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Creating Templates and Domains Using the pack and unpack Commands

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How Do I...?

This section provides information and examples for creating templates and domains using pack and unpack:


Creating and Starting a Managed Server on a Remote Machine: Main Steps

In some domains, you may want to run a Managed Server on a machine that is remote from the Administration Server for the domain. You can do so by using the pack command to create a Managed Server template (a .jar file that, by default, contains only the files necessary to create a Managed Server domain directory), copying the template to the remote machine, and unpacking the template to create a domain directory customized for a Managed Server.

Note: You must create the Managed Server domain directory on the remote machine that matches the definition of the Managed Servers specified in the template.

The steps to create a Managed Server domain directory on a remote machine are as follows:

  1. Create a Managed Server template using the pack command. A Managed Server template, by default, contains only those files necessary to create a Managed Server on a remote machine. For instructions, see How Do I: Use pack to Create a Managed Server Template.
  2. Create a Managed Server domain directory by copying and unpacking the Managed Server template on a remote machine. For a detailed procedure, see How Do I: Use unpack to Create a Managed Server on a Remote Machine.
  3. Start the Managed Server on the remote machine. For a detailed procedure, see How Do I: Start Managed Servers on a Remote Machine.


How Do I: Use pack to Create a Managed Server Template

You create a Managed Server template by executing the pack command, with the -managed=true option, on an existing domain that already includes the definition of one or more Managed Servers. This domain must also contain Managed Server definitions in the config.xml file.

  1. From the command line on the local machine (that is, the machine that contains the Administration Server and the definition of Managed Servers), navigate to the WL_HOME\common\bin directory. In this pathname, WL_HOME is the product directory in which you installed WebLogic Server.
  2. Execute the following command:
  3. pack -managed=true -domain=domain
    -template=template.jar -template_name="template_name"

    In this command line:

    For example, executing the following command creates a Managed Server template named mydomain_managed.jar from a domain named mydomain.

    pack -managed=true -domain=C:\bea\user_projects\domains\mydomain
    -template_name="My Managed Server Domain"

For a complete description of the pack command, see pack.


How Do I: Use unpack to Create a Managed Server on a Remote Machine

  1. Install WebLogic Server on each machine that you want to host a Managed Server for the domain.
  2. Note: All WebLogic Server instances within a domain must run the same version of the WebLogic Server software. For more information about installing WebLogic Server, see the Installation Guide.

  3. Establish a session with the remote machine that will host the Managed Server. You may use any valid method, such as telnet, to do so.
  4. Note: The IP address and port number of the remote machine must match the definition of the Managed Servers specified in the Managed Server template.

  5. Copy the Managed Server template to the remote machine. For details about how to create a Managed Server template, see How Do I: Use pack to Create a Managed Server Template.
  6. On the remote machine, navigate to the WL_HOME\common\bin directory. In this pathname, WL_HOME is the product directory in which you installed WebLogic Server.
  7. Execute the following command, using the Managed Server template that you copied to the machine in Step 3.
  8. unpack -domain=domain -template=template.jar

    In this command line:

    For example, executing the following command using a template named mydomain_managed.jar creates a domain named myManagedDomain.

    unpack -domain=C:\bea\user_projects\domains\myManagedDomain


How Do I: Start Managed Servers on a Remote Machine

When you create a domain directory for Managed Servers using the unpack command, it contains a customized start script for each Managed Server targeted to the current remote machine. For example, if you create a domain that contains two Managed Servers, my_managed_server1 and my_managed_server2, and you target the servers to machine m1, when you create the Managed Server domain directory on machine m1, four custom start scripts are created: startmy_managed_server1.cmd/ and startmy_managed_server2.cmd/ You can use these scripts to start the corresponding Managed Servers. Alternatively, you can use the startManagedWebLogic script with the required parameters.

  1. Start the Administration Server for the domain as described in Starting and Stopping Servers in Managing Server Startup and Shutdown.
  2. On the remote machine, navigate to the directory for the domain that you created in How Do I: Use unpack to Create a Managed Server on a Remote Machine.
  3. Start the Managed Server on the remote machine by doing one of the following:
  4. In these command lines, my_managed_server is the name of the Managed Server to be started and admin-url specifies the listen address (host name or IP address) and port number of the machine hosting the Administration Server. For your convenience, the startManagedWebLogic_Readme.txt file provides a list of all the Managed Servers and the admin-url for the domain.

Note: You can also start Managed Servers using the Node Manager. For details, see Using Node Manager to Control Servers in Managing Server Startup and Shutdown.


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