Approval  Locate

The approval process includes the following API sets:

Requestor  Locate

The Systinet Approval Requestor API is used to manage approval requests in BEA AquaLogic Service Registry from the requestor point of view.

Data Structures  Locate

The following structures are used by the Systinet Approval Requestor API:

approvalKeys  Locate

This element is a container for the optional elements keys4Saving and keys4Deletion.

approvalRequest  Locate

This structure describes one approval request and contains the following elements:

  • key - identifies the approval request

  • name - user-defined name of the request

  • description - description of the request

  • requestorName - the loginName of the requestor

  • status - status of the approver request (open, submitted, closeCancelled, closeRejected, closeApproved, corrupted). The corrupted status means some entities from the approval request have been deleted from the registry. It is not possible to search for approval requests using the corrupted status.

  • time - time at which the request switched to the current status (xsd:dateTime)

  • approvalKeys - keys of element to be saved or deleted from the discovery registry

  • record

approvalRequestInfo  Locate

The approvalRequestInfo structure is used by approvalRequestList and contains the following elements:

  • key - identifies the approvalRequestInfo

  • name - name of the request

  • description - description of the approvalRequestInfo

  • requestorName - loginName of the requestor

  • status - status of the approvalRequestInfo (open, submitted, closeCancelled, closeRejected, closeApproved, corrupted). The corrupted status means some entities from the approval request have been deleted from the registry. It is not possible to search for approval requests using the corrupted status.

  • time - time at which the request switched to the current status (xsd:dateTime)

approvalRequestList  Locate

The approvalRequestList structure contains a list of approvalRequestInfos.

approvalRequestRecord  Locate

This structure is used in approvalRequests and contains the following elements:

  • user - requestor's username

  • action - action made with the request (saveRequest, askForApproval, cancelRequest, remindApprover, approveRequest, rejectRequest)

  • time - time at which the approvalRequestRecord switched the current action (xsd:dateTime)

  • message - may contain a requestor's message to the approval contact or approver's message to the requestor.

keys4Deletion  Locate

This element is a container for UDDI keys or publisher assertions to be deleted from the discovery registry. It can contain the optional elements:

  • tModelKey

  • businessKey

  • serviceKey

  • bindingKey

  • publisherAssertion

keys4Saving  Locate

This element is a container for UDDI keys or publisher assertions to be saved to the discovery registry. It can contain the optional elements

  • tModelKey

  • businessKey

  • serviceKey

  • bindingKey

  • publisherAssertion

Request  Locate

This structure is deprecated. User approvalRequest instead.

This element describes one approval request. It contains:

  • The mandatory element requestId that identifies the request

  • A requestorName holds the loginName of the requestor.

  • The time element is set to the time the request was made.

  • The approvalKeys element is used to store keys of element to be saved or deleted from the discovery registry.

  • The optional message element may contain a requestor's message to the approval contact.

requestInfo  Locate

This structure is deprecated. Used approvalRequestInfo instead.

This element contains:

  • The mandatory element requestId that identifies the request

  • A requestorName holding loginName of requestor

  • A time element set to the time the request was made

requestList  Locate

This structure is deprecated. Use approvalRequestList instead.

This element is used to store an optional listDescription element that describes the result set and an optional set of requestInfo elements.

requestWrapper  Locate

This structure wraps the request structure to be inherited in approve_request, cancel_approvalRequest, reject_request, and remind_approver structures.

WSDL  Locate

You can find the WSDL specification in the file approval.wsdl.

Java  Locate

The Systinet Approval Requestor API is generated from approval.wsdl. You are encouraged to browse its org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi.

API Endpoint  Locate

The endpoint for the Systinet Approval Requestor API is available at http://<host name>:<http port>/uddi/requestor

Approver  Locate

The Systinet Approver API is used to manage approval requests in BEA AquaLogic Service Registry from the approver's point of view.

Data Structures  Locate

The Systinet Approver API shares the same definition of structures with the Systinet Requestor API. See Data Structures for information on these structures.

Operations  Locate

The Approver API has the following operations:

approve_request  Locate

The approve_request API call is used to approve the request. The user must be an approval contact for the requestor.

Arguments  Locate

The approve_request API call has the following arguments:

  • requestKey - a mandatory argument holding the key of the approval request

  • message - This optional element may contain text that will be delivered to the requestor by an email.

  • sender - Sender is an optional helper element. If set, it must be equal to the loginName of the user whose authentication token is equal to the token in authInfo. If an administrator (a user with admin manager permission) calls approve_request, the authInfo contains the authentication token of the administrator.

    The value of the sender argument may contain the loginName of any existing user.

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action approve_request.

Approve  Locate

This operation is deprecated. Use approveRequest instead.

The approve API call is used to approve the request identified by requestId. The user must be an approval contact for the requestor.

Arguments  Locate

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • requestId - mandatory argument holding key of approval request.

  • message - optional element that may contain text to be delivered to the requestor via email.

  • sender - an optional helper element. If set, it must be equal to the loginName of the user.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action approve.

find_approvalRequest  Locate

The find_approvalRequest API call is used to find all approval requests that should be handled (that is, approved or rejected) by the approver.

For more information, see find_approvalRequest

findRequest  Locate

This operation is deprecated. Use find_approvalRequest instead.

The findRequest API call is used to find the requests that the current user is allowed to approve. If the requestorName element is specified, this call only returns requests made by this requestor.

Arguments  Locate

The find_request API call has the following arguments:

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • requestorName - This optional element identifies the requestor to be searched. The requestorName contains the value of loginName.

  • findQualifier - The collection of findQualifiers used to alter default behavior.

Behavior  Locate

The following findQualifiers affect the behavior of the call:

  • The exactMatch findQualifier requires that an exact match be returned.

  • The default approximateMatch findQualifier enables SQL wildcard query.

  • The sortByNameAsc (default) and sortByNameDesc findQualifiers control the order in which the data is returned.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action findRequest.

getBindingDetail  Locate

The getBindingDetail API call is an extended version of the standard UDDI API call. It is used to get details of the selected bindingTemplate mentioned in the approval request without respect to its access control list. The structure may be configured to allow access only to selected users, but the approval contact must be able to review it.

If the given bindingKey is contained in the approvalKeys structure and the user is the approval contact for the requestor, the ACL check will be skipped and the bindingTemplate will be returned.

Arguments  Locate

The getBindingDetail API call has the following arguments:

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • requestId - Mandatory argument holding key of the approval request.

  • bindingKey - This mandatory argument contains the keys of the bindingTemplates to be fetched.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action getBindingDetail.

getBusinessDetail  Locate

The getBusinessDetail API call is an extended version of the standard UDDI API call. It is used to get details of the selected businessEntity mentioned in the approval request without respect to its access control list. The structure may be configured to allow access only selected users, but the approval contact must be able to review it.

If the given businessKey is contained in the approvalKeys structure and the user is the approval contact for the requestor, the ACL check will be skipped and the businessEntity will be returned.

Arguments  Locate

The getBusinessDetail API call has the following arguments:

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • requestId - Mandatory argument holding the key of the approval request.

  • businessKey - This mandatory argument contains the keys of businessEntities to be fetched.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action getBusinessDetail.

getOperationalInfo  Locate

The getOperationalInfo API call is an extended version of the standard UDDI API call. It is used to get details of the selected structure mentioned in the approval request without respect to its access control list. The structure may be configured to allow access only to selected users, but the approval contact must be able to review it.

If the given entityKey is contained in the approvalKeys structure and the user is the approval contact for the requestor, the ACL check will be skipped and the operationalInfo will be returned.

Arguments  Locate

The getOperationalInfo API call has the following arguments:

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • requestId - Mandatory argument holding the key of the approval request.

  • entityKey - This mandatory argument contains the keys of UDDI structures to be fetched.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action getOperationalInfo.

get_approvalRequest  Locate

The get_approvalRequest API call is used by an approver to get details of the approval request identified by the requestKey.

For more information, see get_approvalRequest

getRequest  Locate

This operation is deprecated. Use get_approvalRequest instead

The getRequest API call is used to get details of the approval request identified by the requestId. The user must be an approval contact for the requestor who makes the request.

Arguments  Locate

The getRequest API call has the following arguments:

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • requestId - Mandatory argument holding the key of the approval request.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action getRequest.

getServiceDetail  Locate

The getServiceDetail API call is an extended version of the standard UDDI API call. It is used to get details of the selected businessService mentioned in an approval request without respect to its access control list. The structure may be configured to allow access only to selected users, but the approval contact must be able to review it.

If the given serviceKey is contained in the approvalKeys structure and the user is the approval contact for the requestor, the ACL check will be skipped and the businessService will be returned.

Arguments  Locate

The getServiceDetail API call has the following arguments:

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • requestId - Mandatory argument holding the key of the approval request.

  • serviceKey - This mandatory argument contains the keys of businessServices to be fetched.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action getServiceDetail.

getTModelDetail  Locate

The getTModelDetail API call is an extended version of the standard UDDI API call. It is used to get details of a selected tModel mentioned in an approval request without respect to its access control list. The structure may be configured to allow access only to selected users, but the approval contact must be able to review it.

If the given tModelKey is contained in the approvalKeys structure and the user is the approval contact for the requestor, the ACL check will be skipped and the tModel will be returned.

Arguments  Locate

The getTModelDetail API call has the following arguments:

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • requestId - Mandatory argument holding the key of the approval request.

  • tModelKey - This mandatory argument contains keys of tModels to be fetched.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action getTModelDetail.

reject_request  Locate

The reject_request API call is used to reject a request identified by a requestKey. The user must be an approval contact for the requestor.

Arguments  Locate

The reject_request API call has the following arguments:

  • requestKey - Mandatory argument holding the key of the approval request.

  • message - This optional element may contain text that will be delivered to the requestor via email.

  • sender - Sender is an optional helper element. If set, it must be equal to the loginName of the user. If the administrator (a user with admin manager permission) calls reject_request, the authInfo contains the authentication token of administrator. The value of the sender argument may contain a loginName of any existing user.

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action reject_request.

Reject  Locate

This operation is deprecated. Use reject_request instead

The Reject API call is used to reject a request identified by requestId. The user must be an approval contact for the requestor.

Arguments  Locate

The Reject API call has the following arguments:

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • requestId - Mandatory argument holding the key of the approval request.

  • message - This optional element may contain text that will be delivered to the requestor via email.

  • sender - Sender is an optional helper element. If set, it must be equal to the loginName of the user.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action reject.

WSDL  Locate

You can find the WSDL specification in the file approval.wsdl.

Java  Locate

Systinet Approval Approver API is generated from approval.wsdl. You are encouraged to browse its org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi.

API Endpoint  Locate

The endpoint for the Systinet Approval Approver API is available at http://<host name>:<http port>/uddi/approver

Approval Management  Locate

The Systinet Approval Management API is used to manage approval requestors and approval contacts in BEA AquaLogic Service Registry.

Data Structures  Locate

The following structures are used by the Systinet Approval Management API:

principalList  Locate

This element serves as a container for zero or more principal elements. The optional listDescription element is used to describe the result set.

Principal  Locate

This element contains the optional attribute principalType, which may be assigned to a user or group. The element's text contains the loginName of the user, or a group name, depending on the principalType value.

Approver  Locate

This element contains the optional attribute principalType, which may be assigned to a user or group. The element's text contains the loginName of the user, or a group name, depending on principalType value.

Requestor  Locate

This element contains the optional attribute principalType, which may be assigned to a user or group. The element's text contains the loginName of the user, or a group name, depending on principalType value.

Operations  Locate

The Systinet Approval Management API has the following operations:

addApprover  Locate

The addApprover API call is used to add a new approval contact to BEA AquaLogic Service Registry.

Arguments  Locate

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • approver - This mandatory element identifies the user or group to be added as a new approval contact.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name and the action addApprover.

addRequestor  Locate

The addRequestor API call is used to assign a new requestor to a given approval contact.

Arguments  Locate

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • approver - This mandatory element identifies an approval contact.

  • requestor - This mandatory element identifies a new requestor.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name and the action addRequestor.

deleteApprover  Locate

The deleteApprover API call is used to remove the given approval contact from BEA AquaLogic Service Registry.

Arguments  Locate

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • approver - This mandatory element identifies an approval contact.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name and the action deleteApprover.

deleteRequestor  Locate

The deleteRequestor API call is used to remove relationships between the requestor and a given approval contact in BEA AquaLogic Service Registry.

Arguments  Locate

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • approver - This mandatory element identifies an approval contact.

  • requestor - This mandatory element identifies a new requestor.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name and the action deleteRequestor.

findApprover  Locate

The findApprover API call is used to find approval contacts in BEA AquaLogic Service Registry who match the given criteria. Default findQualifiers are approximateMatch and sortByNameAsc.

Arguments  Locate

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • findQualifier - The collection of findQualifiers used to alter default behavior.

  • approverName - This mandatory element represent an approval contact to be searched.

Returns  Locate

This API call returns the PrincipalList upon success.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name and the action addApprover.

findRequestor  Locate

The findRequestor API call is used to find all requestors of a given approval contact in the registry that match the search criteria.

Arguments  Locate

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • findQualifier - The collection of findQualifiers used to alter default behavior.

  • approverName - This mandatory element contains the approval contact's name.

  • requestorName - This mandatory element represents the requestor to be searched. It must be the loginName of the requestor.

Returns  Locate

This API call returns the PrincipalList upon success.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name and the action findRequestor.

isApprover  Locate

The isApprover API call finds out whether the user is an approver.

Arguments  Locate

  • name - login name of the user

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

Save  Locate

The Save API call combines the addApprover and addRequestor API calls into a single method. If the approval contact does not exist, it is created. Then all requestors are added to this approval contact.

Arguments  Locate

The Save API call has the following arguments:

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • approver - This mandatory element identifies an approval contact.

  • requestor - This mandatory element identifies new requestors.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name and the action addApprover.

WSDL  Locate

You can find the WSDL specification in the file approval_management.wsdl.

Java  Locate

Systinet Approval Management API is generated from the Approval Management WSDL. You are encouraged to browse its

API Endpoint  Locate

The endpoint for Systinet Approval Management API is available at http://<host name>:<http port>/uddi/approvalManagement

Approval Content Checker  Locate

The Systinet Approval Content Checker API provides the approval contact a way to programmatically automate checks of data to be approved. For example, there might be a Web service implementing this API, which requires that each structure be signed. Another implementation may ensure that business services have binding templates. The usage is up to the will of the approval contact.

Operations  Locate

The Systinet Approval Content Checker API has the following operations:

cancel_approvalRequest  Locate

This API call will cancel a request that has been submitted for approval.

Arguments  Locate

The cancel_approvalRequest API call has the following arguments:

  • requestKey - Mandatory argument holding the key of the approval request.

  • message - This element may contain text that will be delivered to the approval contact via email.

  • sender - Sender is an optional helper element. If set, it must be equal to the loginName of the user. If the administrator (a user with admin manager permission) calls cancel_approvalRequest, the authInfo contains the authentication token of administrator. The value of the sender argument may contain a loginName of any existing user.

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action cancel_approvalRequest.

cancelRequest  Locate

This operation is deprecated. Use cancel_approvalRequest instead.

The cancelRequest API call is used by the requestor to cancel the request identified by requestId.

Arguments  Locate

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • requestId - Mandatory argument holding the key of the approval request.

  • message - This element may contain text that will be delivered to the approval contact via email.

  • sender - Sender is an optional helper element. If set, it must be equal to the loginName of the user.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action cancelRequest.

delete_approvalRequest  Locate

This operation will delete an approval request. Requests are not deleted automatically after approval or rejection. Requests are held in the registry and a requestor/approver can look at them at any time. This method is used to clean the given requestor's requests.

Arguments  Locate

The delete_approvalRequest operation has the following arguments:

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • requestKey - Mandatory argument holding the key of the approval request.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action cancelRequest.

find_approvalRequest  Locate

The find_approvalRequest API call is used to find all approval requests of the requestor.

Arguments  Locate

The find_approvalRequest API call has the following arguments:

  • requestName - The name of the request

  • timeInterval - You can specify a time interval search criteria (from, to) having inclusive attributes.

  • requestStatus - A list of request statuses (open, submitted, closeCancelled, closeRejected, closeApproved)

  • requestorName - This optional element is set to the loginName of the user.

  • approval_60:find_qualifier - The collection of findQualifiers used to alter default behavior.

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

Behavior  Locate

The following findQualifiers affect the behavior of the call:

  • The exactMatch findQualifier specifies that an exact match is required.

  • The default approximateMatch findQualifier enables an SQL wildcard query.

  • The sortByNameAsc (default) and sortByNameDesc findQualifiers control the order in which data is returned, as do the time, requestor and status sorts below.

  • sortByTimeAsc, sortByTimeDesc

  • sortByRequestorNameAsc, sortByRequestorNameDesc

  • sortByStatusAsc, sortByStatusDesc

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action find_approvalRequest.

findRequest  Locate

This operation is deprecated. Use find_approvalRequest instead.

The findRequest API call is used to find all approval requests of the requestor who calls this method.

Arguments  Locate

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • requestorName - This optional element is set to the loginName of the user.

  • findQualifier - The collection of findQualifiers used to alter default behavior.

Behavior  Locate

The following findQualifiers affect the behavior of the call:

  • The exactMatch findQualifier specifies that an exact match is required.

  • The default approximateMatch findQualifier enables an SQL wildcard query.

  • The sortByNameAsc (default) and sortByNameDesc findQualifiers control the order in which data is returned.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action findRequest.

get_approvalRequest  Locate

The get_approvalRequest API call is used by a requestor to get details of the approval request identified by requestKey.

Arguments  Locate

  • requestKey - Mandatory argument holding the key of an approval request.

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action get_approvalRequest.

getRequest  Locate

This operation is deprecated. Use get_approvalRequest instead.

The getRequest API call is used by a requestor to get details of the approval request identified by requestId.

Arguments  Locate

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • requestId - Mandatory argument holding the key of an approval request.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action getRequest.

remind_approver  Locate

The remind_approver API call is used by a requestor to remind the approval contact to review a submitted request. If a requestor is not satisfied with the approver's delay, the requestor can notify the approver about the unhandled approval requests.

Arguments  Locate

The remind_approver API call has the following arguments:

  • requestKey - identifies the request.

  • message - This optional element may contain text that will be delivered to the approver via email.

  • sender - Sender is an optional helper element. If set, it must be equal to the loginName of the user. If the administrator (a user with admin manager permission) calls remind_approver, the authInfo contains the authentication token of administrator. The value of the sender argument may contain the loginName of any existing user.

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action remind_approver.

request_approver  Locate

The request_approver API call is used by a requestor to request data for promotion to a discovery registry.

Arguments  Locate

The request_approver API call has the following arguments:

  • requestKey - identifies the request

  • message - This optional element may contain text that will be delivered to the requestor via email.

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action request_approver.

requestApprover  Locate

This operation is deprecated. Use request_approver instead.

The requestApprover API call is used by a requestor to request that an approval contact approve changes to the publication registry.

Arguments  Locate

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • requestorName - This optional element is set to the loginName of the user.

  • message - This optional element may contain text that will be delivered to the requestor via email.

  • approvalKeys - This mandatory element is a container for the UDDI keys of structures to be saved or deleted on the discovery registry.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action requestApprover.

save_approvalRequest  Locate

This operation is used to save an approval request.

Arguments  Locate

The save_approvalRequest operation has the following arguments:

  • approvalRequest

  • message - This element may contain text that will be delivered to the approval contact via email.

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action save_approvaRequest.

synchronize  Locate

The Synchronize API call is used to synchronize data on publication registry with data on the discovery registry. The synchronizationType element is used to choose the way the synchronization will be performed. Possible values are publication_priority, partial_discoveryPriority, and full_discoveryPriority. The synchronization behaviors are described in Synchronization of Data.

Arguments  Locate

The Synchronize API call has the following arguments:

  • authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • requestorName - This mandatory element identifies the loginName of the requestor.

  • synchronizationType - This mandatory element is used to choose the synchronization method.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires the API manager permission with the name org.systinet.uddi.approval.v3.RequestorApi and the action synchronize.

Data Structures  Locate

The following structures are used by the Systinet Approval Content Checker API:

approvalEntitiesDetail  Locate

This element is a container for the optional elements entitiesDetail4Saving and entitiesDetail4Deletion. The type for both structures is entitiesDetail.

entitiesDetail  Locate

This element holds structure details to be propagated from the publication registry to the discovery registry. It contains a list of businessEntities, businessServices, bindingTemplates, tModels and publisherAssertions.

In fact, the extended version of this structure is returned, because it is necessary to transfer the original values of UDDI version 2 keys and standard structures are missing this data.

Operations  Locate
checkRequest  Locate

The checkRequest API call is made during an approve API call. It is used to perform user-specific checks of data. If the check fails, the implementation returns a DispositionReport with an error code other than E_SUCCESS. See the example in the Developer's Guide, Example 16

Arguments  Locate

The checkRequest API call has the following arguments:

  • approvalEntitiesDetail - This element contains details of all structures to be checked.

  • requestorName - This element identifies the requestor by loginName.

Returns  Locate

Upon successful completion, a disposition report is returned with a single success indicator.

WSDL  Locate

You can find the WSDL specification in the file approval_checker.wsdl.

Java  Locate

Systinet Approval Content Checker API is generated from approval_checker.wsdl. You are encouraged to browse org.systinet.uddi.approval.checker.v3.CheckerApi.

See also the example, Writing a Content Checker, in the Developer's Guide,