SIP Servlet Engine© Documentations
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The SIP servlet that handles a REGISTER message from a user agent (UA).

RegistrarServlet is an SIP servlet that implements the registration server (registrar) function defined in RFC3261. Note that the current version of this SIP proxy servlet does not fully conform to RFC3261.

RegistrarServlet provides the following as the main function.

  • The function that receives a REGISTER method to update location information

RegistrarServlet uses the authentication function provided by SIP Servlet Engine when authenticating. See the example shown below.

Initialization Parameters

The following table lists the initialization parameters you can set in RegistrarServlet.

Parameter name Default value Description
exclusive false Specify true when the REGISTERed registration information of the user should be used exclusively. If set to true, only the last REGISTERed registration information is used for the user.

External Interfaces

RegistrarServlet uses the following SPI:

  • User Management Interface
  • Location Management Interface

Related File

The RegistrarServlet setting should be defined in the sip.xml.


Here is an example of the sip.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE sip-app
   PUBLIC "-//Java Community Process//DTD SIP Application 1.0//EN"

  <display-name>SIP Servlet based Registrar</display-name>




    <display-name>DEMO Constraint</display-name>
      <resource-name>Demo constraint</resource-name>
      <description>This constraint is for Demo-application</description>


    <description>Default SIP User</description>


Last Modified:Tue Dec 28 14:11:54 JST 2004