Creating Templates Using the Domain Template Builder

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Creating Domain Templates Using the Domain Template Builder

The following topics describe each step required to create a new domain template:

Create a New Template

The Create a New Template window prompts you to choose the type of template you want to create: a domain template or an extension template.

Table 2-1 Directories and Files in the Installation-Level Patch Directory 
Choose this option . . .
When you want to . . .
Create a Domain Template
Create a template that defines the full set of resources within a domain, including infrastructure components, applications, services, security options, and general environment and operating system parameters. You can then use this template as input to the Configuration Wizard, WLST Offline, or the unpack command to create a new domain. \
Create an Extension Template
Create a template that defines applications and services that can be used to extend an existing dominies applications and services stored in the selected extension templates are imported into an existing domain using the Configuration Wizard. To learn more about creating an extension template, see Creating Extension Templates Using the Domain Template Builder.


Select a Template Domain Source

The Select a Template Domain Source window prompts you to choose the domain or domain template from which you want to create a domain template.

To choose a domain as the source for your template:

  1. In the Create a New Template window, select the Create a Domain Templete checkbox and click Next.
  2. The Select a Template Domain Source window appears

  3. Select the Select a Domain tab.
  4. Navigate to the directory of the domain from which you want to create a domain template. Valid domain directories are indicated by a Domain directory folder icon icon.
  5. Click Next to proceed to the next configuration window.
  6. The Domain Template Builder verifies that the directory you selected contains a valid domain. If it does not, an error message is displayed.

    The Describe the Template window appears.

To choose a domain template as the source for your template:

  1. Select the Select a Template tab.
  2. Review the list of templates displayed in the Templates pane. The templates displayed for selection reside in the directory specified in the Locate Additional Templates field. If you need to select an alternate directory:
    1. Click Browse to invoke a dialog box called Select a Template Directory.
    2. In the dialog box, navigate to the appropriate directory or manually enter its pathname in the Location field.
    3. Click OK to return to the Select a Template Domain Source window.
    4. A list of the domain templates available in the selected directory is displayed in the Templates pane. Templates are organized by category. For example, the predefined domain templates provided with your product installation are listed together under the heading BEA.

  3. Select a domain template from the list.
  4. Click Next.
  5. The Describe the Template window appears.


Describe the Template

The Describe the Template window prompts you to provide a description that will be displayed in the Select a Template area of the Select a Template Domain Source window.

To enter template description information:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • If you selected a domain directory in the previous window, enter the information required for your domain, as described in Table 2-2, and click Next. The Add or Omit Applications window appears.
    • If you selected a template in the previous window, the information from the selected template is displayed here. Review the information, and modify it, if necessary, to meet the requirements of your domain, as described in the following table. Then click Next.

      The Add Files window appears.

      Table 2-2 Describe the Template 
      Choose this option . . .
      When you want to . . .
      Note: Fields marked with * are required.
      Enter a valid name for the domain template. A valid name consists of string of characters that can include spaces.
      Enter the name of the author of the template. A valid name consists of a string of characters that can include spaces.
      For example, the name "BEA Systems, Inc." is displayed in the Author field of the default templates provided by BEA.
      Enter the name of the category in which you want this template to be displayed. A valid name consists of a string of characters that can include spaces.
      For example, the default templates provided by BEA are grouped together in the category BEA in the Select a Template area of the Select a Template Domain Source window.
      Enter a description of the domain template. A valid description consists of a string of characters that can include spaces.
      For example, the description provided for the Basic WebLogic Server Domain template provided by BEA contains the following text:
      Create a basic WebLogic Server domain without installing sample applications.


Add or Omit Applications

Note: The Add or Omit Applications window is displayed if applications are included in the template or domain selected in Select a Template Domain Source.

The Add or Omit Applications window allows you to:

By default, the Domain Template Builder includes applications from the domain or template you specified as the source for the template you are creating. For example:

Note: If you create a template that contains applications with application-scoped JDBC and/or JMS resources, and subsequently use the template as input to the Configuration Wizard or WLST Offline to create or extend a clustered domain, you may need to perform additional steps (after the domain is created or extended) to make sure that the application and its application-scoped resources are targeted and deployed properly in a clustered environment. For more information on the targeting and deployment of application-scoped modules, see “Deploying Applications and Modules” in Deploying Applications to WebLogic Server at the following URL:

To add or omit applications in the template:

  1. In the Applications pane, review the list of applications to be included in your template. By default, all applications are checked, indicating that they will be included.
  2. The applications displayed reside in the directory specified in the Current Application Path field. The applications are copied into your template from this location.

  3. To change the relative path of the directory into which an application will be imported, do the following:
    1. Select the application in the Applications pane.
    2. In the Imported Application Path field, enter the relative path you want to use after the application is imported into your template.
    3. Note: Some of the applications listed in the Applications pane may be provided with your WebLogic software. You cannot change the relative paths for these applications. When you select these applications in the Applications pane, the Imported Application Path field is replaced by an Internal Application Path. Because these files are installed on your system during your product installation, they are not copied into the template at template creation time. When you create a domain using this template, this path will point to the application files contained in your product installation directory.
  4. Clear the check box for any application that you do not want to include in the template.
  5. Click Next.
  6. The Add Files window appears.


Add Files

By default, the Domain Template Builder includes files from the domain or template you specified as the source for the template you are creating. For example:

You may also need to include other files from your domain or file system that are required by the applications.

The Add Files window prompts you to review, add, or remove files in the template. To add files into the template you are creating:

  1. To view the current list of files in your template, expand the Domain Root Directory and Applications Root Directory in the Current Template View pane.
  2. To add or remove files, perform the following steps:
    • To add a file, navigate to the file within the File System View pane and select Add File. You can limit the files displayed in this pane by using the filters available in the Show File Types drop-down list. For example, to display only files with the .cmd extension, select *.cmd from the drop-down list.
    • To remove a file, select the file that you want to delete from the Current Template View pane, and select Remove File.
    • Notes:

      Note: You cannot remove files shown in red or their parent directories as they comprise the applications defined in the config.xml file in the template source. These files will be included by default in the template being created. If you do not want these files included in your template, you must remove the application with which they are associated. To do so, click Previous to return to the Add or Omit Applications window and clear the appropriate check box for the application.
      Note: If you attempt to add a file that is created automatically by the Configuration Wizard at domain creation time, an error message is displayed.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each file that you want to add or remove.
  4. Click Next.
  5. The Add SQL Scripts window appears.


Add SQL Scripts

SQL scripts that are created by the user can be added to your template. Adding SQL scripts to your template is optional. You can add SQL scripts that you have created to the template, so that they are available when you create a domain using the template.

Note: SQL scripts that are provided by the product do not need to be added to the template. An example of SQL scripts provided by WebLogic Portal, are located in weblogic_home/portal/db. Since you can access these scripts as part of the product installation, you do not need to include the scripts inside the template.

The Add SQL Scripts window prompts you to add SQL scripts for each database that you expect to be used with the domains created from this template. You can also specify the order in which the scripts are executed. When you create a domain using this template, the databases and associated SQL scripts that you include are displayed in the Run Database Scripts window of the Configuration Wizard.

Note: If you are using a template as your template source, any SQL files that are included in the template source are displayed in the Selected Database Scripts pane, organized by database type. If desired, you can remove specified SQL scripts. For instructions, see To remove SQL scripts from your template:.

To add SQL scripts to your template:

  1. In the Database Type and Version pane, select a database from the Type drop-down list.
  2. Select the database version from the Version drop-down list or enter a version number directly in the field.
  3. Click Add SQL File.
  4. The Open dialog box is displayed.

  5. In the Open dialog box, navigate to the directory that contains the SQL scripts for the selected database.
  6. Select the SQL files to be added.
  7. Click Add SQL File(s).
  8. The SQL files that you added are displayed in the Selected SQL Files list and the Selected Database Scripts pane of the Add SQL Scripts window. The Selected Database Scripts pane displays a tree-view of all the databases and associated SQL scripts included in the template.

  9. To specify the order in which SQL files are executed, select a file from the Selected SQL Files list and use the up and down arrows to change the order of the files in the list.
  10. The specified sequence is reflected in the Selected Database Scripts pane. When you create a domain based on this template, this information is displayed in the Run Database Scripts window of the Configuration Wizard.

  11. Repeat steps 1 through 7 for each database for which you want to include SQL files.
  12. Click Next to proceed to the next configuration window.

To remove SQL scripts from your template:

  1. From the Type drop-down list in the Database Type and Version pane, select the database from which you want to remove SQL scripts.
  2. Select the database version from the Version drop-down list or enter a version number directly in the field.
  3. The SQL scripts for the selected database displayed in the Selected Database Scripts pane are listed in the Selected SQL Files pane.

  4. In the Selected SQL Files pane, select the SQL file to be removed and click Remove SQL File.
  5. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each database for which you want to remove SQL files.
  6. Click Next to proceed to the next configuration window.
  7. The Configure the Administration Server window appears.

    Note: If you are creating an extension template, the next configuration window displayed is Security Configuration Options. For more information, see Configuring Security Options in Your Extension Template.


Configure the Administration Server

In every domain, one server must be designated the Administration server: the central point from which the whole domain is managed. The Configure the Administration Server window prompts you to define configuration information for the Administration Server. This information is used to access the Administration Server in the domain.

Servers can be reached using the following URL: protocol://listen-address:listen-port

In this URL, protocol can be any of the following:

listen-address and listen-port are defined in the Configure the Administration Server window.

To configure the Administration Server:

Review the values displayed in the window and modify them as necessary, using the guidelines provided in Table 2-3. When you finish updating your settings, click Next. The Configure Administrator Username and Password window appears.

Table 2-3 Configure the Administration Server - Fields 
Choose this option . . .
When you want to . . .
Note: Fields marked with * are required.
Enter a valid server name: a string of characters that can include spaces.
Each server instance in your product environment must have a unique name, regardless of the domain or cluster in which it resides, and regardless of whether it is an Administration Server or a Managed Server. In addition, the name of the Administration Server must be unique among all component names within the domain.
This value is specified for identification purposes only; it is not used as part of the URL for applications that are deployed on the server. The server name is displayed in the WebLogic Server Administration Console. In addition, if you use WebLogic Server command-line utilities or APIs, you must specify this name to identify the server.
Listen Address
From the drop-down list, select a value for the listen address. Valid values for the listen address are as follows:
All Local Addresses (default)
IP address of the computer that hosts the server
DNS name that resolves to the host
localhost (valid only for requests that are issued from the computer on which the server is running)
If you identify the listen address for a server instance as localhost, non-local processes cannot connect to the server instance. Only processes on the machine that hosts the server instance can connect to the server instance. If the server instance must be accessible as localhost (for example, if you create administrative scripts that connect to localhost), and it must also be accessible by remote processes, select All Local Addresses. The server instance determines the address of the machine and listens on it.
To learn more about Listen Addresses, see Specifying Listen Addresses
Listen Port
Enter a valid value for the listen port to be used for regular, non-secure requests (via protocols such as HTTP and T3). The default value is 7001. If you leave this field blank, the default value is used.
Any number between 1 and 65535 is a valid value.
For more information, see Specifying Listen Ports
SSL Port
Enter a valid value to be used for secure requests (via protocols such as HTTPS and T3S). The default value is 7002. If you leave this field blank, the default value is used.
Any number between 1 and 65535 is a valid value.

Note: By default, a server instance uses demonstration certificates to authenticate requests from a secure port. In a production environment, you must configure SSL to use certificates from a certificate authority. For more information, see “Configuring SSL” in Securing WebLogic Server at

For more information, see Specifying Listen Ports.
SSL enabled
Select the check box in this field to enable the SSL listen port. By default, the SSL is disabled for all new servers.

Specifying Listen Addresses

If you want to limit the valid listen address for a server, use the guidelines for specifying listen addresses provided in Table 2-4.

Table 2-4 Specifying Listen Address
If the listen address is set to . . .
Then the following is true . . .
All Local Addresses or DNS name
On multi-homed Windows machines, a server instance binds to all available IP addresses.
IP Address or DNS name
  • To connect to the server instance, processes can specify either the IP address or the corresponding DNS name.
  • Processes that specify localhost fail to connect.
  • You must update existing processes that use localhost to connect to the server instance.
  • For connections that specify the IP address for the listen address and a secured port for the listen port, host name verification must be disabled.

Note: To resolve a DNS name to an IP address, WebLogic Server must be able to contact an appropriate DNS server or obtain the IP address mapping locally. Therefore, if you specify a DNS name for the listen address, you must either leave a port open long enough for the WebLogic Server instance to connect to a DNS server and cache its mapping or you must specify the IP address mapping in a local file. If you specify an IP address for the listen address and then a client request specifies a DNS name, WebLogic Server will attempt to resolve the DNS name, but if it cannot access DNS name mapping, the request will fail.

Processes must specify localhost to connect to the server instance.
Only processes that reside on the machine that hosts the server instance (local processes) will be able to connect to the server instance.

Specifying Listen Ports

Refer to the following guidelines when specifying listen ports and secure listen ports:


Configure Administrator Username and Password

When you create a domain template, the administrator username and password from the original domain or template are included in your new template. You can modify this username and password if desired. In addition, you can provide extra security for application resources using the following security features:

To modify the administrator username and password:

  1. Specify a valid username in the Username field by clicking within the field and modifying the string displayed there. This name is used to boot the Administration Server and connect to it.
  2. Do not use commas or any characters in the following comma-separated list: \t, < >, #, |, &, ?, ( ), { }. User names are case sensitive.

  3. Specify a valid password in the User password field by clicking within the field and modifying the string displayed there. A valid password must contain at least 8 case-sensitive characters. The password value is encrypted.
  4. Note: Do not use the password=weblogic in a production environment.
  5. Reenter the password in the Confirm user password field.
  6. Optionally, enter a login description for this username.
  7. If you want to configure additional users, groups, and global roles, select Yes at the bottom of the window.
  8. Click Next.
  9. The Specify Start Menu Entries window appears.


Configure Users, Groups, and Global Roles

The Configure Users, Groups and Global Roles window is displayed in the Domain Template Builder in the following circumstances:

Users, groups, and global roles are defined as follows:

The Configure Users, Groups and Global Roles window prompts you to define users, groups, and roles for authentication purposes. You must define at least one user.

Depending on the template or domain selected, one or more users, groups, and/or roles may be defined already. In addition, WebLogic Server defines a default set of groups and roles. For a list of the default groups and roles defined in WebLogic Server, see “Users, Groups, and Security Roles” in Securing WebLogic Resources at the following URL:

To configure users, groups, and global roles:

  1. Select the User tab and review the current list of user configurations. Add or modify entries as required by your domain, using the guidelines provided in the following table. To delete a user, click in one of its fields and click Delete.
  2. Select the Group tab and review the current list of group configurations. Add or modify the entries required by your domain, using the guidelines provided in the following table. To delete a group, click in one of its fields and click Delete. When you finish updating your settings, click Next.
  3. Select the Role tab and review the current list of role configurations. The predefined list of WebLogic Server global security roles is shown. Add or modify the entries required by your domain using the guidelines provided in the following table. To delete a role, click in one of its fields and click Delete. When you finish updating your settings, click Next.
  4. The Assign Users to Groups window appears.

    WARNING: Do not make the default global security roles for Administrative and Server resources more restrictive. If you eliminate any existing security roles, you risk degrading WebLogic Server operation. You can, however, make the default security roles more inclusive (for example, by adding new security roles).

    Table 2-5 Configure Users, Groups and Global Roles
    If the listen address is set to . . .
    Then the following is true . . .
    Note: Fields marked with an asterisk are required.
    Enter a valid name for the role. Do not use blank spaces, commas, hyphens, or any characters in the following comma-separated list: \t, < >, #, |, &, ~, ?, ( ), { }. Security role names are case sensitive.
    The default value in this field is new_Role_n, where n specifies a numeric value that is used to differentiate among all default role names; the value of n for the first role is 1. The value is incremented by 1 for each role that is added.
    Enter a description of the role to be used for informational purposes only

Related Topics

“Users, Groups, and Security Roles” in Securing WebLogic Resources at the following URL:


Assign Users to Groups

The Assign Users to Groups window prompts you to assign users to groups. BEA recommends adding users to groups because by managing groups you can manage multiple users simultaneously.

To assign users to groups:

  1. In the Group pane, select the group to which you want to assign users.
  2. The current assignments for the selected group are displayed in the left pane.

  3. In the left pane, do one of the following:
    • To assign a user to the selected group, select the check box for the user.
    • To remove a user from the selected group, clear the check box for the user.
    • To select all users in the list, choose Select All. To unselect all users in the list, choose Unselect All.

      The list of groups associated with each user is updated to reflect your changes.

  4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each user that you want to assign to a group. You can assign a user to more than one group.
  5. Click Next.
  6. The Assign Groups to Groups window appears.


Assign Groups to Groups

The Assign Groups to Groups window prompts you to designate one group as a subgroup of another group, as a means of refining the management of security for your domain.

Note: You should not assign groups recursively. For example, do not assign groupA as a subgroup of groupB and groupB as a subgroup of groupA. WebLogic Server does not support this type of recursion.

To assign groups to other groups:

  1. In the Group pane, select the group to which you want to assign a subgroup.
  2. The current assignments for the selected group are displayed in the left pane.

  3. In the left pane, do one of the following:
    • To assign a group, as a subgroup, to the selected group, select the check box for the group.
    • To remove a subgroup from the selected group, clear the check box for the group.
    • To select all groups in the list, choose Select All. To unselect all groups in the list, choose Unselect All.

      The list of subgroups associated with each group is updated to reflect your changes.

  4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each group that you want to designate a subgroup. You can make a group a subgroup of more than one group.
  5. Click Next.
  6. The Assign Users and Group to Global Roles window appears.


Assign Users and Groups to Global Roles

The Assign Users and Groups to Global Roles window prompts you to assign users and groups to the global security roles defined by WebLogic Server. For a list of the default roles and the privileges that users or groups in these security roles are granted, see “Default Global Roles” in “Users, Groups, and Security Roles” in Securing WebLogic Server at

Note: You must assign one or more users or groups (containing one or more users) to the Administrator role to ensure that there is at least one user who can boot WebLogic Server.

To assign users and groups to global security roles:

  1. In the Role pane, select the global role to which you want to assign users and groups.
  2. The current assignments for the selected role are displayed in the left pane.

  3. In the left pane, do one of the following:
    • To assign a user or group to the selected role, select the associated check box.
    • To remove a user or group from the selected role, clear the associated check box.
    • To select all users and groups in the list, choose Select All. To unselect all users and groups in the list, choose Unselect All.

      The Role list corresponding to each user and group is updated to reflect the global roles to which the user and group are assigned.

  4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each user or group that you want to assign to a global role. You can assign a user or group to more than one global role.
  5. Click Next.
  6. The Specify Start Menu Entries window appears.

    Note: If you are creating an extension template, the next configuration window displayed is Prepare Scripts and Files with Replacement Variables. For more information, see Prepare Scripts and Files with Replacement Variables.

Related Topics

“Users, Groups, and Security Roles” in Securing WebLogic Resources at


Specify Start Menu Entries

The Specify Start Menu Entries window prompts you to create items to be added to the Windows Start Menu. How you proceed depends on what you have chosen as the source for your custom template.

To specify Start Menu entries:

Add, modify, or delete entries as required by your domain, using the guidelines provided in the following table. To delete an entry, click the tab for the Start Menu entry and click Delete. When you finish updating your settings, click Next.

The Prepare Scripts and Files with Replacement Variables window appears.


Table 2-6 Specify Start Menu Entries Window Fields
In this field. . .
Do the following. . .
Shortcut link name
Enter a valid name for the shortcut to be displayed in the Start menu. The name must be a string of characters and it may include the space character.
Specify the program to be run when the shortcut is selected. A list of the programs defined by the template source is shown in the drop-down list. To use a predefined program, select it from the drop-down list.
To specify an alternate program, enter the relative path to it in this field. To ensure that the template is portable, you can use variables such as $USER_INSTALL_DIR$ and $DOMAIN_DIRECTORY$ to specify your program path. For example: $USER_INSTALL_DIR$\server\bin\installNodeMgrSvc.cmd.
Note: Do not specify any executable or script that does not reside in your BEA Home directory.
Enter any parameter that you want to pass to the shortcut program.
Working Directory
Enter the pathname of the directory from which the shortcut will be executed. If you have selected a program from the drop-down list in the Program field, this field is not available.
Note: By default, the working directory is the directory that contains the executable or script. In most cases, you do not need this field.
Enter a description for the shortcut.

Prepare Scripts and Files with Replacement Variables

When you are creating a template, you want the scripts and files that you are packaging with your template to be free of local domain environment settings and ready for use by the Configuration Wizard. The Domain Template Builder automatically updates any standard scripts included in a template, such as start scripts, by replacing hard-coded values for various domain environment settings with replacement variables. The Configuration Wizard can later replace these variables with new hard-coded values during the configuration of a new domain.

The Prepare Scripts and Files with Replacement Variables window allows you to replace hard-coded strings with replacement variables in files that have not been updated by the Domain Template Builder.

Note: The check boxes of files that were automatically updated by the Domain Template Builder contain a check.

To insert replacement variables into your files:

  1. Open the file in one of the following ways:
    • Double-click the appropriate filename in the Select File list
    • Select the appropriate filename in the list and click Edit
    • The Instructions pane is replaced by an Edit File pane, in which the contents of the file are displayed. An editing toolbar is provided at the top of the window.

  2. To insert a replacement variable:
    1. Select the string to be replaced.
    2. Click the right mouse button; a list of replacement variables is displayed.
    3. Select the desired variable.
    4. The replacement variable replaces the selected string. The Configuration Wizard later substitutes literal strings for the replacement variables to set up a specific WebLogic domain. For definitions of the available replacement variables, see Replacement Variable Definitions.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each string for which you want to substitute a variable.
  4. Review your changes and click Save, to preserve your changes, or Revert, to replace the current version of the file with the last version saved. If you have edited the file since the last time you saved it, you are prompted to confirm the revert operation.
  5. Note: You can also click Reset within the Select File area to revert to the saved version of the file.
  6. If you saved the edited file, select the check box next to the filename in the Select File pane.
  7. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for each file in which you want to insert replacement variables.
  8. Click Next.
  9. The Review the Domain Template window appears.

Replacement Variable Definitions

The following table defines the replacement variables most commonly used in files.

Table 2-7 List of Replacement Variables
BEA Home directory in which the BEA products associated with the domain are installed. On a Windows system, the default pathname for this directory is C:\bea.
Root directory of your AquaLogic Service Bus installation.
Root directory of your WebLogic Workshop installation.
Root directory of your WebLogic Integration installation.
Root directory of your WebLogic Server installation. By default, this directory is defined as BEA_HOME\wlserver_10.0.
Location of the JDK used to start WebLogic Server.
Name of the domain.
Administration username required to start the server.
Name of the server to be started.
Directory containing the samples provided with your product installation. By default, the pathname for this directory is BEA_HOME\wlserver_10.0\samples.
Directory containing the user domains created with the Configuration Wizard. By default, the pathname for this directory is BEA_HOME\user_projects\domains.
Mode in which the server is started: development or production.
Mode in which the server is started. If this variable is set to true, the server starts in production mode; if set to false, the server starts in development mode.
URL specifying the listen address (host name or IP address) and port number of the Administration Server for the domain.
Mode in which you want the JVM to run, such as -jrockit, -server, -hotspot.
Vendor of the JVM, for example, BEA, HP, IBM, and Sun.
The URL specifying the location of the product documentation on the BEA Web site.
Name or address of the machine hosting the server.
Port to be used to listen for regular, non-secure requests (via protocols such as HTTP and T3). The default value is 7001.
Directory in which the domain resides.
Directory containing the applications required by the domain. By default, the pathname for this directory is BEA_HOME\user_projects\applications\domain.
Port to be used to listen for regular, non-secure requests (via protocols such as HTTP and T3). The default value is 7001.
Port to be used to listen for secure requests (via protocols such as HTTPS and T3S). The default value is 7002.


Review the Domain Template

The Review WebLogic Domain Template window allows you to review a detailed specification for your domain template before you start creating it.

To review the domain template settings:

  1. Select an item in the Template Summary pane on the left and review the associated details in the Details pane on the right. If you need to modify any information that you defined in previous windows, select Previous to return to the desired configuration window.
  2. Note: You can limit the type of information displayed in the Template Summary window by selecting a filter from the View drop-down list.
  3. Click Next.
  4. The Create a Template window appears.


Create a Template

The Create a Template window prompts you to specify the name and directory for the domain template, and launch the process that creates it.

To create your domain template:

  1. Specify a name for the template JAR file in the Template jar name field by clicking within the field and modifying the string displayed there.
  2. Make sure that the Template location field contains the name of the directory in which you want the template to reside. If you need to change the value in this field:
    1. Click Browse.
    2. In the dialog box, navigate to the appropriate directory or manually enter the pathname for it in the Location field and click OK.
    3. The template directory can be located anywhere on your system. By default, it resides in BEA_HOME\user_templates, where BEA_HOME is the directory that contains the product installation (by default, this directory is c:\bea on Windows).

  3. After you verify the information displayed in the window, click Create.
  4. The Creating Template window is opened to display status messages during the template creation process. The Domain Template Builder generates a JAR file that contains all the components required to generate a new domain, including the template settings that you provided.

  5. Click Done in the Creating Template window.
Note: The files included in a template vary, depending on the domain or template on which the template is based. For example, if you specify any Start Menu entries using the Specify Start Menu Entries window, a startmenu.xml file that contains the specified entries is included in your template. When you create your domain using this template, Start Menu entries are created using the values specified in this file. For more information, see “Files Typically Included in a Template” in Domain Template Reference at the following URL:

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