servers possibly with a clustered database in the back end. It consists of a Configuration Manager, Configuration Listeners and a Load Balancer:


Configuration Manager and Configuration Listener Setup

The configuration file, configurator.xml, is located in the following directory on each BEA AquaLogic Service Registry installation in the cluster:

By default, it resembles the following configuration.

Listing 12-1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<config name="configurator" savingPeriod="5000" local="false">
    <IPFilter name="configuratorFilter">
        <subnet IPAddress="" subnetMask=""/>
    <configManager cluster="false" resendInterval="300">

Element description:


Contains information about the URLs of the configuration manager BEA AquaLogic Service Registry server.


URL of the configuration manager server. (The server URL, including https protocol, must be fully specified.)


URL path of the configurator manager service on configurator manager server.


URL path of configurator service on the configurator manager server.


Contains configuration of the config manager service.


If the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry server supports clusters, this value must be set to true, otherwise set it to false.


Specifies the interval within which the configuratorManager resends messages that have not been delivered to unavailable configuratorListeners. The value is in seconds. The default value is 300s.


List of all configurator listeners in the cluster.


URL of the configurator listener service. (The server URL must be fully specified including https protocol and the path of configurator listener service path.)


Configuration of IP addresses from which requests are accepted; contains list of subnets.


A child element of IPFilter, defines the IP range; configuration requests are accepted if (incoming IP address and subnet mask) == (IPaddress and subnetMask)
Note: Cluster configuration events are logged in the REGISTRY_HOME/log/configuratorEvents.log file.


Security Certificates Setup

Because an HTTPS connection is used between the manager and clients, you must import certificates on both sides. On the manager side, you need the certificates of all clients and each client needs the certificate from the manager. These certificates must be imported into the pstore.xml file located in the REGISTRY_HOME/conf directory.

Use the PStoreTool (described in PStore Tool in the Administrator's Guide in Using the AquaLogic Service Registry.). For the standalone installation, the certificate file is located in REGISTRY_HOME/doc/registry.crt. If BEA AquaLogic Service Registry is ported to an application server, use a web browser to obtain the server's certificates and export them into a file.

Note: If BEA AquaLogic Service Registry is installed as a cluster of standalone registries, you must ensure that each cluster node shares the same private key that is used for checking of authentication token validity. (By a standalone registry, we mean that BEA AquaLogic Service Registry that is not ported to an application server).

To setup each cluster node to share the same private key that is used for checking of authentication token validity, choose one of the cluster nodes and copy it's private key to all other nodes in the cluster by entering these commands at a command prompt: (You do not need to do this if BEA AquaLogic Service Registry is ported to an application server)

  1. PStoreTool copy -alias authTokenIdentity -keyPassword SSL_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD -config REGISTRY_HOME\conf\pstore.xml -config2 TARGET_REGISTRY_HOME\conf\pstore.xml
  2. PStoreTool export -alias authTokenIdentity -certFile authTokenIdentity.crt -config REGISTRY_HOME\conf\pstore.xml
  3. PStoreTool add -certFile authTokenIdentity.crt -config TARGET_REGISTRY_HOME\conf\pstore.xml

SSL_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD is a ssl certificate password entered during the installation

TARGET_REGISTRY_HOME is the directory where one of cluster nodes is installed.


Configuration Example

This cluster contains three BEA AquaLogic Service Registry servers, BEA AquaLogic Service Registry 1 (IP, BEA AquaLogic Service Registry 2 (IP, and BEA AquaLogic Service Registry 3 (IP The Configuration Manager Server is BEA AquaLogic Service Registry 1.

Listing 12-2 Configuration Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<config name="configurator" savingPeriod="5000" local="false">
    <IPFilter name="configuratorFilter">
        <subnet IPAddress="" subnetMask=""/>
        <subnet IPAddress="" subnetMask=""/>
        <subnet IPAddress="" subnetMask=""/>
    <configManager cluster="true">


WebLogic-Specific Settings

To port BEA AquaLogic Service Registry to a WebLogic cluster follow these steps:

  1. Install WebLogic, then configure it by adding machines to the cluster. In our case, cluster is named cluster, and the configuration manager, named myserver, is running on The nodes in the WebLogic cluster are named:
    • kila (, running on, with an http port of 7101 and https port of 7102
    • fido (, running on, with an http port of 7101 and https port of 7102
  2. Generate the certificates of all cluster nodes: Let's create proper certificates for our two nodes. It will be done via the CertGen tool provided by WebLogic. Go to the directory %WEB_LOGIC_HOME%\weblogic81\server\lib. CertGen is located in weblogic.jar's utils package. Invoke it with the following command:
  3. java -cp weblogic.jar utils.CertGen changeit kilacert kilakey export

The output resembles the following:

Listing 12-3
kilacert kilakey export 
        ...... Will generate certificate signed by CA from CertGenCA.der file
        ...... With Export Key Strength 
        ...... Common Name will have Host name
        ...... Issuer CA name is
        CN=CertGenCAB,OU=FOR TESTING ONLY,O=MyOrganization,L=MyTown,ST=MyState,C=US 

Use the password changeit for starting particular UDDI node servers. The output file with the certificate is kilacert, and kilakey is the output file containing the private key. Generate certificates for all remaining nodes from their CertGen tools. (In our case, the other node is

  1. Once you have certificates from all nodes (in our case files kilacert.der and fidocert.der), import them to pstore.xml using the PstoreTool. Also include CertGenCA.der (from the directory %WEB_LOGIC_HOME%\weblogic81\server\lib). The pstore.xml file is now ready. For more info about WebLogic certificates and SSL settings, see Configuring SSL in BEA WebLogic Server product documentation.

    Note: If you want to use both a standalone server and a ported application server, make a backup copy of pstore.xml. When you have performed the following steps, replace pstore.xml with the backup copy.
  3. Edit configurator.xml as described above (where the application server context is wasp).
  4. Note: If you want to use both a standalone server and a ported application server, make a backup copy of configurator.xml. When you have perfumed the following steps, replace configurator.xml with the backup copy.
    Listing 12-4
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <config name="configurator" savingPeriod="5000" local="true">
        <IPFilter name="configuratorFilter">
            <subnet IPAddress="" subnetMask=""/>
            <subnet IPAddress="" subnetMask=""/>
        <configManager cluster="true">
        <UDDIInterceptorChain name="configuratorApiChain">
            <mapping UDDIInterceptorChainName="configuratorApiChain" 
  5. Prepare the ported distribution (REGISTRY_HOME/conf/porting/weblogic/wasp.war) as described in Porting to Application Server.
  6. In our case, the http port is 7101, the https port is 7102, and the application server context is wasp.

  7. Check that the paths for log4j.appender.eventLog.File, log4j.appender.errorLog.File, and wasp.war\conf\log4j.config are valid on all cluster nodes.
  8. Deploy wasp.war into all WebLogic cluster nodes

You must also prepare the package for balancer which will be deployed only to cluster manager server. To do so:

  1. Create a balancer directory, in, for example, REGISTRY_HOME. This directory is referenced in this section as PACKAGE_HOME.
  2. Create a subdirectory of PACKAGE_HOME named WEB-INF.
  3. In this subdirectory, create the file web.xml containing the following text. Under WebLogicCluster specify the names and ports of your cluster nodes separated by a pipe (|). In our case, the file looked like:
  4. Listing 12-5
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" 
  5. In the WEB-INF subdirectory, create the file weblogic.xml containing the following text, where /wasp is the context of BEA AquaLogic Service Registry ported to this application server. Your text must be customized for your own installation.
  6. Listing 12-6
    <!DOCTYPE weblogic-web-app PUBLIC "-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 8.1//EN" 
  7. Create the directory %PACKAGE_HOME%\uddi\webdata.
  8. Unjar REGISTRY_HOME\app\uddi\bsc.jar and copy the content of the webroot subdirectory from the jar to %PACKAGE_HOME%\uddi\bsc\webdata
  9. Unjar REGISTRY_HOME\app\uddi\web.jar and copy the content of the webroot subdirectory from the jar to %PACKAGE_HOME%\uddi\webdata.
  10. Package the content of %PACKAGE_HOME% into the file balancer.war using jar or some other compression utility.
  11. Deploy balancer.war into the cluster manager server.

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