Installation Guide

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Post-Installation Information

This section covers the following topics:


Using QuickStart

When the product installation is completed using graphical-mode installation, the QuickStart application is launched automatically, by default. If you do not want to run QuickStart at the completion of the installation process, you can clear the Run QuickStart check box in the Install Complete window. QuickStart is not invoked for console-mode or silent-mode installations.

QuickStart is designed to help first-time users evaluate, learn, and use BEA Products software. If you installed your software using a complete installation, or if you used a custom installation to install the examples, the sample domains that are installed are automatically configured to run with the PointBase database, a database that is installed with WebLogic Server. QuickStart provides quick access to the following:

After installation, you can launch QuickStart as follows:


Determining Which JDK Version You Are Using

You can determine which version of the JDK you are using by issuing a command, as follows:

  1. Open a command prompt window and go to the appropriate directory:
  2. BEA_HOME\WL_HOME\server\bin (Windows)

    BEA_HOME/WL_HOME/server/bin (UNIX)

    In both pathnames, BEA_HOME represents the directory in which you have installed your BEA software and WL_HOME represents the wlserver_<version>.

  3. Make sure that your environment is set up properly by entering the following command at the prompt:
  4. setWLSenv.cmd (Windows) (UNIX)

  5. Enter the following command at the prompt:
  6. java -version

    If you are using BEA JRockit, BEA JRockit(R) is displayed in the output.


Understanding the Windows Shortcuts

When you install your BEA Products software on a Windows system, the installation program automatically creates shortcut entries on the Start Menu.

Note: If the user performing the installation has Administrator privileges, the shortcut entries can be created in the All Users Start menu folder or in the user’s local Start menu folder. For more information, see Administrator Privileges.

Options on the Start Menu vary, according to the components you choose to install.

The BEA Products folder (StartArrow symbolProgramsArrow symbolBEA Products) contains the shortcut files shown in the following figure:

Figure 6-1 Windows Directory Structure

Windows Directory Structure


Understanding the Product Directory Structure

During the product installation, you are asked to select or create a BEA Home directory and a product installation directory. For information about the BEA Home directory, see Choosing a BEA Home Directory. For a complete installation, the installation program creates a dedicated directory structure for the BEA Products software. It may or may not reside in the BEA Home directory. Figure 6-2 shows the directory tree structure for a complete product installation.

Figure 6-2 Product Directory Structure

Product Directory Structure

Table 6-1 describes the contents of each directory.

Note: The installation program does not create directories for components that are not installed. For example, if you performed a complete installation using the BEA Products installation program for BEA WebLogic Server, the integration and servicebus directories are not created

Table 6-1 Product Installation Directory Structure 
This directory . . .
Contains . . .
The JDK version that is being used.
The JRockit version that is being used.
The modules installed in the BEA Home Directory.
The eclipse tool files
Executable jar files to apply patches, and files to uninstall the product
WebLogic Server program files
WebLogic Workshop program files

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