Chapter 7. Enterprise Features

Table of Contents

7.1. EEPersistenceManager object listeners
7.2. EEPersistenceManager transaction listeners
7.3. Datastore Cache
7.3.1. Overview of Kodo JDO Datastore Caching
7.3.2. Kodo JDO Cache Usage
7.3.3. Cache Extension
7.3.4. Important notes about the DataCache
7.3.5. Known issues and limitations
7.4. Query Extensions
7.4.1. Using extensions in queries
7.4.2. Included Kodo Extensions
7.4.3. Writing custom extensions
7.4.4. Configuring Extensions
7.5. Fetch Groups
7.5.1. Normal Default Fetch Group Behavior

Kodo JDO Enterprise Edition includes a number of proprietary features targeted at the enterprise developer. This chapter outlines these features.

7.1. EEPersistenceManager object listeners

Often, it is desirable to be able to do extra processing on a global basis when a change is made to an object. The JDO specification provides the javax.jdo.InstanceCallbacks interface to this end. However, if you wish to perform extra logic regardless of the type of the object, it is not ideal to require developers to make a callback to some global change listener. For example, if your application wished to log all deletes, you could use this callback mechanism to perform this logging without requiring that all your persistence-capable objects implement the jdoPreDelete() method.

The EEPersistenceManager uses the interface to permit this type of global callback behavior. See the JavaDoc included with this documentation for more information on this interface.