Installation Guide

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Database Installation

The database may be set up during installation or by using the Setup tool after installation. Both of these scenarios use the same set of GUI panels shown in this section.

To run the Setup tool, execute the following script from the bin subdirectory of your installation:

Windows:	setup.bat
UNIX:	./

See Setup in Command Line Scripts.

Figure 9-1 Setup Select Database

Setup Select Database

Select your database. For more information on the Setup tool, please see Reconfiguration After Installation.


Database Creation Method

The registry requires a database. During installation you can create a new database, create schema in an existing empty database or connect to an existing database with created schema. Using the Setup tool, you can also drop a database or database schema. Select your database operation on the following panel:

Figure 9-2 Database Creation Method

Database Creation Method

Select a method from those shown in Figure 9-2.

Create database

Create new database/users/tablespaces (depending on the type of database server) and database schema. This is the easiest way to attach the required database to BEA AquaLogic Service Registry. Note that you must have the credentials of the database administrator.

Create schema

Create a new schema in existing database. Select this method if you have access to an existing empty database with the ability to create tables and indexes. This option is suitable when you does not know the administrator's credentials. We assume the administrator has already created a new database/users/tablespaces for this option.

Drop database

Drops the whole database/users/tablespaces. Note that this option depends on the type of database server.

Drop schema

Drops all tables in the database but leave the empty database.

Configure database

Configure registry database. Use this method if the registry database already exists, for example, from a previous BEA AquaLogic Service Registry installation of the same release number, and fill in only the connection parameters.


Select Database Type

The following figure shows the supported database engines that can be prepared for BEA AquaLogic Service Registry. The panel may differ if another method was selected in the previous step.

Figure 9-3 Select Database Type

Select Database Type

Follow these links for the selected database.


Preconfigured HSQL

The default database is the pre configured HSQL. The installer or Setup tool creates database named REGISTRY_HOME/hsqldb/uddinode and the user account uddiuser with the password uddi in the database. Note that all database files can be found in REGISTRY_HOME/hsqldb directory.

Note: This database is recommended for evaluation and testing purposes only.
Note: If you use HSQL then user credentials are stored in the HSQL database files in plain text. So you must protect these files from unauthorized reading using appropriate file system access rights. The files are located in the directory REGISTRY_HOME/hsqldb/ by default.



Figure 9-4 HSQL


The installation process creates a new database and a user who is able to create schema/tables.

The HSQL database requires the following properties.

Database File Name

Full path to the file which will hold data structures.

Database User

User name for one account authorized to access this database
Note: If you use HSQL then user credentials are stored in the HSQL database files in plain text. So you must protect these files from unauthorized reading using appropriate fleshiest access rights. The files are located in the directory REGISTRY_HOME/hsqldb/ by default.



The Create database option on the installer/Setup tool does not mean to create a new physical database. The installation process only creates a new tablespace in an existing database and a new user of the default tablespace is set up on the created one. Then a database schema is created and UDDI data are loaded. Because relational tables are created in the schema of the specified user, if you want to create more UDDI databases (such as databases for publication and discovery registries for the approval process), you must create UDDI databases with different database users.

Figure 9-5 Oracle Database

Oracle Database

Oracle database creation requires the following properties. To connect or create a schema requires a subset of these properties. Please note that properties marked with an asterisk (*) must not collide with existing objects in the database.

Database Server Address

Usually the host name or IP address of the computer where the database server is accessible.

Database Server Port

Port on which the database listens for a connection

Existing Database Name

Name of a database that already exists into which the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry tablespace will be created.

Database Administrator Name

User name of the administrator of the database; required to create a new tablespace on the existing database

Database Administrator Password

Password for the administrator account specified in the previous text box.

Database Tablespace Name *

Name of the tablespace to be created in the existing database and which will store UDDI data structures.

Database User *

A new user account which will be created to connect to the tablespace.

Database User Password

Password for the user account specified in the previous text box.

Confirm password

Again, if it is not the same as in the previous text box, you cannot continue.

Tablespace Datafile *

Enter the path to the tablespace data file.

Continue with JDBC Driver.



The installation process creates a new database on the database server under the given user name. The database schema is created and UDDI data are loaded. This user should have the Database Creators server role.


Make sure your database server has case-sensitive collation, otherwise all comparisons will be case insensitive, even if the caseSensitiveMatch findQualifier is set. Alternatively, you can create a database with case-sensitive collation manually and use the create schema option.


If you selected the option Create database in the installation/Setup panel shown in Figure 9-2, Database Creation Method, on page 9-3, you need a database user account with the Database creators server role. To create such account, you can use the SQL Server Enterprise Manager:

  1. Select the Console RootArrow symbolMicrosoft SQL ServersArrow symbol SQL Server GroupArrow symbolserver nameArrow symbol Security Arrow symbolLogins.
  2. Right-click on Logins and select the New Login from the context menu.
  3. Enter the account name, click on the SQL Server Authentication option and fill in the password.
  4. Select Server Roles tab, mark the Database Creators, click OK, and retype the password.
  5. Figure 9-6 MS SQL Database Creation

    MS SQL Database Creation

MSSQL database creation requires the following properties. To connect or create schema requires a subset of these properties. Please note that properties marked with an asterisk (*) must not collide with existing objects in the database.

Database Server Address

Usually the host name or IP address where the database server is accessible.

Database Server Port

Port on which the database listens for a connection.

Database Name *

Name of the database that will hold UDDI data structures.

Database Administrator Name

User name of an administrator who can create a new database.

Database Administrator Password *

Password for the administrator specified above.

Continue with JDBC Driver.



The Create database option from the installer/Setup tool does not create a new database physically. The installation process creates a new tablespace in an existing database with the given (existing) buffer pool and associates the tablespace with the given file. Permission to use the tablespace is given to the specified user. Then, a database schema is created and UDDI data are loaded.


Because relational tables are created in the implicit schema, if you want to create more UDDI databases (such as databases for publication and discovery registries for the approval process), you must create UDDI databases with different database users.


The Create database option requires a buffered with 8k page size and an database user account, that can use a temporary tablespace with such buffered.

DB2 database creation requires the following properties. To connect or create schema requires a subset of these properties. Please note that properties marked with an asterisk (*) must not collide with existing objects in the database.

Database Tablespace Name *

Name of tablespace to be created in the existing database and which will store UDDI data structures

Tablespace Datafile *

Full path of the host machine where the tablespace files will be stored
Note: You must have read and write permissions to this directory.

Buffer pool with 8k page size

Buffer pool for database; it must have pages with a size of 8k.

Database User

User name of a user having the following authorities: connect database, create table and create schema implicitly.
Note: The user also must have access to a temporary tablespace with the associated 8k-length bufferpool to use for temporary tables.

Database User Password

Password for the user specified in the previous text box.

Specify the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry Administrator account which will be created in the database.

Note: Increase transaction log size (parameter logfilsiz) from default value 250 to 1000. You can use the Control Center tool to make this change.

Continue with JDBC Driver.



Figure 9-8 Postgre SQL

Postgre SQL

The installation process creates a new database and a user who is able to create schema/tables. Then the database schema is created and UDDI data are loaded.

PostgreSQL database creation requires the following properties. To connect or create a schema requires a subset of these properties. Please note that properties marked with an asterisk (*) must not collide with existing objects in the database.

Database Server Address

Usually the host name or IP address where the database server is accessible

Database Server Port

Port on which the database listens for a connection.

Database Administrator Name

User name of the administrator of the database; this information is required to create new tablespace on the existing database.

Database Administrator Password

Administrator's password.

Database Name *

Name of the database that will hold UDDI data structures.

Database User *

User name for one user of the database specified in the previous text box.

Database User Password

Password for the user specified above.

Confirm Password

Note that if this is not the same as in the previous text box, you cannot continue.

Continue with JDBC Driver.



Figure 9-9 Sybase


The installation process creates a new database and a new user who is able to create tables. Then database schema is created and UDDI data are loaded.

Note: You must configure the Sybase database server with at least 8K page size. Servers with a lesser page size may refuse some requests to store data.

Sybase database creation requires the following properties. To connect or create a schema requires a subset of these properties. Please note that properties marked with an asterisk (*) must not collide with existing objects in the database.

Database Server Address

Usually the host name or IP address where the database server is accessible.

Database Server Port

Port on which the database listens for connection.

Database Administrator Name

User name of administrator of the database; required to create a new database and its device on the existing database server.

Database Administrator Password

Password for this user.

Database name *

Name of the database to create

Database User *

User name of a new user of the database named in the previous text box.

Database User Password

Password for the user named in the previous text box.

Confirm Password

Note that if it is not same as in the previous text box, you cannot continue.

Database Device File *

Location of new device for the new database; this file should not previously exist.

Continue with JDBC Driver.


JDBC Driver

Select the JDBC Driver as shown in Figure 12. It is not necessary to configure this path for the HSQL and PostgreSQL databases as the JDBC drivers for these databases are installed in the distribution. It is also not necessary if you have already configured this path previously for the selected database. The JDBC drivers are usually supplied by database vendors.

Figure 9-10 Optional JDBC Driver

Optional JDBC Driver


Account Backend

If you created a database or schema, you can configure an authentication account provider.

Figure 9-11 Authentication Account Provider

Authentication Account Provider

The preceding figure allows you to select the authentication account provider.


All accounts will be stored in the registry database. This is the recommended backend.


Registry accounts integrated with LDAP server.


Registry accounts integrated with other external storage. To integrate BEA AquaLogic Service Registry, with an external backend, you must implement the interface com.systinet.uddi.account.ExternalBackendApi and add it to the registry installation.

For more information about LDAP and External account backends, please see External Accounts Integration.

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