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SIP Servlet Engine DB Schema

Role Information

Role information provides the tables that store the relationship between the user information registered in SIP Servlet Engine and the role to which that user belongs. Normally, it is not necessary that all users are registered in these tables. Only those rolls that you want to use as a privilege, and users who belong to them, are stored.

roles Table

Column Name Data Type Attribute Example Description
roleid integer PRIMARY KEY 12 ID information assigned from the system. This information is for internal use only, and does not appear on the API.
rolename varchar NOT NULL Administrators Roll name.
description varchar Administrator privilege. A brief description for the roll. Japanese texts are stored.


  • UNIQUE (rolename)

rolemap Table

Column Name Data Type Attribute Example Description
roleid integer NOT NULL 12 ID information specified in the roles table
userid integer NOT NULL 10001 ID information belonging to roleid. The userid described in the subscribers table is specified.


  • FOREIGN KEY (userid) references subscribers(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  • FOREIGN KEY (roleid) references roles(roleid) ON DELETE CASCADE

Subscription Information

Subscription information is a table that stores information on SUBSCRIBE received from the UA. Normally, it is not necessary that all the users are registered in this table. Only the information on the UA that received SUBSCRIBE is stored.

ap_watcher Table

Column Name Data Type Attribute Example Description
watcher varchar PRIMARY KEY sip:username@relmname SipURI of the UA
ptime integer NOT NULL Expire time for SUBSCRIBE of presence
wtime integer NOT NULL Expire time for SUBSCRIBE of winfo

watcher Information

watcher information is a table that stores information on SUBSCRIBE of presence received from the UA. Normally, it is not necessary that all the users are registered in this table. Only the information on the UA that received SUBSCRIBE is stored.

ap_watcherlist Table

Column Name Data Type Attribute Example Description
watcher1 varchar NOT NULL sip:username@relmname SipURI of watcher
watcher2 varchar NOT NULL sip:username@relmname SipURI of presentity

Presence Information

Presence information is a table that stores information on NOTIFY received from the UA. Normally, it is not necessary that all the users are registered in this table. Only the information on the UA that received NOTIFY is stored.

ap_presence Table

Column Name Data Type Attribute Example Description
watcher varchar PRIMARY KEY sip:username@relmname SipURI of UA
ptime integer NOT NULL Expire time for NOTIFY of presence
wtime integer NOT NULL Expire time for NOTIFY of winfo
xml_data varchar NOT NULL Content received from the UA
presence_status smallint NOT NULL 1 Status value of Content received from the UA
avatar varchar NOT NULL Avatar information of Content received from the UA
message varchar NOT NULL Message of Content received from the UA

Last Modified:Thu May 13 08:46:24 JST 2004