Subscription Ext  Locate

The Subscription Extension API has been implemented to allow the user to create subscriptions in the discovery registry of the approval process. This means that subscription creation is not subject to the approval process; users can save subscriptions directly to the discovery registry. However, under this API, users are not allowed to save a bindingTemplate for the email address where notifications are sent. The Subscription Extension API allows the user to specify a bindingTemplate in the subscriptionExt structure in the save_subscription operation. This bindingTemplate is saved under the Notification Service Container of the operator's business entity. The Notification Service Container is a businessService with the key This API can also be used for "read-only" registry. In that case, users are not allowed to publish their data to the registry. Their subscriptions can be saved with this API.

Data Structures  Locate

The following structures are used by the Subscription Extension API:

Notification Service Container  Locate

The Notification Service Container is a business service stored under the operator's business entity. It has the key: This business service is imported together with other registry pre-deployed data.

subscriptionExt  Locate

Table 51. Attributes


The subscriptionExt structure substitutes the uddi_sub:subscription structure in the save_subscription structure of the standard UDDI v3 API.

Operations  Locate

The following operations extend the standard UDDI v3 API:

save_subscription  Locate
  • This operation is used when creating a new subscription. If the bindingTemplate is specified, then the subscription is saved under the caller's user account under the Notification Service Container. The bindingKey is generated by the registry, the other structures of the bindingTemplate remain untouched. The bindingKeys in both the subscription and the bindingTemplate are ignored. The subscription structure returns a bindingKey referencing the saved bindingTemplate, but not the bindingTemplate itself.

  • Updating the existing subscription. The algoritm of the standard saving of subscriptions is extended with these steps:

    1. If the subscription refers to a bindingTemplate under the Notification Service Container, then the binding template will be deleted. See delete_subscription

    2. If the bindingTemplate is specified in the subscription, then the bindingTemplate is stored under the Notification Service Container

delete_subscription  Locate

If the subscription references a bindingTemplate which is under the Notification Service Container, then the bindingTemplate will be deleted.

WSDL  Locate

You can find the WSDL specification in the file uddi_sub_v3_ext.wsdl.

API Endpoint  Locate

You can find the Statistics API endpoint at http://<host name>:<port>/uddi/subscriptionExt.

Java  Locate

The Systinet Java API is generated directly from WSDL. You are encouraged to browse org.systinet.uddi.client.subscription.v3.ext.UDDISubscriptionExtStub.