Release Notes

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Known and Resolved Issues in Guardian 1.1

This chapter describes known problems in Guardian 1.1 as well as issues found in earlier versions that are now resolved in version 1.1. Entries include a description of the problem, and a workaround or solution where appropriate.

For instructions on installing Guardian 1.1, see the Guardian 1.1 Installation Guide.

For additional information about the new features and capabilities of Guardian 1.1, see What’s New in Guardian 1.1 on page 1.


Known Issues

The following table describes issues in Guardian 1.1. Entries include a description of the issue, and a workaround or solution where appropriate.

Table 2-1 Known Issues in Guardian 1.1
Tracking Number
Description and Workaround
Agent returns resources that have been removed from the domain. This is a WebLogic Server issue.
Password is passed in clear text between client and Agent if using HTTP.
Workaround: Use HTTPS if you want the password to be encrypted.
Compare is showing differences in the inventory when JDBC resources are sorted in a different order.
Annotations are not exported/imported with workspace.
Right-clicking on a domain inside a Domain Group and selecting “Evaluate” from the context menu does not work.
Cannot create a case from a signature that has no recommended attachments.
Evaluate does not work properly when upgrading from one WebLogic Server version to another.
Workaround: In a given workspace, if the server version is changed but the Domain Name, Admin Host Name, and Admin Port remain the same, you must deactivate the domain and then reactivate it for a successful evaluation. Do the following:
  1. Install WebLogic Server 9.2.
  2. Activate and evaluate the domain.
  3. Uninstall WebLogic Server 9.2 and install WebLogic Server 10 with the same Domain Name, Admin Host Name and Admin Port.
  4. Deactivate the domain.
  5. Reactivate the domain.
  6. Rerun the evaluation, which should now succeed.


Changes and Resolved Issues for Guardian 1.1

The following table describes changes and issues that were found in earlier versions of Guardian that are resolved in Guardian 1.1.

Table 2-2 Changes and Resolved Issues for Guardian 1.1
Change Request Number
Fixed error message that displays when an operation is cancelled.
Added feature for changing the logging level from UI.
Internationalized bundle descriptions.
Updated Headless command usage information to document -c flag for persisting credentials.
Added version and build information to log file.
Fixed issue caused by deleting guardian.dat file from the configuration directory.
Reduced the number of the weblogic classes we repackage, cutting Guardian installer size by 14% from 1.0.7 installer.
Fixed inconsistent icon in Support Case Wizard Progress View.
Fixed Domain Deactivation Success dialog to mention all of the domains deactivated if multiple were selected.
Fixed NullPointerException and XmlException when opening some evaluations in GUI.
Improved error messages for license issues.
Merged BEA Support and Eclipse Install/Update proxy settings.
Fixed error on data upload after update.
Improved Domain Activation error messages.
Improved error messages for activation/evaluation/inventory deployment scenarios.
Added balloon description to Signature Explorer.
Added feature for saving artifact as HTML or PDF.
Added Patch ID and Passcode to remedy display.
Suppress Mbean attributes which are clear-text passwords.
Fixed issue with truncated text fields in Linux GUI.


Special Notes

Upgrading from Guardian 1.0.x to Guardian 1.1

If you are upgrading from Guardian 1.0.x to Guardian 1.1, there are some additional requirements to complete the upgrade procedure:

  1. Install Guardian 1.1: You must install Guardian 1.1 in a different location than the previous Guardian 1.0.x installation. Otherwise, the Registry will not be installed properly and Guardian will not be able to start.
  2. Download and install the Upgrade Plugin: After installing Guardian 1.1., you must then download and install the Upgrade Plug-in to complete the upgrade procedure. The Upgrade Plug-in copies a Guardian 1.0 Workspace into your current Guardian 1.1 Workspace, and updates the Guardian 1.1 Registry. To download the Upgrade Plug-in, go to the following URL:

    Download the following file:

  4. Import your Guardian 1.0 Workspace into Guardian 1.1: The final step is to start the Guardian 1.1. User Interface and use the Import Wizard to import your Guardian 1.0 Workspace into Guardian 1.1.
Note: For basic instructions for completing these tasks, see "Upgrade Instructions" on page 13, below. For complete instructions and additional important information, see the BEA Guardian 1.1 Installation Guide.

Upgrade Instructions

This section provides basic instructions for upgrading to Guardian 1.1. For complete instructions and additional important information, see the BEA Guardian 1.1 Installation Guide.

To upgrade from Guardian 1.0.x to Guardian 1.1:

  1. Install Guardian 1.1 in a location separate from your Guardian 1.0.x installation.
  2. Caution: If you are upgrading from Guardian 1.0.x to Guardian 1.1, do not accept the default installation location. Be sure to install Guardian 1.1 in a different location than the previous Guardian 1.0.x installation.
  3. Download the Guardian 1.1 Upgrade Plug-in.
    1. Go to the following URL:

    3. Download the following file:

  4. Start the Guardian 1.1 User Interface.
  5. Guardian first displays the initial Welcome screen while loading, and then displays the Select Workspace dialog box.

  6. Click Browse to open a browser to select or create your Guardian 1.1 Workspace folder.
  7. IMPORTANT: For this upgrade procedure, do not accept the default location. Also, make sure the Workspace is not located within the Guardian installation directory, and is in a different location than your original Guardian 1.0.x Workspace. You may also want to select the

  8. Click OK to select the folder and return to the Select Workspace page.
  9. (Optional) Select Use this as the default workspace and do not ask again.
  10. For the purposes of this upgrade, it is recommended that you select this option until the upgrade is complete. You can change this setting at a later time by selecting Prompt for workspace on startup in the Guardian Preferences configuration page.

  11. Click Finish to create the new Workspace and start Guardian.
  12. Import your Guardian 1.0 Workspace.
    1. Select File > Import to open the Import wizard.
    2. In the folder tree, open the Guardian folder and select Guardian 1.0 Workspace.
    3. Click Next to proceed to the Select 1.0 Installation page.
    4. Click Browse to open a file browser and select your Guardian 1.0 installation directory.
    5. Select the directory and click OK.
    6. Click Next to proceed to the Select 1.0 Workspaces page.
    7. Selecte a Workspace and click Finish.
    8. Guardian proceeds to import the selected 1.0 Workspace. This may take a few seconds to complete.

  13. Restart Guardian.
  14. Restart Guardian to automatically add the domains from the imported Workspace to the Domain Explorer tree. Until you restart Guardian, the imported data will not be displayed in the Navigation Pane Explorers.

The installation is now complete, and you can use Guardian 1.1 to evaluate your environment.

Preserving Credentials When Using Guardian Headless Mode

You must use the – c true flag with Headless Mode evaluate commands or the credentials will be removed.


Once the credentials are removed, you must pass them in again using the – u and – p options with the – c true flag set.

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