Database  Locate

This section details how to set up the database connection. The default values are set according to the database chosen at installation. For details, please see Table 1, “Default Ports for Supported Database Servers”.


Database installation, that is, creating the database schema and loading basic data, is described in the Installation Guide.

Figure 30. Registry Configuration - Database

Registry Configuration - Database
Backend type *

A menu of databases from which to select the vendor of your database.

Hostname *

Database host name or IP address, for example,

Port *

Database port number. For default values see Table 1, “Default Ports for Supported Database Servers”. Note that if you are using the HSQL database, it is embedded in the same JVM and therefore the port number is ignored in this case.

Database Name *

Database name; for example, uddinode

User Name *

User name; uddiuser by default

User Password *

Database user password;uddi by default

Default pool size

Count of concurrent database connections initialized at start time

Max pool size

Maximum count of concurrent database connections. Each request books one connection until the request is served. If all connections are booked and new request comes in, the connection pool creates a new connection till the maximum count is reached. If this maximum is reached and new request comes in, this request must wait for a free connection to be released by a previous request.

Pool cleaning interval

How often database connections are closed over the default count. This value represents time in hours.

Database cache

This is used for performance optimization.

Table 1. Default Ports for Supported Database Servers

DatabaseDefault Port
Oracle 8i1521
MS SQL 20001433
DB2 8.06789
Sybase ASE 12.55000
hsqldb 1.7.3-