Installation Guide

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This chapter describes how to install AquaLogic Ensemble.

For a high-level overview intended to quickly guide an experienced user through the install process, see Quickstart Overview.

For instructions on upgrading to the latest version of Ensemble, see Upgrade.

To install Ensemble:

  1. Verify that you have met the prerequisites for installation. For details, see Installation Prerequisites.
  2. Configure the Ensemble database. For details, see Configuring the AquaLogic Ensemble Database.
  3. Install the Ensemble components. For details, see Installing the AquaLogic Ensemble Components.
  4. Run the Security and Directory Service database script on the ALI portal database. For details, see Running the Security and Directory Service (SDS) Database Script.
  5. Start and verify the Ensemble services. For details, see Starting and Verifying Ensemble Services.


Configuring the AquaLogic Ensemble Database

This section describes how to create and configure the database used by Ensemble. It is expected that the person setting up the Ensemble database has a strong understanding of database system administration.

To set up the Ensemble database, follow the steps in the subsection appropriate to your environment:

Creating and Configuring the Ensemble Database on Microsoft SQL Server

This section describes how to create and configure the Ensemble database on Microsoft SQL Server.

To set up the Ensemble database on SQL Server:

  1. Create the Ensemble database:
    1. Set the Ensemble database name to the name you specified for the Ensemble database when you completed the worksheets provided in the Installation Worksheet for AquaLogic Ensemble 1.0.
    2. Verify that the initial size of the Ensemble database is sufficient for your Ensemble deployment. For a relatively small installation, configure a database that is at least 100 MB. For a large enterprise with as many as 20,000 users, configure a database that is as large as 1 GB.
    3. (SQL Server 2005 only) Configure the Ensemble database to use SQL Server 2000 (80) compatibility level.
  2. Create the Ensemble database user:
    1. Create the Ensemble database user with the user name you designated when you completed the worksheets provided in the Installation Worksheet for AquaLogic Ensemble 1.0.
    2. Configure the Ensemble database user's authentication mode:
      • On SQL Server 2000, select SQL Server Authentication.
      • On SQL Server 2005, select SQL Server Authentication mode.
    3. Set the Ensemble database user password to the password you designated when you completed the worksheets provided in the Installation Worksheet for AquaLogic Ensemble 1.0.
    4. Set the Ensemble database user's default database to the Ensemble database.
    5. Configure the Ensemble database user's roles:
      • On SQL Server 2000, grant the Ensemble database user the public and db_owner roles for the Ensemble database.
      • On SQL Server 2005, grant the Ensemble database user the sysadmin server role.
    6. (SQL Server 2000 only) On the Ensemble database Properties | Permissions tab, grant the Ensemble database user all permissions on the Ensemble database.

Creating and Configuring the Ensemble Tablespace on Oracle

This section discusses how to create and configure the Ensemble tablespace on Oracle.

To set up the Ensemble tablespace on Oracle:

  1. Create the Ensemble tablespace:
    1. Create a new tablespace for Ensemble in the ALI portal database instance.
    2. Use the name you designated for the Ensemble tablespace when you completed the worksheets provided in the Installation Worksheet for AquaLogic Ensemble 1.0
    3. Verify that the initial size of the tablespace is sufficient for your Ensemble deployment. For a relatively small installation, configure a tablespace that is at least 100 MB. For a large enterprise with as many as 20,000 users, configure a tablespace that is as large as 1 GB.
    4. Configure the newly created Ensemble tablespace to Automatically extend data file.
  2. Create the Ensemble schema user:
    1. Use the name you designated for the Ensemble schema user when you completed the worksheets provided in the Installation Worksheet for AquaLogic Ensemble 1.0.
    2. Grant the Ensemble schema user default ownership of the newly created Ensemble tablespace.
    3. Grant the Ensemble schema user the Resource role.


Installing the AquaLogic Ensemble Components

This section describes how to install the Ensemble components. The Ensemble components are:

When performing a clean install, you can install the Ensemble components in any order; however, you should not start any of the components until all components are installed.

Launching the Ensemble Installer

This section describes how to launch the Ensemble installer.

To launch the Ensemble installer:

  1. Log into the Ensemble host machine as the local Administrator.
  2. Copy the installer, AquaLogicEnsemble_v1-0.exe, to a temporary location.

    For Ensemble 1.0, the installer is ALEnsemble_v1-0.exe.
    For Ensemble 1.0 MP1, the installer is ALEnsemble_v1-0_mp1.exe.
  3. Close all unnecessary windows and applications.
  4. Stop all AquaLogic User Interaction services on the host.
  5. Double-click AquaLogicEnsemble_v1-0.exe or ALEnsemble_v1-0_mp1.exe to launch the installer.

Completing the Installer Wizard Pages

The following tables describe the Ensemble installer wizard pages. The installer wizard pages that appear vary according to the selections you choose.

Note: If the installer setting does not apply to your Web application server or to the Ensemble components you are installing, the installer does not display the wizard page.

Table 4-1 Ensemble Installer Wizard Pages
Wizard Page
This installer wizard page provides a brief description of the installer.
License Agreement
Read and accept the license agreement.
Choose Components
Select either Complete or Custom. If you select Complete, a full set of Ensemble components is installed. If you select Custom, you can select individual components to install according to your deployment plan.

Note: If your Image Service is hosted on a non-Windows platform, do not install the Image Service component using the Ensemble installer. Instead, follow the instructions in Installing the Image Service Component on a Non-Windows Host.

License Directory
Specify the path where your license.bea file will be stored.
Existing License Update
If a license.bea file is found in the license directory, you are prompted to merge, overwrite, or leave alone the existing license.

Note: If no license.bea file is found, this wizard page is not displayed.

Installation Location
Accept the default installation folder or select a different folder in which to install Ensemble.
Configuration Manager - Port and Password
Enter the Port and Password for the Configuration Manager web tool. The Configuration Manager will be used to complete the installation of Ensemble.
Installation Location for Image Service Files
Accept the default location or specify a different folder in which to install the Image Service files.

Note: If you are not installing the Image Service component at this time, this wizard page is not displayed.

Pre-Installation Summary
Review the list of components to be installed.
Click Install.
Launch Configuration Manager
Launch the Configuration Manager. The Configuration Manager is located at:
Where [host] is the host you are installing on and [port] is the port you specified.
Log in to the Configuration Manager using the Username administrator and the password you specified. Follow the instructions in the Configuration Manager to complete all configurations with missing or incorrect settings.
When you have completed all Configuration Manager tasks, return to the installer and click Done.

Installing the Image Service Component on a Non-Windows Host

The Ensemble Image Service component must be manually installed when the AquaLogic Interaction Image Service is hosted by a non-Windows platform. When the Image Service is hosted on a Windows plaform, use the Ensemble Installer to install the Ensemble Image Service component. For details on installing to a Windows plaform, see Installing the AquaLogic Ensemble Components.

To install the Ensemble Image Service component to a UNIX or Linux plaform:

  1. Copy imagesvr.tgz to the UNIX or Linux computer hosting the AquaLogic Interaction Image Service. The imagesvr.tgz file is found in the download package and the physical media.
  2. Unpack imagesvr.tgz. For example:
  3. gunzip -c imagesvr.tgz | tar -xvf -

    The following two files are created:

    • imageserver.tar
  4. Verify that the current user has permission to execute and to write to the Image Service directory, install_dir/ptimages.
  5. Execute, using the full path to your Image Service directory as an argument. For example:
  6. ./ install_dir/ptimages

    On success the script displays:

    The script completed successfully. Please restart the Web Server (e.g. Apache) that runs the AquaLogic Image Service.

  7. Restart the web server hosting your Image Service.


Running the Security and Directory Service (SDS) Database Script

The Security and Directory Service (SDS) requires additional tables in the AquaLogic Interaction portal database.

Caution: If you have installed Analytics 2.1, Pathways 1.0, or any other product that utilizes the SDS, and the SDS tables are already created in the ALI portal database, do not run the create tables script. It will drop and re-create the SDS tables along with the data, potentially breaking other applications.

Instructions for updating the ALI portal database for Ensemble and the SDS vary slightly depending on the type of database you have and whether or not the SDS has already been installed by another product.

On SQL Server:

On Oracle:

Running the SDS Database Script on SQL Server for a New Install of the SDS

It is recommended that you run the script as the sa user, so that all objects created are owned by dbo.

To run the SDS database script on SQL Server:

  1. Copy the <PT_HOME>\securityservice\1.0\sql\mssql\create_tables_mssql.sql script from the Ensemble host machine to the ALI portal database host machine.
  2. As the sa user, run the create_tables_mssql.sql script on the ALI portal database.

Running the SDS Database Script on Oracle for a New Install of the SDS

To run the SDS database script on Oracle:

  1. Copy the <PT_HOME>\securityservice\1.0\sql\oracle\create_tables_oracle.sql script from the Ensemble host machine to the ALI portal database host machine.
  2. As the owner of the Oracle system files, run the create_tables_oracle.sql script on the ALI portal tablespace.

Running the SDS Database Script on SQL Server for an Existing Install of the SDS

It is recommended that you run the script as the sa user, so that all objects created are owned by dbo.

To run the SDS database script on SQL Server:

  1. Copy the <PT_HOME>\securityservice\1.0\sql\mssql\update_tables_mssql.sql script from the Ensemble host machine to the ALI portal database host machine.
  2. As the sa user, run the update_tables_mssql.sql script on the ALI portal database.

Running the SDS Database Script on Oracle for an Existing Install of the SDS

To run the SDS database script on Oracle:

  1. Copy the <PT_HOME>\securityservice\1.0\sql\oracle\update_tables_oracle.sql script from the Ensemble host machine to the ALI portal database host machine.
  2. As the owner of the Oracle system files, run the update_tables_oracle.sql script on the ALI portal tablespace.


Starting and Verifying Ensemble Services

This section describes how to start Ensemble services and verify operation.

Note: You must configure all services with configuration manager before starting them for the first time.

Verify that the following AquaLogic User Interaction services are started prior to starting the Ensemble services:

Note: For each service below, the URL to verify the service is given with the default port. If you specified a different port during configuration of Ensemble, use that port.

Starting and Verifying the Security and Directory Service (SDS)

To start and verify the SDS:

  1. From Services, select and start the BEA ALI Security and Directory Service service.
  2. Verify the operation of the SDS by browsing to the URL http://<ensemble_adminui_host>:20040/securityservice/services/v1/SecurityAPI.
  3. The message "Hi there, this is an AXIS service!" is displayed.

Starting and Verifying the Login Server

To start and verify the Login Server

  1. From Services, select and start the BEA AL Login Server service.
  2. Verify the operation of the Login Server by browsing to the URL: http://<ensemble_adminui_host>:20060/loginserver/login/
  3. The directory listing for /login/ is displayed.

Starting and Verifying the Ensemble Admin UI

To start and verify the Ensemble Admin UI:

  1. From Services, select and start the BEA AL Ensemble Administrative UI service.
  2. Verify the operation of the Ensemble Admin UI by browsing to the Admin UI URL: http://<ensemble_adminui_host>:20070/ensembleadminui/run/
  3. The Ensemble Console is displayed.

Starting and Verifying the Ensemble Proxy

To start and verify the Ensemble Proxy:

  1. From Services, select and start the BEA AL Ensemble Proxy service.
  2. Verify the operation of the Ensemble Proxy by browsing to the Proxy URL: http://<ensemble_proxy_host>:20050/welcome

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