ISV Partners' Guide

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Preparing Customer Documentation

This chapter includes general advice and considerations on preparing customer documentation, as well as advice and considerations related to two specific scenarios:


General Advice on Preparing Customer Documentation

Regardless of the type of partner you are (see Types of ISVs), whenever you prepare any software product to be distributed to customers, you should provide, at a minimum, documentation that includes the following:


Documentation for Silent-Mode Installation, Maintenance, and Configuration

If you are using the silent-mode installation, maintenance, and configuration features of WebLogic Server to install and configure your product, be sure to prepare documentation for the customer that describes the following:


Documentation for Interactive Installation, Maintenance, and Configuration

If your product is designed to be installed interactively—that is, if your customers must run the installation program, followed by the Configuration Wizard—be sure to prepare documentation for the customer that describes the following:

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