Installation Guide

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Uninstalling the Software

The following sections provide procedures for uninstalling the software:


About the Uninstallation Program

The following sections describe how to uninstall your BEA software on Windows and UNIX systems. You can uninstall the software using graphical, console, or silent mode. To run the graphical-mode uninstallation program, your console must support a Java-based GUI. If the uninstallation program determines that your system cannot support a Java-based GUI, it automatically starts running in console mode.

As part of the uninstall process, you can also select to automatically undeploy the registry from WebLogic Server.

The uninstallation program does not remove the Registry Home directory associated with the installation, the JDK, or any other utilities.


Uninstalling Your Software in Graphical Mode

Use the following procedure to uninstall the product in graphical mode:

  1. Shut down any servers that are running.
  2. Start the uninstallation program as described in Table 17-1.
  3. Table 17-1 Starting the Uninstallation Program in Graphical Mode 
    To start the uninstallation program on this platform . . .
    Perform the following steps . . .
    1. From the Windows Start menu, choose StartArrow symbolProgramsArrow symbolBEA AquaLogic Service RegistryArrow symbolUninstall BEA AquaLogic Service Registry.
    2. The BEA AquaLogic Service Registry Uninstaller Welcome window is displayed.

    3. Proceed to step 3.
    1. Go to the following directory:
    2. REGISTRY_HOME/uninstall

      Here REGISTRY_HOME represents the directory in which you installed your AquaLogic Service Registry software.

    3. Enter at the prompt.
    4. The BEA AquaLogic Service Registry Uninstaller Welcome window is displayed.

    Note: If your system supports a graphical user interface, the uninstallation program starts in graphical mode. If your system does not support a graphical user interface, the uninstallation program starts in console mode. If console mode is started, see Uninstalling Your Software in Console Mode for instructions.

  4. Click Next to start the uninstall program.
  5. Optionally, click Details to view the log file that lists the uninstalled components.
  6. Click Done in the Uninstalling BEA AquaLogic Service Registry window to exit the uninstallation program.
  7. Manually delete any remaining files or directories as appropriate—such as, the Registry Home directory, and the JDK.


Uninstalling Your Software in Console Mode

Use the following procedure to uninstall the product using the command-line interface:

  1. Shut down any servers that are running.
  2. Start the uninstallation program as described in Table 17-2.
  3. Table 17-2 Starting the Uninstallation Program in Console Mode
    To start the uninstallation program on this platform . . .
    Perform the following steps . . .
    1. Open a Command Prompt window and go to the following directory:
    2. REGISTRY_HOME\uninstall

      Here REGISTRY_HOME represents the directory in which you installed your AquaLogic Service Registry software.

    3. Enter the following command at the prompt:
    4. uninstall -mode=console

      The Welcome text is displayed.

    1. Go to the following directory:
    2. REGISTRY_HOME/uninstall

      Here REGISTRY_HOME represents the directory in which you installed AquaLogic Service Registry.

    3. At the prompt, enter the following command:
    4. sh -mode=console

      The Welcome text is displayed.

  4. Press Enter or type next to proceed to the next panel of the uninstallation program.
  5. When the uninstallation process is complete, press Enter or type exit to complete the uninstallation and exit the uninstallation program.
  6. Manually delete any remaining files or directories as appropriate—such as, the Registry Home directory, and the JDK.


Uninstalling Your Software in Silent Mode

When you uninstall your AquaLogic Service Registry software in silent mode, the complete installation of your software is uninstalled.

When you run the uninstallation program in silent mode, it leaves behind the same files and directories as when you run the uninstallation program in graphical and console modes, including:

You can manually delete these files.

Although you can use silent-mode uninstallation to manually uninstall your software, silent-mode uninstall is intended for use in scripts. You can adapt the steps in Table 17-3 for use in scripts.

Use the following procedure to uninstall your AquaLogic Service Registry software in silent mode:

  1. Shut down any servers that are running.
  2. Start the uninstallation program as described in Table 17-3.
  3. Table 17-3 Starting the Uninstallation Program in Silent Mode 
    To start the uninstallation program on this platform . . .
    Perform the following steps . . .
    1. Open a Command Prompt window and go to the following directory:
    2. REGISTRY_HOME\uninstall

      Here REGISTRY_HOME represents the directory in which you installed your AquaLogic Service Registry software.

    3. Enter the following command at the prompt:
    4. uninstall -mode=silent

    1. Go to the following directory:
    2. REGISTRY_HOME/uninstall

      Here REGISTRY_HOME represents the directory in which you installed AquaLogic Service Registry.

    3. At the prompt, enter the following command:
    4. sh -mode=silent

Notes: When you run the uninstallation program in silent mode, no messages are displayed indicating the uninstallation is in progress or has completed successfully, even if errors are encountered.
Note: You can also include the -log=full_path_to_log_file option in the command line to create a verbose installation log. For example:
Note: uninstall -mode=silent -log=C:\logs\registry_uninstall.log
Note: For more information, see Generating a Verbose Installation Log.

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