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sip-demo DB Schema

Buddy List Management

The following is a table to manage the buddy information of a registered user.

buddylist Table

Column Name Data Type Attribute Example Description
buddyid integer PRIMARY KEY 10001 ID information of this record. However, this information is for internal use only.
owneruri varchar NOT NULL SIP URI that represents the owner of the buddy information
buddyuri varchar NOT NULL SIP URI representing the buddy

For example, if the user has the following two buddies, and, registered in the buddy list, the record information would be as in the following.

buddyid owneruri buddyuri
... ... ...
... ... ...

Voice Mail Management

The following is a table to manage the information for incoming voice mails to sip-demo.

voicemail Table

Column Name Data Type Attribute Example Description
mailid integer PRIMARY KEY 10001 ID information of the voice mail. However, this ID information is for internal use only and does not appear on the API.
uriuser varchar NOT NULL alice The user name portion of the SIP URI of the voice mail receiver.
urihost varchar NOT NULL The domain name portion of the SIP URI of the voice mail receiver.
fromdisplay varchar Bob String displayed to indicate the user who recorded the voice mail
fromuri varchar NOT NULL SIP URI of the user who recorded the voice mail
recordtime integer NOT NULL 10234567 Date and time the voice mail was recorded.
recordlength integer -1 Recording time of the voice mail. Currently unused.
filesize integer NOT NULL 0 File capacity of the voice mail. Currently unused.
filepath varchar voicebox/alice-bob.avi File name of the corresponding voice mail

Conference Room Management

The following are the group of tables to manage information on a conference room (chat room) and its participants.

chatgroup Table

chatgroup Table is a table that stores information on a conference room.

Column Name Data Type Attribute Example Description
groupid integer PRIMARY KEY 10001 ID information of the conference room. However, this ID information is for internal use only and does not appear on the API.
groupname varchar NOT NULL New Product Working Group Name of a conference room. Possibly, Japanese texts are stored.
adminuri varchar NOT NULL SIP URI of the administrator of the conference room.
description varchar WG for discussing new products, organized by the planning department. Brief description of a conference room. Possibly, Japanese texts are stored.

chatmember Table

chatmember Table is a table that stores information on members participating in a conference room.

Column Name Data Type Attribute Example Description
groupid integer PRIMARY KEY 10001 ID information of the conference room.
memberuri varchar NOT NULL SIP URI of the member participating in the conference room specified by groupid.


  • FOREIGN KEY (groupid) references chatgroup(groupid) ON DELETE CASCADE

chatlog Table

The following is a table that stores message log for a conference room.

Column Name Data Type Attribute Example Description
groupid integer PRIMARY KEY 10001 ID information of the conference room.
time integer NOT NULL Comment time
senderuri varchar NOT NULL SIP URI of the member who commented
message varchar Content of the comment.


  • FOREIGN KEY (groupid) references chatgroup(groupid) ON DELETE CASCADE

Last Modified:Thu Mar 25 17:21:16 JST 2004