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BEA eLink Adapter for Siebel 1.1

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BEA eLink™ Adapter for Siebel

The eLink Adapter for Siebel provides communication between Siebel Enterprise Applications and BEA eLink Platform applications. The eLink Adapter consists of a server that processes all requests for Siebel services. This server is managed in the eLink Platform environment. The eLink Platform client calls the service advertised by the eLink to Siebel server. The eLink Adapter validates the incoming service request, transforms the data into a Siebel interface table format, populates the interface table, and invokes the appropriate interface programs to complete the request. This enables any eLink Platform compliant client application to access Siebel Enterprise Applications using eLink Adapter for Siebel. The eLink Adapter for Siebel User Guide contains the following topics:

About This Document

Understanding EAI and the Role of eLink Adapters

Installing BEA eLink Adapter for Siebel

Configuring eLink Adapter for Siebel

Running eLink Adapter for Siebel

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