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BEA eLink Adapter for Vantive 1.1

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The following features are new in BEA eLink Adapter for Vantive 1.1.

Supported Platform Changes

BEA eLink Adapter for Vantive 1.1 supports the HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, and Windows NT platforms.


The BEA TUXEDO UBBCONFIG file CLOPT parameter command line options have changed.

eLink Adapter for Vantive Configuration File Changes

The BEA eLink Adapter for Vantive Configuration file section names have changed.

Online Documentation CD-ROM

The BEA eLink Adapter for Vantive 1.1 documentation is now available on an online documentation CD-ROM containing both an HTML and PDF version of the user documentation. The online documentation CD-ROM is included in the package with the product software CD-ROM.