Statistics  Locate

The Systinet Statistics API provides useful information about BEA AquaLogic Service Registry usage.

Data Structures  Locate

The following structures are used by the Systinet Statistics API:

accessStatisticsDetail  Locate

Table 24. Attributes


This structure is a container for zero or more apiStatisticsDetail elements. The enable attribute is used to distinguish whether the returned data is consistent or not. If set to false, the Statistics interceptor has been configured not to run and returned data will be outdated.

apiStatisticsDetail  Locate

Table 25. Attributes


This structure contains information about usage of the API specified in the attribute apiName and its methods. It also serves as a container for methodStatisticsDetail elements.

The requestCount attribute holds a number indicating how many times this API has been used since its last reset or since BEA AquaLogic Service Registry installation.

The exceptionCount attribute indicates the number of exceptions that have interrupted execution of the API's methods.

The lastCall attribute contains the time this API was last invoked.

methodStatisticsDetail  Locate

Table 26. Attributes


This element contains information about usage of the method specified in the attribute methodName.

The requestCount attribute holds a number indicating how many times this method has been called since its last reset or since BEA AquaLogic Service Registry installation.

The exceptionCount attribute indicates the number of exceptions that have interrupted execution of this method.

The lastCall attribute contains the time this method was last invoked.

structureStatisticsDetail  Locate

This structure serves as a container for the structure element.

Structure  Locate

Table 27. Attributes


The structure element indicates how many UDDI structures of the type given by the name attribute are stored in the registry.

Operations  Locate
get_accessStatistics  Locate

The get_accessStatistics API call is used to fetch information about usage of selected UDDI APIs in BEA AquaLogic Service Registry. The filter element is used to specify which APIs' statistics will be returned. If it is empty, the statistics for all APIs are returned.

Arguments  Locate
  • statistics:authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • statistics:filter - Optional regular expression to match selected APIs by their name. The wildcard characters ? and * are supported.

Returns  Locate

Upon successful completion, an accessStatisticsDetail structure is returned.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires API manager permission for org.systinet.uddi.statistics.StatisticsApi and the action get_accessStatistics.

get_structureStatistics  Locate

The get_structureStatistics API call is used to get overview information about how many UDDI structures is stored within BEA AquaLogic Service Registry.

Arguments  Locate
  • statistics:authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

Returns  Locate

Upon successful completion, an structureStatisticsDetail structure is returned.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires API manager permission for org.systinet.uddi.statistics.StatisticsApi and the action get_structureStatistics.

reset_accessStatistics  Locate

The reset_accessStatistics API call is used to reset API usage statistics in BEA AquaLogic Service Registry. The optional filter element is used to limit affected APIs, if it is not set, statistics for all APIs is removed.

Arguments  Locate
  • statistics:authInfo - This optional argument is an element that contains an authentication token.

  • statistics:filter - Optional regular expression to match selected APIs by their name. The wildcard characters ? and * are supported.

Permissions  Locate

This API call requires API manager permission for org.systinet.uddi.statistics.StatisticsApi and the action reset_accessStatistics.

WSDL  Locate

You can find the WSDL specification in the file statistics.wsdl.

API Endpoint  Locate

You can find the Statistics API endpoint at http://<host name>:<port>/uddi/statistics.

Java  Locate

Systinet Java API is generated directly from WSDL. You are encouraged to browse org.systinet.uddi.statistics.StatisticsApi.