Installation Guide

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Running the Installation Program in Console Mode

The following sections describe how to run the installation program in console mode:


Running Console-Mode Installation

Start the installation program in console mode, as described in Starting the Installation Program.

To complete the console-mode installation process, respond to the prompts in each section by entering the number associated with your choice or by pressing Enter to accept the default. To exit the installation process, enter exit (or x, for short) in response to any prompt. To review or change your selection, enter previous (or p, for short) at the prompt. To proceed to the following window, enter next (or n, for short).

Note: In the sample console text and directory pathnames provided in this section, Windows conventions (such as backslashes in pathnames) are used, for example, C:\bea\wlserver_<version>. When entering pathnames on a UNIX system, be sure to use UNIX conventions, instead. For example, use forward slashes in pathnames, such as /home/bea/wlserver_<version>.

Use the following procedure after you have started the installation program in console mode, as described in Starting the Installation Program.

  1. At the Welcome prompt, type next (or n for short), or press Enter to continue with the installation process.
  2. The Choose BEA Home directory prompt is displayed.

  3. Specify the BEA Home directory that will serve as the central support directory for all BEA products installed on the target system. For information about the BEA Home directory, see Choosing a BEA Home Directory.
  4. One of the following is displayed on your system:

    • If you have existing BEA Home directories on your system, a list of the directories is displayed, as shown in the following example:
    • Choose BEA Home Directory:

      ->1¦* Create a new BEA Home

      Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

      To use an existing BEA Home directory, type the number associated with the BEA Home directory.

      To create a new BEA Home directory, type 1 or press Enter.

    • If there are no BEA Home directories on your system, or you have selected to create a new BEA Home, the installation program displays the following prompt:
    • Choose BEA Home Directory:

      "BEA Home" = [Enter new value or use default "C:\bea]

      Enter new BEA Home OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

      Do one of the following:

    • To use the default BEA Home directory, type next (or n for short), or press Enter.
    • To create a new BEA Home directory, enter the full path of the BEA Home directory, for example C:\beahome2. If you specify a directory that does not exist, the installation program creates it for you.
    • The installation program displays the BEA Home directory you have specified, as shown in the following example:

      Choose BEA Home Directory:

      "BEA Home" = [D:\bea_HOME]

      Use above value or Select another Option:
      1 - Enter new BEA Home
      2 - Change to default [C:\bea]

      Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

      On the command line, press Enter to accept your selection. Otherwise, type 1 or 2 to return to the Choose BEA Home Directory panel, where you can modify your entry.

      After you have selected your BEA Home directory and confirmed your selection, type Next or press Enter. One of the following occurs:

    • If you are adding components to an existing installation, the Choose Components to install panel is displayed. Go to step 5.
    • If you are performing an initial installation, the Choose Install Type prompt is displayed.
  5. Specify the type of installation you want to perform by entering the number associated with the install type:
  6. For example, during WebLogic Platform installation, the installation program displays the following prompt:

    Choose Install Type:

    Select the type of installation you wish to perform.
    ¦Install the following software components and examples:
    ¦- WebLogic Server
    ¦- Workshop
    ¦- WebLogic Integration
    ¦- WebLogic Portal

    2¦Custom Installation
    ¦Choose software components to install and perform optional

    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

    Do one of the following:

    • Type 1 or press Enter to choose a Complete installation. Proceed to step 7.
    • Type 2 to choose a Custom installation. The Choose Components to install prompt is displayed.
    • For more information about complete and custom installations, see Choosing the Type of Installation.

  7. Select the components you want to install.
  8. For example, If you are using the BEA Products installation program for WebLogic Platform, the components are displayed as shown in Figure 5-1

    Figure 5-1 Product Components

    Product Components

    The word Installed is shown in brackets for any components you have already installed on your system.

    When you are finished selecting components, press Enter or type next (or n for short), the Install Eclipse Options prompt is displayed.

    Note: When you select or deselect components to install, the installation program checks for dependencies between components and automatically modifies the list of selected components. For example, if you deselect the WebLogic Server component, the remaining components are also deselected, since they require WebLogic Server to run.
  9. Specify whether you want to install Eclipse or use the existing Eclipse. The installation program displays the following options:

  10. Product Components

    Type the appropriate index number, and press Enter to proceed to the next step.

    Note: For more information on prerequisites for using the existing Eclipse installation, see Requirements for Using the Existing Eclipse Installation.
  11. Specify the directory in which you want to install the software. You can accept the default product directory (bea_HOME\wlserver_<version>) or create a new product directory.
  12. Note: If you are adding components to an existing installation, you are prompted to confirm the product installation directory.

    If you specify a new directory, the installation program automatically creates it for you.

    For example, if you are running the installation program for WebLogic Platform, the choices are displayed as follows:

    Choose Product Installation Directories:
    BEA Home Directory: [D:\bea_HOME]
    Product Installation Directories:

    ¦Default Product Home: [D:\bea_HOME\wlserver_<version>]
    2¦Workshop: [D:\bea_HOME\workshop_<version>]
    3¦WebLogic Integration: [D:\bea_HOME\wli_<version>]

    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

    Do one of the following:

    • Press Enter or type next (or n for short) to accept the current selection.
    • Enter the full path to the directory in which you want to install the software, and press Enter.
    • In the following situations, the installation program begins copying the components you specified to your system. Proceed to step 11.

    • You are performing a complete installation on a Windows platform,
    • You are installing on a Windows platform and you do not have Administrator privileges,
    • You are installing on a UNIX platform, or
    • You are adding components to an existing installation
    • Note: It is normal for the installation program to pause for a long time, especially towards the end. The installation program is still working while this occurs.
  13. Specify whether you want to install Node Manager as a Windows service, as shown in the following text:
  14. Install Node Manager as a Windows Service

    1 - Yes, install now.
    2 - No, do not install now. See product documentation for
    post-install registration of Node Manager as a Windows Service.
    Enter a number or [Exit][Previous][Next]>

    Do one of the following:

    • Enter 1 to install Node Manager as a Windows Service. Then, at the prompt, enter the Node Manager Listen Port, or press Enter to accept the default (5556). If the Listen Port number you specify is being used by a running application, the installation program prompts you to enter a different Node Manager Listen Port number. You are prompted to confirm your selection.
    • Enter 2 if you do not want to install Node Manager as a Windows service.
    • The Choose Shortcut Location prompt is displayed.

  15. Specify the folder in which you want to create the Start menu shortcuts. Select the All Users folder or the Local User’s folder, as shown in the following sample text:
  16. Choose Shortcut Location:
    *The installer creates shortcuts to BEA components, samples, and tools.
    *As a user with administrative privileges, you can specify where these
    *shortcuts are created.
     ->1¦"All Users" Start Menu folder(recommended)
    ¦For some installations,this setting may limit the automatic creation
    ¦of server shortcuts for users without administrative privileges.
    ¦Refer to the documentation for more information.
    2¦Local User’s Start Menu folder
    ¦Select this option if you need to ensure that other profiles
    ¦registered on this machine will not have access to these shortcuts
     Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

    Do one of the following:

    • Type 1 or press Enter to create Start menu shortcuts in the All Users folder. This provides all users registered on the machine with access to the installed software. However, only users with Administrator privileges can create shortcuts in the All Users folder. Therefore, if a user without Administrator privileges uses the Configuration Wizard to create domains, Start menu shortcuts to the domains are not created. In this case, users can manually create shortcuts in their local Start menu folders, if desired.
    • Type 2 to create shortcuts in your local user’s Start menu folder. If you do so, other users registered on this machine will not have access to the Start menu entries for this installation.
    • You are prompted to confirm your selection, as shown in the following text:

      Choose Shortcut Location:
      *Are you sure you wish to create the shortcuts in the selected location?
      *”All Users” Start Menu folder(recommended)
      *For some installations,this setting may limit the automatic creation
      of server shortcuts for users without administrative privileges.
      Refer to the documentation for more information.
      2¦No, Go back to the previous screen and make another choice.

      Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>

      Verify that your entry is correct, then type 1 or press Enter to proceed with the installation. Otherwise, type 2 to return to the previous panel, where you can modify your entry.

      After you have verified your selection, the installation program begins copying the components you specified to your system.

      Note: It is normal for the installation program to pause for a long time, especially towards the end. The installation program is still working while this occurs.

After the installation is complete, the following message is displayed:

Installation Complete
Congratulations!”BEA Products” has been succesfully installed.
Press[Enter] to continue or type [Exit]>


Required Patches

For more information about installing the required patches, see Required Patches.


What's Next?

We recommend that you run the QuickStart application to familiarize yourself with the software and execute the samples provided. For more information on QuickStart, see Post-Installation Information.

Note: QuickStart is not started automatically for console-mode or silent-mode installations. You can launch QuickStart from the Start Menu (Windows) or from the command line (Windows and UNIX). For instructions, see Using QuickStart.

For specific information about your software release, see the appropriate release notes.

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