AquaLogic Interaction Administrator Guide

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Specifying the Location and Authentication Settings for a Remote Server

You can specify the location and authentication needed to access a remote server on the Main Settings page of the Remote Server Editor.

  1. If the Remote Server Editor is not already open, open it now and display the Main Settings page.
  2. In the Base URL text box, type the URL to the parent folder of the web services installed on this server.

    This can be the root of the Web Server (for example, http://server/) or a specific application or virtual directory (for example, http://server/app/). Because the URL specifies a folder rather than a specific resource, it should always end with a forward slash.

    The portal must be able to resolve the server name. Therefore, you might want to use Fully-Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) such as "" rather than just "http://server". In some cases, when the portal is in a demilitarized zone (DMZ), you might need to use an IP address like "".

    You need a remote server for each port (for example, http://server:8082/ requires a different remote server than http://server:7071/). You also need a separate remote server if some services use SSL (for example, https://server/).

    Note: If you are sending any type of basic authentication information (specified in step 2), and you are not using a secured network, such as a separate subnet or a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection, we strongly recommend that the Base URL use SSL (the URL must begin with https://). Basic authentication uses Base 64 encoding, which can be easily decoded back to clear text.
  3. Under Base Authentication Type, specify what authentication information, if any, you want this remote server to pass to its associated web services.
    • To use no authentication information, choose None.
    • To use credentials from a user's login, choose User's Basic Authentication Information.

      Confirm that the portal configuration file has been edited so that the portal stores the user name and password in memory for as long as the user is logged in to the portal (as described in the Installation Guide for AquaLogic Interaction, available on This option is not supported for configurations in which users log in without typing a password (for example, single sign-on or Remember My Password) because the password is not available to the portal.

    • To specify a user name and password, choose Administrator's Basic Authentication Information and type the user name and password in the associated text boxes.

      This information is encrypted, stored in the portal database, and sent with all requests to this remote server.

  4. To send credentials in portlet headers, using RSA public key/private key encryption, in the Public Encryption Key box, enter the public key for RSA encryption. You must also set up a lockbox in the Credential Vault Manager, associate the lockbox with the remote portlet web service (on the Authentication Settings page), and use the IDK to provide the private key for RSA encryption (see the AquaLogic User Interaction Development Center for information).

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