KD Page Tags for Adaptive Layout

This library contains the Knowledge Directory page tags for the Adaptive Page Layout Framework. The tags in this library will only work with the Knowledge Directory Adaptive Layout.

Tag Library Information

Tag Summary
breadcrumbsdataThis tag only works with the Knowledge Directory Adaptive Layout. Stores the breadcrumb path to the current folder in memory. Each breadcrumb data object will have the following variables:
  • name - The breadcrumbs folder name.
  • id - The folder ID.
  • url - The URL to access that folder. The current folder will not contain the URL, instead it will have the constant 'EMPTY_STRING'.
createfolderdisplayThis tag only works with the Knowledge Directory Adaptive Layout. Displays the link to create a new subfolder at the visible folder level. Clicking the link generated by this tag opens a dialog for creating a new subfolder

This tag does not display the contents of the tag and should only be used as a singleton tag (i.e. <pt:kdpage.createfolderdisplay/>), rather than as a tag with both an open and close tag.

currentfolderdataThis tag only works with the Knowledge Directory Adaptive Layout. Contains information about the current folder. The current folder data object contains the following variables:
  • name - The name of the current folder.
  • id - The ID of the current folder.
  • level - Indicates the level of the current folder with the root folder being level 1 and its subfolders being level 2 and so on.
  • parenturl - The URL to access the parent folder or the constant 'EMPTY_STRING' if the current folder does not have a parent folder.
  • editurl - The URL to switch the Directory Mode to Edit if the user has rights to edit the directory or 'EMPTY_STRING' if they do not.
  • canaddexpert True or false depending on whether the current user can add him or herself as an expert. If the user is already an expert, returns false.
documentcolumnheadersdataThis tag only works with the Knowledge Directory Adaptive Layout. It stores the document column headers in memory. Each header data object contains the following variables:
  • name - The header name.
  • id - The property ID of the header.
  • sorturl - The URL to sort by that header.
  • sorton - Indicates whether documents are currently being sorted by the header and whether it is sorted in ascending or descending order. Returns 'false' if it is not currently sorted by the header, 'true' if it is sorted by the corresponding header.
documentfilterdataThis tag only works with the Knowledge Directory Adaptive Layout. Stores the list of document types in memory. Each document type data object contains the following variables:
  • name - The document type name.
  • id - The ID of the document type.
  • url - The link to view the documents filtered by that type.
  • on - True if the document filter has been set by that type and false for other types.
documentsdataThis tag only works with the Knowledge Directory Adaptive Layout. Stores the list of documents in the current folder in memory. Each document data object contains the following variables:
  • name - The name of the document.
  • id - The ID of the document.
  • url - The link to view the document.
  • createdate - The date that the document was created.
  • modifieddate - The date that the document was last modified.
  • description - The decription of the document, or 'EMPTY_STRING' if there is no description.
  • imagesrc - The src for the document's img tag.
  • custompropskey - The key to access the document's custom properties data collection. The custom properties data collection is ordered based on the Knowledge Directory Preference page and each property data object has a variable called value that returns the value for that property.
documentsperpagedataThis tag only works with the Knowledge Directory Adaptive Layout. The pt:value attribute takes in a comma separated list of integers and stores a list of documentsperpage objects. Each object contains the following variables: name - The name to be displayed, url - The link to set the items per page, and selected - Either 'true' or 'false' based on the current setting.
relatedresourcesdataThis tag only works with the Knowledge Directory Adaptive Layout. Stores a list of related resources of the current folder in memory. Each related resource data object will have the following variables:
  • name - The name of the resource.
  • id - The resource ID.
  • description - The resource description.
  • url - The URL to view the resource.
subfoldersdataThis tag only works with the Knowledge Directory Adaptive Layout. Stores a list of subfolders of the current folder in memory. Each subfolder data object has the following variables:
  • name - The name of the subfolder.
  • id - The subfolder ID.
  • description - The subfolder description.
  • url - The URL to access the folder.
  • Each subfolder will have a list of its subfolders stored in memory and can be accessed by using the concatenation of 'subfoldersof' and the subfolder ID.
paginationdataThis tag only works with the Knowledge Directory Adaptive Layout. Generates the data for the pagination links for for the documents in the current folder and stores it in memory using the variable name specified by the id attribute. The main data is stored as a DataObject with the following variables:
  • total - The total number of results.
  • numperpage - The number of results to display per page.
  • start - The first result displayed on the current page.
  • end - The last result displayed on the current page.
  • lastpage - The index of the last page.
  • previousurl - The URL to the previous page.
  • nexturl - The URL to the next page.
  • firstpageurl - The URL to the first page.
  • lastpageurl - The URL to the last page.
Additionally, the list of page links to display is stored in memory using the variable name specified by the pageslist attribute. Each result is a DataObject with the following variables:
  • number - The index of the page.
  • start - The first result displayed on the page.
  • end - The last result displayed on the page.
  • url - The URL to the page; will not be present if the page is the current page.
Use tags from the Logic tags library to iterate over the list and display the results.

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