Using the Format Builder

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Field Detail Window

Defines the fields contained in the message format. Fields are a sequence of bytes that have some meaning to an application. (For example, the field EMPNAME contains an employee name.) You can create a field as a child of the message format item, as a child of a group, or as a sibling of a group or another field.

Table 4-1 Fields in Message Format
Field Description
The name of the field. This name must comply with XML element naming conventions (see Valid Names for more information).
Select this option if this is an optional field. Optional means that the data for the field may or may not be present in the input.
If the Optional option is selected for a file, then you can set the Field is Tagged option from the Field Attributes pane. In addition, in the Field Is Tagged text box enter a unique value for each optional field in a group. Multiple groups can use the same tag value but the tag value for each optional field in a group must be unique.
Select the data type of the field from the drop-down list. The default is String.

Note: The Field Type you select dictates the Field Data Options that appear on the dialog.

Refer to Supported Data Types for a list of data types supported by Format Builder.
Field Occurrence
Choose one of the following to indicate how often this field appears in the message format:
  • Once - Indicates the field appears only once.
  • Repeat Delimiter - Indicates the field will repeat until the specified delimiter is encountered.
  • Repeat Field - Indicates that the value of the repeat field at run time is the number of times the field will repeat
  • Repeat Number - Indicates the field will repeat the specified number of times.
  • Unlimited - Indicates the field will repeat an unlimited number of times.

Note: Unless a field is defined as optional, the field will occur at least one time.

Note: The fields that display in the following sections of the detail window depend on the Field Type selected.

Field Data Options
Data Base Type
If the field is a date or time field, the base type indicates what type of characters (ASCII, EBCDIC, or Numeric) make up the data.
Year Cutoff
If the field is a date field that has a 2-digit year, the year cutoff allows the 2-digit year to be converted to a 4-digit year. If the 2-digit year is greater than or equal to the year cutoff value, a '19' prefix will be added to the year value. Otherwise a '20' prefix will be used.
Code Page
The character encoding of the String field data.
The value that appears in a literal field.
Field Attributes
Field is Tagged
Select this option if this is a tagged field. Being tagged means that a literal precedes the data, indicating that the data is present. For example: SUP:ACME INC, SUP: is a tag. ACME INC is the field data.
If you selected the Field is Tagged option, enter the tag in the text box to the right of the checkbox.
Field Default Value
Select this option if the field has a default value. Then, enter the default value in the text box to the right of the checkbox.
Variable-sized data types can be assigned a fixed length, eliminating the need to use a delimiter to specify the termination point of the field.
  • Length - Enter the number of bytes in the length field if the length field is a variable length.
  • Trim Leading/Trailing - Removes the specified data from the leading or trailing edge of the data
  • String Length in Characters - By default, the string length is in bytes. Check this option if string is multi-byte encoded to calculate the length in number of characters instead of bytes.
  • Pad - If the data is shorter than the specified length, enter the necessary value to the data until it is of correct length. Select the Trailing option to append padding at the end of a field. Select the Leading option to append padding at the beginning of a field.
  • Truncate - Removes a specified number of characters from a field. Select the Truncate First option to remove the specified number of characters from the beginning of the field. Select the Truncate After option to remove the specified number of characters from the end of the field.
If you select both truncation options, the Truncate First option is implemented initially, and the Truncate After option is invoked on the remaining characters.
Imbedded Length
Variable-sized data types can have their termination point specified by an imbedded length. An imbedded length precedes the data field and indicates how many bytes the data contains.
  • Description - Select the Type from the drop down list. Then, depending on the Type selected, choose Length and enter the number of bytes, or choose Delimiter and enter the delimiter character.
  • Tag/Length Order - Specifies the order of tag and length fields when both are present. Default is tag before length.
  • Trim Leading/Trailing - Removes the specified data from the leading or trailing edge of the data.
  • Truncate - Removes a specified number of characters from a field. For more information on truncation, see the Length field.
Variable-sized data types can have their termination point specified by a delimiter. A delimiter is a character that marks the end of the field. The field data continues until the delimiter character is encountered.
  • Value - Enter the delimiter that marks the end of the field data.
  • Trim Leading/Trailing - Removes the specified data from the leading or trailing edge of the data.
  • Truncate - Removes a specified number of characters from a field. For more information on truncation, see the Length field.
Delimiter Field
Variable-sized data types can have their termination point specified by a field that contains a delimiter character. A delimiter is a character that marks the end of the field. The field data continues until the field containing the delimiter character is encountered.
  • Field - Select the field that contains the delimiter character.
  • Default - Enter the delimiter character. You must supply a default value. The default is used when the delimiter field is not present.
  • Trim Leading/Trailing - Removes the specified data from the leading or trailing edge of the data.
  • Truncate - Removes a specified number of characters from a field. For more information on truncation, see the Length field.
For more information on delimiters, see Specify Delimiters.
Decimal Position
Specifies the number of digits (0-16) to the left of the decimal point.
Specify the literal value. Literal value can be defined as a single value or it can be defined a list of values separated by the literal separator. When the Value is a list of values, the data for the literal field in the binary data will be one of value in the list.
Literal Separator
Supports enumeration of literal values. For literal type Field in MFL definition, a literal separator can be specified when multiple choices of value is needed for the Field.
For example, segment terminators that are supported by both EDIFACT and X12 EDI standards are: \r\n\, \r, \n, ‘, and ~. However, you can use Format Builder to support any other custom terminator. You can append the custom terminator to the existing list of literal values and use comma (,) as literal separator to separate multiple custom values.
In the MFL file, you should see the following structure,
<FieldFormat name='ISA_Terminator' type='Literal' value='\r\n,\r,\n,~,|' literalSeparator=','/>
Field Update Buttons
Saves your changes to the message format file.
Makes a copy of the field currently displayed. The duplicate field contains the same values as the original field. The name of the duplicate field is the same as the original field name, with the word “New” inserted before the original name. For example, duplicating a field called “Field1” results in a field with the name “NewField1”.
When you duplicate an item with a numeric value in its name, the new item name contains the next sequential number. For example, duplicating “NewField1” results in a group named “NewField2”.
Discards your changes to the detail window and resets all fields to the last saved values.
Displays online help information for this detail window.

Note: The Apply and Reset buttons are only enabled once changes are made to the detail panel’s components.

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