Installation and Migration Guide

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This document explains how to install BEA WebLogic JRockit 7.0 SDK on supported platforms and how to switch from other JVMs to WebLogic JRockit 7.0 JVM.


Java 2 Standard EditionTM (J2SETM) Compatibility

WebLogic JRockit 7.0 JVM is certified by Sun Microsystems, Inc. to be compatible with Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE), versions 1.3.1.

The JRE class files that are distributed with WebLogic JRockit 7.0 SDK come directly from Sun except for a small number, which are tightly coupled to the JVM and are therefore overridden in this version of WebLogic JRockit. The class files that are overridden are in the java.lang,, and java.util packages. There are no omitted classes.


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