PStore Tool - GUI Version  Locate

You can add, edit, or remove any user properties in the user store. You can also add, edit, and remove certificates and identities in the key store. You can do all of this with a local file containing the protected store.

Figure 48. PStore Tool

PStore Tool

Running the GUI PStore Tool  Locate

To run the graphical version of this tool, use gui as parameter with the PStoreTool command.

PStoreTool gui

Opening and Closing the Protected Store  Locate

Opening Protected Store from a File  Locate

The GUI PStore Tool can manipulate every protected store in a file. To manipulate the client's protected store, open clientconf.xml. To open the server protected store, open pstore.xml.

To open protected store from file, select Open From File... from the PStore menu. This returns the file chooser dialog. Select the file you want to open as shown in Figure 49.

Figure 49. Open Protected Store from a File

Open Protected Store from a File
Closing Protected Store  Locate

To close the protected store, select Close from the PStore menu.

Open Next Protected Store  Locate

In some cases you need to work with more than one protected store at the same time. Typically you want to copy certificates from one protected store to another. To open another protected store, select the New Window from the PStore menu. New windows appear. Now you can open the protected store from a file.

Copy Data Between Protected Stores  Locate

With the PStore Tool, you can manipulate more than one protected store at the same time. You can simply copy identities, certificates, users, and user properties from one protected store to another using the Copy and Paste actions located in context menus of the Aliases, Users, and Properties panels.


When you copy data from one area to another, the Paste action is disabled for some categories of data. This means that data may be copied, but cannot be pasted to the selected area. For example, the password property from the user store cannot be pasted to the key store.

Key Store  Locate

To work with the key store, select the Key Store tab. This tab has two panels. The left side has a list of all entries. The right has detailed information for the selected entry.

Figure 50. Key Store Tab

Key Store Tab
Create New Identity  Locate

To create a new identity, select New Identity... from the Key Store menu. This opens a dialog for information such as Alias, Distinguished Name, and Password. (The Distinguished Name is not mandatory.) If the specified information is valid, the new identity will be added to the key store with the specified Alias. Otherwise an error dialog will be returned.

Key Store Trust  Locate

If you want to trust a key entry, select Trust from the Key Store menu. This action is available only for the key entry type.

Import Alias  Locate

To import a certificate from a file into the key store, select Import Alias from the Key Store menu. This opens a dialog in which you can specify Alias, Type, and value that depend on the entry type. In the current implementation, you can import only the certificate chain entry type.

Remove Alias  Locate

To remove an alias from the key store, select the alias you want to remove and select Remove Alias from the Key Store menu. You can remove several aliases at once.

Refresh Aliases  Locate

To synchronize information shown in this tool with the original key store source, perform a refresh by selecting Refresh Aliases from the Key Store menu.

Alias Details Panel  Locate

It is not surprising that the Details panel has more details about the selected alias. This panel shows details that depend on the entry type. You can also change this value. If you want to store a new value, press the Apply Changes button. To return to the original value, press Restore.

User Store  Locate

There are three panels on the User Store tab. The left side has a list of all entries. On the right top are properties available for the selected user. On the right bottom is detailed information for the selected user property.

Figure 51. User Store Tab

User Store Tab
Add User  Locate

To add a new user, select Add User from the User Store menu. This opens a dialog for entering the Username. Press OK when done.

Remove User  Locate

To remove a user from the user store, select the user you want to remove and choose Remove User from the User Store menu. You can remove several users at once.

Refresh Users  Locate

Refresh synchronizes information shown in this tool with the original user store source. To refresh, select Refresh Users from the User Store menu.

Add Property  Locate

To add a new user property, select Properties and Add Property from the User Store menu. This returns a dialog for the property you want to create and its value.

Remove Property  Locate

To remove one or more user properties from the user store, select them and select Properties and Remove Property from the User Store menu.

Refresh Properties  Locate

To synchronize information on the Properties panel with the original user store source, perform a refresh. Select Properties and Refresh Properties from the User Store menu.

User Properties Details Panel  Locate

The Details panel has more information about user properties that depend on the property type. Select the property you want to see. You can also change this value. If you want to store a new value press Apply Changes.

To return to the original value, press Restore.