XML Publishing  Locate

Systinet XML-to-UDDI mapping enables the automatic publishing of XML documents to UDDI and precise, flexible UDDI queries based on specific XML metadata.

Data Structures  Locate
namespace  Locate

This structure is a container for a namespace.

Table 34. Attributes

Arguments  Locate
  • uri - URI of the namespace.

  • schemaLocation - This argument holds the location of the schema specified by the XML document using xsi:schemaLocation declaration.

  • tns:namespaceModel - This argument holds mappings that represent this namespace.

namespaceList  Locate

This structure represent a list of namespaces.

Arguments  Locate
namespaceModel  Locate

This structure describes mapping of a particular namespace (or no namespace) within the XML document.

Arguments  Locate
  • uddi:name - name of the tModel corresponding to the namespace's XML Schema

  • uddi:tModelKey - tModelKey name of the tModel corresponding to the namespace's XML Schema

resourceInfo  Locate

This structure holds the location of the resource.

usesNamespaces  Locate

This structure represents a list of namespaces.

usesSchemas  Locate

This structure holds a list of schemas.

xmlMapping  Locate

This structure represents an XML mapping.

Arguments  Locate
  • uddi:tModelKey - tModelKeys of tModels that correspond to the XML document. When used with publish_xml, zero tModelKeys or a single tModelKey can be used.

  • tns:namespace - List of namespaces used in the XML document with their mappings to UDDI tModels

xmlResourceDetail  Locate

This structure describes the published XML document. It contains the location of the document and a list of the namespaces referenced by the XML document. The document declares a prefix for the XML namespace using the xmlns: declaration.

Arguments  Locate
  • tns:xmlResourceInfo - contains the location of the XML document (URI)

  • tns:namespace - a list of namespace information, one entry for each namespace used in the XML document

xmlResourceDetails  Locate

Table 35. Attributes


This structure, used in the result list of the find_xml query, provides information about a published XML document.

xmlResourceInfo  Locate

This structure, served as a result from the find_xml query, represents a simple information object about an XML document. It contains information needed for a simple presentation and identifies the UDDI tModel holding the rest of the information.

Arguments  Locate
  • location - the location (URI) of the XML document

  • uddi:tModelKey - tModelKey of the tModel that corresponds to the XML document. The key can be used with get_xmlDetail

  • uddi:name - name of the tModel

xmlResourceList  Locate

This structure contains a list of XML resources, possibly a sublist or a large result set. When only a sublist is returned, the structure must contain the listDescription element.

Arguments  Locate
  • uddi:listDescription - description of the result list, in case it is a subset of a larger result set.

  • tns:xmlResourceInfo - information about individual results (published XML documents)

Operations  Locate
find_xml  Locate
Syntax  Locate

This operation finds the XML document.

Table 36. Attributes

Arguments  Locate
  • uddi:authInfo - This optional argument is the string representation of the uddi:authToken.

  • tns:resourceInfo - URI location of the published XML document.

  • tns:usesNamespaces - search by XML namespace URIs of the published XML document.

  • tns:usesSchemas - schemas of the published XML document.

  • uddi:find_tModel - Argument used for a more detailed description of search criteria. For more information, see uddi:find_tModel. The search criteria implied by the other members of find_xml structure will be merged with the contents of uddi:find_tModel contents.

Returns  Locate

This API call returns the xmlResourceList on success.

find_xmlMapping  Locate
Syntax  Locate

This operation finds a mapping among the UDDI entities for the XML resource.

Table 37. Attributes

Arguments  Locate
  • policy - The policy (attribute) may be one of:

    • automatic (default) switches the operation to find UDDI entities for all XSD references, even those assumed from the XML namespace. For each used namespace URI, the function attempts to find all XML Schema tModels registered in UDDI which define the namespace contents and return their tModelKeys.

    • locations restricts the search only to namespaces containing xsi:schemaLocation or xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation. For these namespaces, the function returns tModelKeys of the XML Schema tModels stored in the registry matching the namespace. The operation ignores usage of namespaces lacking the schemaLocation attribute and does not return matching UDDI tModelKeys in this case.

  • uddi:authInfo - This required argument is the string representation of the uddi:authToken.

  • tns:resourceInfo - URI location of the XML document.

Returns  Locate

This API call returns xml2uddi:xmlMapping upon success.

get_xmlDetail  Locate
Syntax  Locate

This operation returns the registered mapping information for the XML document identified by a key.

Arguments  Locate
  • uddi:authInfo - This optional argument is the string representation of the uddi:authToken.

  • uddi:tModelKey - Required uddiKey value representing an existing XML tModel.

Returns  Locate

This API call returns the xml2uddi:xmlResourceDetails which describes the XML and the schemas used to define the document elements.

publish_xml  Locate
Syntax  Locate

Table 38. Attributes


This operation creates a new instance of a tModel representing the XML document.


This operation does not publish the contents of an XSD file.

All existing information which overlaps with the XML-to-UDDI mapping are overwritten, or removed from the registry, according to the input data. If the arguments pass information about a namespace, the passed information will be used. Any extraneous schema tModel references will be purged from the XML tModel's category bag.

Arguments  Locate
  • policy - This optional attribute may have one of the following values:

    • automatic (default) - all XSD references found in the XML document, even those assumed from XML namespace prefix declarations will be published.

    • explicit - Only the XSD references provided in the call will be published.

    • locations - references to XSDs that are given with the xsi:schemaLocation or xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation will be published.

  • publishingMethod - This optional attribute specifies whether the operation creates a new tModel (possibly assigned its name/value from the caller-supplied structure), or renews the passed tModel contents.

  • namespacePublishingMethod - This optional attribute controls whether new tModels will be created for namespaces, the existing tModels will be reused, or the namespaces will be ignored. When reuse is specified, the target tModelKey can be also given. It is an error to specify a tModelKey that does not exist in the Registry. When create is specified for a namespace and the tModelKey is given, it is used as the publisher-assigned key for the new tModel. Possible values are create, reuse, and ignore.

  • uddi:authInfo - This optional argument is the string representation of the uddi:authToken.

  • location - location of the XML document.

  • tns:xmlMapping - mapping structure to be used in XML publishing.

Returns  Locate

This API call returns the xmlResourceDetail on success.

unpublish_xml  Locate
Syntax  Locate

This operation removes the metadata (tModel) for the XML document, identified by tModelKey. Since the XML structure is not published, data about the XML document are effectively discarded. If the XML document's metadata is referenced from outside, the unpublish call fails. The dispositionReport will contain keys of the UDDI entities that refer to the XML document.

Arguments  Locate
  • uddi:authInfo - This optional argument is the string representation of the uddi:authToken.

  • uddi:tModelKey - tModelKey of the XML document.

Returns  Locate

This API call returns the xmlResourceDetail on success.

WSDL  Locate


API Endpoint  Locate

You can find the XML2UDDI API endpoint at http://<host name>:<port>/uddi/xml2uddi.

Java  Locate