BEA Logo BEA eLink Adapter for Vantive 1.1

Running eLink Adapter for Vantive

Running eLink Adapter for Vantive

The eLink Adapter for Vantive connects to the Vantive system using the VANAPI to communicate and access data from the Vantive database using different forms. The elink Adapter for Vantive reads a server configuration file and attempts to connect to the specified Vantive server.

Running the eLink Adapter for Vantive consists of the following startup operations:

Specifying the Configuration File

The eLink Adapter for Vantive configuration file must be specified on the CLOPT line of the UBBCONFIG file or the eLink Adapter for Vantive will generate an error and exit the startup.

Determining the Adapter Unique ID

The eLink Adapter for Vantive determines the eLink Adapter unique id from the eLink Adapter label section in the eLink Adapter for Vantive configuration file. This will either be the value of the -i flag on the CLOPT line of the UBBCONFIG file, or if not specified, the default value of the process name. For more information on determining the eLink Adapter unique id, refer to the `Setting Up the eLink Adapter for Vantive Configuration File" on page 3-5.

Configuring Environment Variables

The eLink Adapter for Vantive reads the configuration in the eLink Adapter label section of the specified eLink Adapter for Vantive configuration file. If any required configuration parameters are missing, then the eLink Adapter for Vantive generates an error and exits the startup procedure.

Vantive server host name, port number, login name and password are stored in the configuration file. Every service, on reading this file, can connect to the Vantive application server with a specific login name.

Advertising Services for Vantive Applications

The eLink Adapter for Vantive parses the list of services specified by the SERVICE_LIST configuration parameter and performs the following configuration for each service.

Each service has a label in the configuration file where the label name is the service name. This label section contains the specified configuration parameters for that service.

The eLink Adapter for Vantive then caches the service configuration in memory and this information is used when the service is invoked. Once all the service names specified in the configuration file have been processed, the eLink Adapter for Vantive advertises the service names.

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