Demo data for Registry Console and demos  Locate

Demo data describes a multinational company with offices in several locations and BEA AquaLogic Service Registry installed in its headquarters division. The headquarters division has two departments: IT and HR.

There are two predefined users, demo_john and demo_jane. The passwords for these users are the same as their log on names.

Departments are represented as the following Business Entities:

The following taxonomies are used:


Represents the organizational structure (hierarchy). KeyValue is the businessKey of the parent department.


Represents the geographical location of departments. Headquarters is located in a building; IT and HR are located in different floors of the same building. KeyValue is the number of the floor.


Identifies each department uniquely. The value from keyValue can be used as an argument in WSDL services.

Pre-published services are shown in Table 1, “Pre-published Demo Web Services”:

Table 1. Pre-published Demo Web Services

NameWSDL ServiceDescription
Holiday requestYesstored in the HR department; used by employees to submit holiday request
Phone supportNostored in the IT department; used by employees to call IT phone support for help with their PCs.
Employee listYesstored in the HR department, projected to IT department; takes single argument - departmentId; used by employees to view a list of employees that belong to a department.

Assertions are an alternate way to represent relationships between business entities. In the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry demo data, assertions are created between the Headquarters and HR departments.

The demo data also contains the following resource files located in the REGISTRY_HOME/demos/conf directory: